Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1746: Personnel transfer

   Chapter 1746 Personnel Transfer

  Xiang Sasha came home and felt that she had exhausted her last bit of strength, and she just wanted to fall asleep, even though she was hungry and "cooing".

  But after opening the door, I smelled a scent.

   "Did you make it earlier?" Xiang Sha Sha looked at Jiang Shuwen and said in surprise.

   "Yes, I know you are tired, but eat something before resting." Jiang Shuwen said with a smile.

   "Wow." Washing her hands to Sasha, she said as she walked over to the dining table.

  "Okay, ginger, thank you. By the way, why didn’t you go to work today? Didn’t you go to a party with the factory manager last night? What was the result?"

   "The result is very good, Jiang Xiaobai asked Huaqing Electric to help us vigorously promote it at the end of the year promotion meeting.

  The two leaders are very happy, so I am not in a hurry to go to work. "Jiang Shuwen said with a smile.

  Xiang Sasha had a different opinion: "No, go quickly, the more this time, the sooner you have to go,

  In case the leader asked you to talk to you this morning, but found out that you were not there, wouldn’t you think you’re spoiled and arrogant? "

   "Okay, it makes sense, then I will go now." Jiang Shuwen nodded, in fact, he was very slow to react in this regard.

  Instead, Xiang Sasha is more concerned about these political matters, but it is a pity that she is a nurse herself.

  There is no political future.

   "You were so busy last night, I think you are stuck like this?" Jiang Shuwen looked at and asked Sasha.

  Xiang Sasha yawned while eating.

   "Well, I didn’t stop in one night. I was so tired. You know, Xiao Zhang from our department two days ago. I was transferred to the orthopedics department.

  The orthopedics department doesn’t say how much money it takes, and it stops at night, usually nothing happens..."

   "You said that you have been in the emergency department for so long, and your unit is in rotation, so you should change to another department." Jiang Shuwen asked with some confusion.

  "Rotation, what are you kidding about? That's the treatment that doctors who come for further training can get. My little nurse, how can there be such a treatment as rotation?

  Furthermore, if the emergency department releases us, who wants to come to such a place as the emergency department? "Xiang Sha Sha complained.

  In the emergency department, whoever is willing to stay, want to go to other departments to relax.

   But there is no way, she has nothing to do, how to move it.

   "Okay, I'll go now." Jiang Shuwen nodded, he remembered what Jiang Xiaobai asked him about last night.

  In fact, I should mention the matter of my daughter-in-law. Anyway, I owe a lot of favors, and it is related to my daughter-in-law.

  Even if he was cheeky, he should have said, alas, Jiang Xiaobai is probably gone now.

   "When Jiang Xiaobai comes next time, I will ask." Jiang Shuwen suddenly said before leaving the house.

   "Really?" Xiang Sa Sha said in surprise. He knew that his husband had a thin face and strong self-esteem, and he didn't want to trouble Jiang Xiaobai.

  I didn’t expect that my husband would take the initiative to say this.

   "Forget it, I'm also used to it." Without waiting for Jiang Shuwen to speak, Xiang Sha Sha said again.

  She can owe Jiang Xiaobai's favor to her husband's future, but she is unwilling to let her husband do what she doesn't want to do for her own sake.

   "Never mind it, you are so tired." Jiang Shuwen shook his head.

   "It's not like me alone, everyone is like this, there are so many nurses in the emergency department.

  Furthermore, it's still a formal job. How many people envy it outside. They don't have this treatment. "Said to Sasha.

  Jiang Shuwen didn't say anything, just nodded and went out.

  On the night shift last night, I took a day off the next day. The next day, Xiang Sa Sha came to the hospital. Just after changing clothes, the head nurse came over.

   "Sa Sa."

  "What's the matter with the head nurse?" asked Sasha.

  "The leader of the Personnel Department asked you to go there." The head nurse looked at Xiang Sha Sha and said strangely.

  The Personnel Department suddenly looked to Sasha. There was nothing wrong with Shasha. No mistakes were made. The Personnel Department turned to Sasha, and it was only about personnel adjustments.

  But I haven't heard anyone say that this has anything to do with Sa Sa. Everyone works together all day, and they are quite familiar with each other. Who has a relationship, and who has no one behind.

   "Human Resources Department, that leader?" Xiang Sasha asked in surprise.

   "Director Jin." The head nurse said.

  "Director Jin?" Xiang Shasha was taken aback. Director Jin is the head of the personnel department, the absolute leader.

  What are you doing with a little nurse? What did you do wrong? Xiang Sasha was surprised, but thinking about it carefully, she made mistakes in her work recently.

   "Sister Lin, what the **** is Director Jin looking for?" Xiang Sa Sha looked at the head nurse and asked.

   "You don't know, don't be kidding, you don't know what happened to the Personnel Department?" The head nurse shook her head, not believing what Xiang Shasha said.

  If you are not looking for someone behind the scenes, how could the Personnel Department find you?

  You said that you don’t know the reason. This is not a joke.

  "No, Sister Lin, I really didn’t lie, I really don’t know anything, I promise,

  The situation of my family Sister Lin, you also know that my family has no relationship at all. My husband is a deputy section chief of Jinling Machinery Factory. What kind of background is there?

  How can it be possible to catch up with Director Jin’s relationship! "Xiang Sha Sha explained anxiously, she knew what the head nurse Lin meant.

  But she really didn't, she thought, but unfortunately there is no such relationship.

  The head nurse looked at Xiang Sha Sha’s expression, not pretending, so she asked suspiciously: "Really?"

   "Really." Nodding to Sasha.

"Okay, but I don’t know. Ronaldinho from the personnel department came over to inform me this morning and told you to go to Director Jin for work. I didn’t say anything else. I asked. Ronaldinho said he didn’t know. Director Jin is right.

  However, there is nothing wrong with your recent work. I think it is a good thing even if something is wrong.

  Otherwise, Director Jin will not go out in person, so don’t worry. "

  Nurse Lin said, Xiang Sasha finally relaxed a little bit, right, she is a formal career organization.

  No mistakes, it is definitely impossible to deal with your own.

  Moreover, it’s just a little wrong to criticize, and there is no need for such a big leader as Director Jin to come forward.

  Surely a good thing? Good thing, I don’t know Director Jin, so what good things can there be?

   Could it be that the job was outstanding and Director Jin saw it? No, it's impossible, Xiang Shasha quickly denied this idea.

  If you want to talk about outstanding work, it’s hard to talk about it. Everyone is so busy. Nurses, where can outstanding work stand out? It's just taking care of patients.

  (End of this chapter)

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