Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1737: Scared to pee

   Chapter 1737

  Xue Huaimin watched this scene from the side, Wang Ye's fat body bowed at ninety degrees, and to be honest, it was very strenuous.

  But Wang Ye still did it. Xue Huaimin was relieved that the matter was finally over.

  Unexpectedly, this Wang Ye looks very coarse, but in fact he looks like a pig, and his heart is bright.

  After seeing Jiang Xiaobai's extraordinary, he was able to admit his mistakes immediately.

  And being able to do this step is really not easy.

  If it were him, maybe he would just pretend not to see it and just ignore it, hiding far away, and he won’t provoke Jiang Xiaobai again in the future.

   won't come, bowed and bent over to apologize ninety degrees.

  After all, he is also a face-to-face person, how could he do this in the public.

  But what Xue Huaimin didn't know was that if Wang Ye had not experienced the two things that the pig farm supplier was out of stock last night, and the man in black broke into the house and directly beat people, it is estimated that he would make the same choice as Xue Huaimin.

   But now, this is different.

   However, Xue Huaimin and Wang Ye did not expect, Wang Ye bowed ninety degrees and apologized.

  But Jiang Xiaobai didn't say a word, and looked at Wang Ye in silence.

  Wang Ye's face was green and white, and he was struggling fiercely in his heart. He had already pulled down his face and apologized. Seeing Jiang Xiaobai's meaning, he didn't want to let him go.

  He really wanted to lift his leg and leave. From then on, he has never died with Jiang Xiaobai, but when he thinks that he doesn't have the capital, he can only pray for Jiang Xiaobai's forgiveness.

   "Come with me." Jiang Xiaobai said, and then walked towards the car.

  In an instant, Wang Ye clenched his fists and followed Jiang Xiaobai.

  Follow Jiang Xiaobai, and his life can be handed over to Jiang Xiaobai.

  At the gate of the school, Jiang Xiaobai was mad no matter how rampant he was. He didn't dare to do anything to himself in broad daylight, but it was different after Jiang Xiaobai left.

   But if you don’t go, the previous apology will be completely wasted.

   However, thinking about it carefully, Jiang Xiaobai didn't dare to kill himself no matter what, after all, so many people saw Jiang Xiaobai taking him away.

  If something happens to him, Jiang Xiaobai will be the first suspect, so it's worth a gamble.

   Xue Huaimin also followed Jiang Xiaobai into the car subconsciously. After getting in the car, Xue Huaimin realized something was wrong.

  What do you do with yourself in the car? If this kind of thing is mixed in by itself, it would be harmful but not beneficial.

  But now it’s not good to get in the car by yourself and ask if you get off.

  Jiang Xiaobai also gave Xue Huaimin a weird look. Didn’t you say that all those who work within the system are quite discerning?

   However, Jiang Xiaobai didn't say anything. He saw Wang Ye getting in the car and asked Li Jian to drive.

   "Find a place where no one is." Jiang Xiaobai said.

   "Okay." Li Jian responded, turned the steering wheel, and turned to another road.

   Hearing Jiang Xiaobai’s words, Wang Ye, who was sitting beside him, shivered all over, almost not scared to pee.

  What is this to do, is it to kill? Why are you looking for a place where no one is.

   "Boss Jiang, I'm sorry, I was wrong, I was wrong." Wang Ye almost did not kneel down to Jiang Xiaobai.

  But the bodyguard sitting aside, stopped him immediately, and followed Jiang Xiaobai's intention. Let him shut up.

  Xue Huaimin feels bitter, he can't wait to break his leg now, why should he keep up? After seeing the killing, can he end up?

   "Boss Jiang, it won't happen." Xue Huaimin began to persuade him with a trembling voice. Although it is unlikely that Jiang Xiaobai would kill someone if he didn't agree, it couldn't be ruled out.

  Mainly, this scene is too similar to scenes in some movies, let alone think about it carefully, I am really unfamiliar with Jiang Xiaobai.

  Who exactly is Jiang Xiaobai, whether there is any split personality, whether it is the kind of big man who binds people and throws people into the Huangpu River when they disagree, he doesn't understand at all.

  How come you got on the thief ship!

  Wang Ye on the side heard Xue Huaimin begging for him, and his face showed gratitude.

   "What can't it be?" Jiang Xiaobai smiled bitterly and shook his head. What kind of person does he think of himself, a gangster who kills without blinking?

  Wang Ye’s matter, if it weren’t for his son, he would have left the fight after the fight yesterday.

  The reason why there was a follow-up thing was because he was afraid that Wang Ye would not give up and take revenge on his son.

  After all, only Thousand Days is a thief, there is no reason for Thousand Days to guard against thieves!

   Soon the car stopped at an abandoned factory. Jiang Xiaobai glanced at Li Jian, not knowing how Li Jian found it.

  Huaqing Holding Group hasn’t been around for a long time. I’m so familiar with this kind of place!

   "Dong Jiang, don't get out of the car, just leave it to someone else." Li Jian said after he parked the car.

   "Woo woo woo." Wang Ye struggled violently. He got goose bumps all over his body. What does this bodyguard mean?

  Don't let Jiang Xiaobai get out of the car. Obviously, you don't want Jiang Xiaobai to get involved. Even if something happens, you can clear it away.

   "Ginger...Ginger..." Xue Huaimin slammed directly on him, without uttering a complete sentence for a long time.

  It’s so pitiful in the sky. He is an office worker. Although he has experienced some fights in the first half of his life, he has never seen such things as killing people.

   Jiang Xiaobai glanced at Li Jian with a black face: "What do you think?"

  After speaking, push the door and get out of the car. As soon as he got out of the car, Wang Ye knelt down with a plop.

   "Boss Jiang, I was wrong, I was wrong, you let me go, let me go, I promise I will never show up in front of you again...

  Wang Ye said as he slapped himself.

  Jiang Xiaobai originally thought that he needed to beat Wang Ye before he could make Wang Ye feel scared, and from then on he changed his evil spirits.

  In other words, Wang Ye had a deep impression and was educated.

  But he didn't expect Wang Ye to be so scared.

  Of course, Jiang Xiaobai had some intentions to scare Wang Ye when he drove to a place where no one was there.

  But I didn’t expect that the effect would be so good.

  "Yes, yes, yes... Jiang, Jiang, boss Jiang, this is the truth." Xue Huaimin nodded aside like smashing garlic, squatting fiercely.

   "You make me very embarrassed like this!" Jiang Xiaobai looked at Wang Ye and said with a sigh.

  Wang Ye heard that there was hope, and suddenly kowtow more vigorously.

   "Boss Jiang, please, I won’t dare anymore..."

  Xue Huaimin tremblingly said: "Jiang...Boss Jiang, I'll do...for him... as a guarantor. He will definitely not...don't dare anymore."

  "Yes, yes, Mr. Xue is a security guard, I don’t dare anymore, please, let me go, let me go, I have my parents, and I have children..."

  (End of this chapter)

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