Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1736: Just change

   Chapter 1736

After stepping out of the office building, Xue Huaimin still felt a little uncomfortable.

  Although the principal finally sent the two of them out of the office, he greeted them enthusiastically and said goodbye.

  But Xue Huaimin knew that it was all directed at Jiang Xiaobai, not at himself.

  I have been ignored from beginning to end, whether it is before knowing my true identity or after knowing my true identity is the same.

   even knows that his true identity is the student’s parent, not Jiang Xiaobai’s assistant, secretary and other roles.

  Neglected more severely, not as good as someone who mistakenly thought it was Jiang Xiaobai’s secretary, driver and the like.

  Xue Huaimin is also a small leader in the unit. He is also a face-saving person, but he did not expect that he would be completely ignored today, and it would be strange to feel comfortable in his heart.

   But there is no way. The principal of Wanzhu Elementary School is not a big man in Modu.

  But social relations are also very complicated, because many leaders' children are also sent to Wanzhu Primary School.

   More or less will give others a little face, so the position of the principal of Wanzhu Elementary School is not high, and there is no high weight.

  But there are many connections.

  I am not afraid that a small leader in another district will be able to wear shoes for others.

  On the contrary, now the girl is in Wanzhu Elementary School, and she still needs to have a good relationship with her.

  So even if he feels uncomfortable, he just greeted people with a smile just now, and his posture was very low.

  However, the more he was like this, the more curious he was, what kind of identity Jiang Xiaobai, a business man, could be treated like this by the principal of Wanzhu Primary School.

  Why? No matter how big the business is, it won’t be enough.

   Jiang Xiaobai, Jiang Xiaobai, and Xue Huaimin muttered. This name always feels a bit familiar, but I can't remember where I heard it.

  On the other side, Zhang Li rushed back to the classroom, but did not see Jiang Xiaobai. After asking Jiang Langlang, she knew that Jiang Xiaobai had already left.

  I felt a little regretful, I could only mend the relationship with Jiang Xiaobai next time I met Jiang Xiaobai.

  After all, I was Jiang Langlang's head teacher, and Jiang Xiaobai couldn't get around.

  Jiang Xiaobai just has some prejudices against him in his heart, and there is no way. For the sake of his son, he also has to build a good relationship with himself, and the grade director of next year must fight for himself.

   But just after Jiang Xiaobai left, Zhang Li soon received a notice from the school that the vice principal of the school was looking for her.

  After she went, she received an unbelievable news.

  She was disqualified as a class teacher by the school, and the school sent her to the logistics office.

  Of course she didn’t want to, and argued with the leader for reasons, but the leader said that some students’ parents complained to her.

  Shirking responsibility, not being able to manage the class well, and being partial to students.

  These reasons seem to be very serious and very bad, but when you think about it carefully, there is no difference between whether there is a reason or not.

  And the most important thing is that there is no evidence at all, it is completely free evidence.

   was confirmed without investigation, of course she refused to accept it.

  However, the school’s transfer of her position was not due to these few reasons. The reason on the document was for normal work needs.

  Work needs a fart, although everyone usually says that I am a brick of the revolution, where I need to move.

  But in fact, if you are promoted, it’s okay, but if you demote, there is no reason for you to demote a try.

  Look at this brick, can it be moved?

  Zhang Li is now in this situation. A student’s parent complained and asked her to demote to the logistics office.

  Isn’t this bullying? She had never seen this before.

  Of course she was not convinced, but she had a big argument with the leader, and in the end there was no way to change the result.

  If she does not accept it, then the next hat of disobedience can be put on her head, and even the logistics department may not be able to stay at that time.

  But she is not reconciled. She is the youngest head teacher of Wanzhu Primary School. In the next step, with the current domestic environment of vigorously promoting young leaders, she still wants to become the youngest head teacher.

  As a result, it was shattered in an instant now. The shock was so great that she couldn't accept it at all.

  Why? Why is this so?

  Zhang Li put her hand in her hair, thinking painfully, the student’s parents complained, this is not a reason, but an excuse.

  The parents of the students, Zhang Li was taken aback suddenly, she wanted to understand.

   may really be the parent of the student. She has limited knowledge. She always thought that although she offended Jiang Xiaobai, it didn’t matter. As long as she was Jiang Langlang’s head teacher, Jiang Xiaobai would dare not offend herself for the sake of her children.

  Even Jiang Xiaobai needs to use his energy to help himself.

  This is the limitation of her insight. Since Jiang Xiaobai has energy to help her become a grade director, why not use this energy to solve her.

  After all, it is difficult to solve a series of problems, but it is the easiest to solve the problem directly, that is, Zhang Li.

  All the beautiful things she thinks about are based on the premise that she is the head teacher of Jiang Xiaobai’s son Jiang Chao.

   But not anymore...

  After Zhang Li figured out all this, not only did he not dare to hate Jiang Xiaobai, but was full of fear.

  Fists clenched tightly, and his body trembled.

  Too terrifying, Jiang Xiaobai replaced herself in one sentence. She didn't want to retaliate against Jiang Xiaobai, but she didn't dare.

  She is a person who bullies the soft and fears the hard, even scared of a rogue like Wang Ye, not to mention the existence of Jiang Xiaobai who makes Wang Ye shiver.

  The more than ten bodyguards asked the principal to replace himself with one sentence. This is a black and white boss.

  She dare not retaliate...

  On the other side, in front of the school, Wang Ye still stood upright, he did not go.

  In fact, when he wanted to understand what happened last night, he wanted to run. The farther he went, the better. It would be better for Jiang Xiaobai to find himself.

  But he didn't dare. One is that he can't run away because he has a family and a career, and the other is where he can go if he is targeted by such a big man.

  In addition, his legs are shaking, and he can't run.

  Wang Ye moved past until he saw Jiang Xiaobai and Xue Huaimin come out of the school.

   "I'm sorry, I was wrong." Wang Ye lowered his head in front of Jiang Xiaobai, bowed ninety degrees, and couldn't say that he was not sincere.

  However, Jiang Xiaobai was unmoved, just stood so casually, and took a cigarette from his pocket.

  "Sorry, the little one has eyes but doesn't know Taishan, your grown-up doesn't care about the villain's life, just let me as a fart..."

  (End of this chapter)

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