Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1743: Bosses don’t know

  Chapter 1743 The bosses don’t know each other

  Jiang Xiaobai scolds his mother, the old man in Jianhua Village not only listened without feeling uncomfortable, but was very kind.

   "The jealousy is jealous, but I am very happy. This time I came back to see that our Jianhua Village has now expanded a lot.

  Supermarkets, hotels, flour mills, slaughterhouses, compared to the original village, there is not even a small shop, now I don’t know how many times better.

  Think about it, why these factories can survive because everyone has money in their hands and will consume them.

  Why are these shops opened in our Jianhua Village, and not in other villages, because other villages cannot afford it.

  So I was very happy to see it. The two-storey small western-style building and the three-storey villa are better for one family than for one.

  I really feel happy in my heart, happy for everyone, and happy for the better and better Jianhua Village. "

   Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, bowed to the audience, and then walked off the stage amidst applause.

  The dividend meeting is over, Jiang Xiaobai wrapped her clothes tightly, and then went to the feed factory with Laosan Li.

  Stayed in Jianhua Village for two days. On the third morning, Jiang Xiaobai left Jianhua Village quietly.

  Go directly to Pengcheng. Pengcheng Changxingju Real Estate Co., Ltd., although it is almost the end of the year, there are no statistics on the performance of this year.

  At this time, when the performance was officially rushed, and the various policies issued by the company were added, the entire sales department looked busy.

  When Jiang Xiaobai, Wang Meng and others walked in, the salesperson didn't lift their heads, so they habitually introduced the house.

  Wang Meng has a black line on his face, but Jiang Xiaobai talked with the salesman with great interest.

  I have to say that this salesperson is still very eloquent, and the introduction is also good. The few words made Jiang Xiaobai interested in buying a house.

   "Okay, this house is not bad, I want a set of the position of Lou Wang." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

   "Really? Great, sir, you really have vision." The salesman said with a smile on his face.

  Although there are not many young big clients like this, there are some. At the end of the year, he doesn’t believe it when people come out to have fun.

   was about to take Jiang Xiaobai to prepare the contract, and saw his immediate boss, the sales manager, jogging over.

  The salesman greeted him excitedly, looked at the manager and said, "Boss, Lou Wang, these two guests want Lou Wang to have a suite."

   "What building king, my brain is broken, this is Mr. Wang and Chairman Jiang." The sales manager has a black line on his face.

  This salesperson has a good performance, and he is usually attentive to work, but he can’t just lower his head to pull the cart and look up at the road.

  Although the sales department of their sales department, whether the work is successful, mainly depends on the performance, but sometimes it is impossible not to talk about politics at all.

  Sales are being promoted to the boss of the company and the boss of the head office. Isn’t this a joke?

  You don’t even know the boss of the company and the boss of the head office, how will you mix in the company in the future?

  This is too shameful.

   "Ah, Mr. Wang and Dong Jiang, my sales are off." The salesman subconsciously murmured, feeling disappointed. This is Lou Wang.

  If you have the performance of this house, it will not be a problem for you to get an advanced employee at the end of this year, and not only an advanced employee, but also a bonus.

  This amount of money is a lot, but the duck that got it just flew like this.

  Thinking of this, the salesman suddenly felt empty.

  But in an instant, he suddenly thought of the identities of these two people, a company boss, and a head office boss. This is more than just a duck.

  It is also possible to be criticized, which has an impact on your future in the company.

  The sales manager on the side was very dark, and the people underneath were unwilling to be upright. They had no brains at all. At this time, they were still considering the issue of performance.

  Is there any political savvy?

  What is this...

  "I'm sorry, Dong Jiang, I'm sorry Mr. Wang, I'm too careless, I didn't recognize you two..." The salesman also reacted and quickly apologized.

   Jiang Xiaobai laughed loudly: “You don’t need to apologize. It’s not your fault for not knowing us. It is the fault of the chairman of the head office of mine, and the fault of the leader of the company Wang Meng.

  It means that we are few in number and don’t care enough about the employees. Otherwise, the employees will not know us, so the problem is us, Wang Meng, are you right? "

  Jiang Xiaobai turned his head to look at Wang Meng. Wang Meng smiled and nodded: “Yes, Jiang Dong, I’ll review it. This is my problem. I come here few times and don’t care about employees.”

  For sales managers and salesmen, it’s an important issue, but for Jiang Xiaobai and Wang Meng, it’s nothing.

  They still have this stomach.

   "Really, thank you Jiang Dong, thank you Wang, it is my problem, it is my problem." The salesman breathed a sigh of relief.

  But the sales manager on the side looked dark, and he was even more worried.

   Normally, if the leader is black and angry, the matter will pass.

  But now the head of the head office personally admits the mistakes, and the boss of the company admits the mistakes, so what can they do?

  The leaders are wrong, they are right, where there is such a reason in the world, only subordinates have always been responsible for the leaders.

  Where is there a leader who gave his subordinates a scapegoat? Mr. Wang was forced by Dong Jiang to admit his mistake. When Dong Jiang left, they would be better off!

  Sales manager, after all, is the leader and thinks a lot, not as optimistic as a salesman.

   "In addition, your performance is not yellow. The position of the Lou Wang you recommended is really good. I will ask the secretary to find you when I look back. I will buy a set and the performance will count on you." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

  "Really?" The salesman almost didn't jump up in excitement.

  I thought that if the duck flew, I had to be criticized.

  The result is not only that you don’t need to be criticized, but the list has been completed, and the performance can still be counted on yourself.

   "Really, I, Jiang Xiaobai, spit a nail in one mouthful, and speak up, and don't give any discounts to this house. You should give him a performance commission, not a penny less." Jiang Xiaobai confessed.

   Wang Meng nodded: "Don't worry Jiang Dong, I understand."

   "Don't worry Jiang Dong, we will definitely follow suit." The sales manager also said.

   "I don't need Dong Jiang, I don't want the commission, as long as it is a performance." The salesman waved his hands in excitement.

   "Okay, let me do it, this is how it is done, it's a good job, thank you, it is precisely because of employees like you that our company can grow and develop." Jiang Xiaobai praised the salesman with a pat on the shoulder.

  (End of this chapter)

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