Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1747: One step to the sky

   Chapter 1747

  Don’t worry about the light and fear the heavy, don’t pick and choose, choose the fat and the thin.

  Haha, Xiang Sasha is beautiful in her heart, of course, there is no need to choose, because they are all good positions, no matter which one is arranged, it is fatal.

   "Okay, then come to our Human Resources Department. Although it is a unit-level cadre, although the position is small, but the responsibilities are important, Comrade Xiang Sha Sha should pay attention to it." Director Jin said with a smile.

  Help to the end and send the Buddha to the west. Now that Chen Ju has spoken, it is not enough to just mobilize a post.

  By the way, do it for a small official, and this thing will be done beautifully. He can be the head of the personnel department of such a big hospital.

  Members of the hospital team, of course, they have their own unique places.

  "Thank you Director Jin, thank you Director Jin, I will definitely work hard and live up to the trust of the Director and the organization." She stood up and bowed to thank Sasha.

  Director Jin smiled freely. She was really sensible to Sasha, and she even put her name on the front to show her loyalty.

  However, he promoted Xiang Sha Sha not to help Xiang Sha Sha. Of course, Xiang Sha Sha has this heart and is sensible, and he is still very happy.

   chatted for two more words, and then told Xiang Shasha to go back, and his personnel department would immediately notify the emergency department.

  Thanks to Sa Sa again and again before leaving the office of Director Jin.

  She did not go back to the emergency department the first time she came out of Director Jin’s office.

  She was still a little confused, pinched herself severely to make sure she was not dreaming.

  But why, why Director Jin treats himself so well, the outstanding work is just one reason.

  What she wants to know is the real reason, recalling the process of Director Jin talking with herself.

  It seems that I didn’t say anything. No, Xiang Sha Sha remembered it. In the middle, Director Jin suddenly asked.

   "What is your relationship with Mr. Wang from Huaqing Electric Appliances?"

  So this is made by Mr. Wang of Huaqing Electrical Appliances, that is, Wang Chao.

  They have nothing to do with Wang Chao, mainly because of Jiang Xiaobai, so Wang Chao takes care of them.

  In addition, Jiang Xiaobai only came to Jinling two days ago, so it is conceivable that this matter was arranged by Jiang Xiaobai.

  In the future, I really have to thank Jiang Xiaobai. Xiang Sha Sha thought to herself, and when she understood the reason, Xiang Sha Sha felt at ease.

   There are smiles and excitement on his face. From today on, I am not a young nurse in the emergency department.

  It is the small chief of the personnel department of the hospital. Although she is only a unit-level cadre, she is already the leader in her heart.

  Haha, she almost laughed at Sasha.

  After the only son was happy, Xiang Shasha returned to the emergency department unhurriedly.

  At this time, the emergency department has been fried, because they have received the news from the personnel department.

   "Luo, this is true and false, how is it possible?" Head Nurse Lin asked Luo by the arm of the personnel department.

  This is the second time Ronaldinho has come to the emergency department today. The first time he came in the morning to inform Xiang Sha Sha and Director Jin to look for her.

  This is the second time I came here with the transferred file.

   "It's true, Head Nurse Lin, would I dare to make a joke about this? Besides, even if I was joking, the transfer file in my hand would not be a joke." Xiao Luo said with a wry smile.

  He was also a little uncomfortable. When he came here before, he was still an employee of the personnel department, and he was a little nurse for Xiang Shasha.

  He didn't pay attention to it at all, so he just let Head Nurse Lin convey it on his behalf and he fell down.

   But this time, although she is still an employee of the personnel department, Xiang Shasha is not the little nurse, but her colleague and leader.

  He couldn't understand why a little nurse could reach the sky in one step.

  Yes, from a small nurse in the emergency department, to the personnel department as a small leader, this is not what it means to climb the sky in one step.

   Normally, nurses in the emergency department are transferred to other departments to be nurses, and they are considered to be promoted. If they are transferred to the personnel department, it will be a high incense.

  Similar to Xiang Shasha's situation, that is, Chaowei Tian Shelang and Mu ascend Tianzitang.

  "It's really incredible. This is so tight to Sasha. Just now I asked her what Director Jin was looking for.

  As a result, she still looked confused and pretended to be true. I was deceived by her..." Head Nurse Lin said angrily.

  She thinks that she usually has a good relationship with Xiang Shasha. It doesn't matter if she doesn't tell Sasha about this kind of thing. After all, everything changes before the dust settles.

   But even asking her, pretending to be afraid of nothing is too much.

  She feels that Xiang Sasha's matter is very unnatural, but it is because she feels uncomfortable to lie to her, or is it because Xiang Sasha was jealous of the personnel department when she was so young and took the opportunity to vent her dissatisfaction.

  However, Xiao Luo on the side coughed lightly and reminded: "Mr. Lin, Director Xiang may not be deliberate. Mr. Lin still has to be cautious when talking about this."

   Ronaldinho deserves to be in the personnel department, and now he is the leader of Sa Sa, he immediately defended Sa Sa.

  Even if no one else was present at this time, but in case it was discovered, he was discussing his new leader with a head nurse.

  It’s too shameless to spread...

  Head Nurse Lin was stunned. She usually has a good relationship with Ronaldinho.

   And Ronaldinho and Xiang Shasha, it is estimated that they have not met so far, so Ronaldinho will maintain Shang Xiang Shasha.

  Sure enough, it’s different when someone becomes a leader, and Head Nurse Lin feels very bitter in her heart.

  The other people in the department also gathered around, asking questions one by one.

  After getting the exact news, everyone in the emergency department looked very complicated.

  Xiang Sasha is about to jump out of the quagmire of the emergency department. Usually, if someone jumps out of the quagmire of the emergency department.

  Although they are envious, they will certainly send blessings at the same time, but Xiang Sasha is not just jumping out of the quagmire, this is a step to the sky.

  This not only makes them envious, but also a little jealous.

  The expressions on each face are very complicated.

  But soon, someone shouted.

   "Xiang Sa Sa is back."

  Just like that, everyone's faces were suddenly full of smiles.

   Just kidding, no matter whether everyone is envious or jealous, but Xiang Sha Sha will be the leader in the future.

   surrounded them one by one, talking to Sasha in a rush, and everyone was blessing, envy, and congratulations.

  This colleague will be their leader in the future. With this innate relationship, in the future, if there is anything to do, it is always better to ask Sasha to do it than other people in the personnel department.

  (End of this chapter)

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