Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1742: Director Xiaobai has not changed

   Chapter 1742 The director of Xiaobai has not changed

  Pictures hung on the wall, recording the ups and downs of Jianhua Village along the way, the indomitable Jianhua spirit, and the profound heritage.

  At this time, the partner will give a thumbs up.

  The people in Jianhua Village nodded slightly and smiled at the compliment.

  Jianhua Village walked all the way, and it was such a compliment.

   Lying on the kang inside the cave, Jiang Xiaobai slept very securely.

  The next morning, the sun shined through the gaps in the curtains and scattered all over the ground.

  Jiang Xiaobai was awakened by the noise in the yard, rubbing his eyes and came to the window to take a look.

  In the yard, a table for dividends has been arranged.

  For many years, the educated youth courtyard has once again become lively. The usual dividend conferences are held in the compound of the village committee, and there are special large conference rooms.

  They haven't been sitting in the open-air courtyard with stools like this for many years, waiting for dividends.

  But this way, it is more lively, unlike sitting in a meeting, so that the open air is more fun.

  The stools are sloppy, and everyone is talking about it, it's so lively.

   After Jiang Xiaobai opened the door and came out, he became even more excited.

   Consciously and Jiang Xiaobai can talk, come over and chat with Jiang Xiaobai.

  Li Longquan brought the buns, and Jiang Xiaobai was chatting with everyone while eating.

   Talking about the original Jianhua Village and the current Jianhua Village.

  As time went by, the entire educated youth courtyard was jam-packed.

  Even the open space in front of the door is full of people, the speaker has been connected, and someone is auditioning "Hey hey hey."

   "Guanghua, are there so many people in Jianhua Village now?" Jiang Xiaobai asked, looking at the black head.

  He Guanghua said: "Not all, there are some who work in our village.

  The annual dividend meeting can be regarded as the busiest time in the village. Many people come to work in other places and come to see the excitement.

  When the money is divided during the day, there are few people who come. After all, watching others divide the money, I am not very comfortable with this lively watching.

  But more people come when the troupe is singing at night. "

   "Singing?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

   "Yes, isn't the village rich now? Everyone usually doesn't have much entertainment. Sometimes they organize a movie and sometimes invite a troupe to sing.

  Our local Shangdang clapper, everyone just listen to it..." He Guanghua said.

  Jiang Xiaobai nodded and understood that there will be many theater troupes in rural areas for later generations. There is a happy event at home, and the elderly are celebrating their birthdays. Please ask for a theater troupe.

  "But most of them are from our village. You are a few of you, Jiang Dong, and you probably don’t know him, those who married at home, gave birth to children, and settled in other places.

  There are still sons-in-law recruits. In the past two years, the sons-in-laws in Jianhua Village have been recruited from the same family..."

  Compared with the whole single bachelor village in Jianhua Village a few years ago, marrying a daughter-in-law is extremely difficult. Now in Jianhua Village, hiring son-in-law is a common practice, and it is nothing new.

  The family has money, and the policies in Jianhua Village are good, the village has money, and the welfare is good, so naturally there are more things like recruiting sons-in-law.

   "I don't know if there are any soldiers here, the kind that can give an order to the return of 100,000 soldiers." Jiang Xiaobai muttered in his heart, and then continued to listen to He Guanghua's words about the changes in Jianhua Village in the past two years.

  Ninety-five percent of the people in the yard are from Jianhua Village.

   Soon the dividend meeting began. He Guanghua asked Jiang Xiaobai to preside over the stage. Of course, Jiang Xiaobai would not steal He Guanghua's limelight.

   smiled and shook his head and refused, and then sat in the audience, watching He Guanghua presiding over the dividends.

  A little less than ten thousand twenty thousand, and even more than one hundred thousand.

  In such a calculation, as long as Jiang Xiaobai became a shareholder of the pig farm, basically all of them were households with 10,000 yuan.

  At this time, the ten-thousand yuan households are still quite rich in gold.

  Everyone’s faces were full of joy. He Guanghua, who thanked He Guanghua on the stage for giving out the money, had to face Jiang Xiaobai’s direction when he stepped down and shouted "Thank you, Director Xiaobai."

  Although Jiang Xiaobai's name in Huaqing Holding Group has long been replaced by "Jiang Dong." But in Jianhua Village, everyone is still willing to call it "Xiaobai Factory Manager", which is a cordial name.

  He Guanghua on the stage was envious. He has been busy for a year, and he is not as good as Jiang Xiaobai’s work sitting under the stage.

  But think about it, Jiang Xiaobai did the work on this pig farm at first, and it will be understandable if he took everyone to make a fortune.

  Jiang Xiaobai is the pioneer, and he is the successor.

   And Jiang Xiaobai, the pioneer, has opened the way too well, so his successor can only follow behind.

  Although he has also made achievements, it is estimated that many people think that he is still inferior to Jiang Xiaobai.

  Jiang Xiaobai watched this scene happily, happier than he was making money.

   Leading the villagers of Jianhua Village to make a fortune, instead of making a fortune from the memory of rebirth alone, perhaps this is the most correct decision I have made in my life.

  It was almost 12 noon after the dividends were distributed, and there was a big banquet in the village, but it was in the village committee.

  The small courtyard of the educated youth courtyard can't put it down at all.

  He Guanghuafei took Jiang Xiaobai and asked Jiang Xiaobai to say something.

  Although it is almost noon, if someone else comes to the stage to speak, it is estimated that the villagers will be impatient.

  But Jiang Xiaobai held the microphone, and the scene soon became quiet.

   "I watched the dividends just now. Every one of them is at least ten thousand yuan, and I am jealous." Jiang Xiaobai said.

  Many people who work in Jianhua Village to watch the excitement and those who have not been in Jianhua Village for a long time are immediately stunned.

  They have not been in Jianhua Village for a long time, but they have also heard of Jiang Xiaobai’s name, so they are big people in their eyes.

  Don’t talk about Wen Zou Zou’s words, it should be very good.

  As a result, this opening, how can this be the same as the people in the village.

  This is more rude than them. Although they used to talk like this when they were in the village, after they came to Jianhua Village, they consciously came to a big place. They usually pay attention to their words and deeds.

   Even returning to my village for the New Year and New Year holidays, listening to people swearing, will show a look of contempt, and then say that we are in Jianhua Village, we don’t talk like that, everyone is very qualified and so on.

  But the old man in Jianhua Village, listening to Jiang Xiaobai’s words, laughed loudly and applauded while laughing.

  Director Xiaobai, that’s the director Xiaobai, just as before.

  Have a culture, but there are many scolding mothers. Originally, the director of Xiaobai was still in the village. Those who worked in the educated youth cannery were often scolded by the director of Xiaobai.

  (End of this chapter)

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