Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1744: Wang Meng also wants to go public

   Chapter 1744 Wang Meng also wants to go public

   Jiang Xiaobai and Wang Meng entered the office, and they looked around.

   Then came out of the sales office, Wang Meng and Jiang Xiaobai returned to Changxingju Real Estate Company.

  Changxingju Real Estate Company moved, not rented out the original building, went to another building and bought three floors for office use.

  As for building an office building, Changxingju Real Estate Company is not saying that it does not have this strength.

  But this is completely unnecessary. If you want to build a building, you also need a complete development plan.

  It’s not the style of Changxingju Real Estate Co., Ltd. to decide with one head, regret with one thigh, and leave with one butt.

   is also not Jiang Xiaobai's style.

  Wang Meng’s office is quite spacious, with two pots of green plants, and the temperature in Pengcheng is not too cold.

  The green plants grow well, bringing a touch of vitality to the office.

   Jiang Xiaobai sat on the leather sofa, drinking tea and looking at Wang Meng’s office.

   "Dong Jiang, this is the case. Even if you are not here, I am also going to report to you when I return to the capital at the end of the year." Wang Meng looked at Jiang Xiaobai and said.

  Jiang Xiaobai glanced at Wang Meng, and said with a smile: "Don't be nonsense, talk about things, and report to work."

   "Hehe." Wang Meng said with a smiley face: "Jiang Dong, our Changxingju Real Estate Company wants to go public."

   "Going on the market? You are really restless one by one. You typically see wolves eating meat instead of being beaten."

   Jiang Xiaobai said helplessly, the listing of a home and a beverage factory has brought the hearts of all subsidiaries of the entire Huaqing Holding Group into the wild.

  To go public and spend a lot of money, the company can continue to expand, and the market value will double at once.

  Such a good thing, whoever sees it is jealous.

   "Yes, we were beaten, but we can't miss a good time for development because we are beaten. To be honest, Jiang Dong, look at our Changxingju Real Estate Company.

  After so long of development, I already have experience, personal connections, and some relevant conditions.

  It is entirely possible to spread the stall a bit bigger. Borrowing the power of the stock market and capital, we Changxingju Real Estate Company..."

  Wang Meng is eloquent, and Luo Li has been talking about it for a long time, and there is only one core idea.

  Changxingju Real Estate Company wants to go public, and Changxingju Real Estate Company has many benefits.

  "Do you know about the dispute between Baoan and Yanzhong Industrial in the Magic Capital Stock Market?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

  Wang Meng was taken aback, his momentum was a bit stuck, but he nodded: "I know."

"This is the **** reality of the stock market. The strong are always strong. It is a place where people can't see blood. If you want to be in the stock market, want to get a share of the capital market, how easy is it!" Jiang Xiaobai looked at Wang Meng persuaded.

  In fact, for Changxingju Real Estate Company, Jiang Xiaobai did not want to market this morning.

  Stay stable again, another five or six years, wait until the 21st century, after the millennium, to talk about the listing, isn’t it good?

  The real estate industry at this time is not so stable. Once listed, it will be greatly affected by the industry.

  If you don’t go public, even if you bring some money from the bank to build a building, if there is a turmoil, the head office will support it and resist it.

  Otherwise, the stock market is going up and down. Once it is targeted by someone who is interested, it’s not about taking the company’s money to fatten other people’s pockets!

   Jiang Xiaobai has always been more cautious about the capital market.

  "Dong Jiang, I know what you said, but those who are brave and starve to death are very good now on the market. After we enter the market, we will be able to develop.

  If anything happens then, we will be able to survive..." Wang Meng still insisted on his own ideas.

   Jiang Xiaobai was a little helpless, but when he finally left from Changxingju Real Estate Company, he did not agree, but said he would consider it again.

  Too unable to say, what Wang Meng said was totally unreasonable, but Wang Meng's worries could not be dispelled by just a few words.

   Coming out of Pengcheng, Jiang Xiaobai went directly to Jinling, the headquarters of Huaqing Electrical Appliances.

  The main factories of the garment factory and the beverage factory have moved to Modu. You can go anytime, but the headquarters of Huaqing Electric has taken root in Jinling.

  Wang Chao didn't mean to move, and Jiang Xiaobai didn't make any sense for Wang Chao to move.

  It is not easy for Huaqing Electric to take root in Jinling. How can it be easy to leave?

   "Dong Jiang." Wang Chao had only seen Jiang Xiaobai in the Modu two days ago, and after a short time, he saw Jiang Xiaobai again in Jinling.

  There is nothing to tell the past. I went directly to the headquarters of Huaqing Electrical Appliances.

  After a brief meeting, Jiang Xiaobai met with the senior management of Huaqing Electric

   Said to be the top of Huaqing Electric Appliances, but in fact, there are not many people, everyone is busy outside.

  At the end of the year, we are also engaged in sales promotion, rushing to achieve performance, or go to the manufacturer to talk about related promotion activities.

  Not many people actually stayed at the Jinling headquarters.

  Jiang Xiaobai also knew that when the afternoon arrived, it was already night after the meeting. Jiang Xiaobai and everyone had a meal, and then went back to the room to rest.

  The next morning, three poles in the sun, Jiang Xiaobai only got up, from the magic capital to Jianhua Village, and from Jianhua to Pengcheng.

  Returning to Jinling from Pengcheng, Jiang Xiaobai in the middle also went to two garment factories by the way. The home and the beverage factory were in the branch factories outside the city.

  I was so tired of Jiang Xiaobai, I don’t have to worry when I come to Jinling.

  Wang Chao has nothing to do here, and what Huaqing Electric has found is also very good. As long as it is a step-by-step development, it does not need any guidance.

  So after Jiang Xiaobai's meeting yesterday was over, he returned to the magic city today, which is considered to have completed the task.

  However, Jiang Xiaobai is still going to take a day off in Jinling. By the way, take a look at his parents Jiang Shuwen and Xiang Shasha in his previous life.

  If you follow the rhythm of the previous life, in July next year, two people will give birth to themselves...

  This is too awkward, it means that anyway.

  Jiang Xiaobai doesn’t know what he will be when the time comes. This is a question of philosophy.

   But compared to the novels that I have read on the Internet before I rebirth, I am my second uncle, I am my father, I am a stranger, I am a stranger.

  At least you don’t have to face so many ethical relationships, otherwise, you will pass through to become your second uncle, and then marry your second aunt...Tsk tusk, the scene is scary to think about.

   Jiang Xiaobai glanced at the watch on the table. It was eleven o'clock.

   grabbed the phone in the room and called Jiang Shuwen’s workshop.

  As a result, I was told that Jiang Shuwen was no longer in the workshop, and went to the sales department as a deputy section chief.

   Jiang Xiaobai called the sales department again.

  (End of this chapter)

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