Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1749: Mound the grave

   Chapter 1749 Tomb Repair

  The family had dinner, and it was past ten o'clock. Zhao Gang and Han Lin didn’t mean to leave either. They couldn’t bear the two little babies Jiang Langlang and Jiang Xin.

  Jiang Xiaobai simply let Zhao Gang and Han Lin stay at home at night, anyway, there is a place to live at home.

  Just let Zhao Gang and Han Lin take two small things to the room to sleep, Jiang Xiaobai and Zhao Xinyi happened to have a relaxing night.

On the second day after Jiang Xiaobai returned to Longcheng, he took his two children to visit his father Jiang Tieshan.

  Jiang Tieshan's complexion is very good. Although he has been running outside for more than half a year, he is full of energy.

  Jiang Xiaobai feels relieved that people need to move, and they often don’t rest well.

   "Dad, go to the eldest brother's place in the evening, let's get together as a family." Jiang Xiaobai said while looking at Jiang Tieshan.

  Although it was New Year's Eve in a few days, Jiang Xiaobai guessed that if he didn't show up, they would have to visit one by one again.

  It’s better for everyone to get together. It’s been a year since Jiang Xiaobai missed these family members.


   "By the way, Dad, this year's New Year to my house, Xiaomei is not at home all day long, you are at home alone..." Jiang Xiaobai suggested.

  Jiang Tieshan shook his head: "No, I have to work on Xiaomei’s wedding. This is the last of your brothers and sisters.

  When Xiaomei gets married, I don’t have anything to worry about. I'm going to repair my grave next year. "

  "Repair the grave?" Jiang Xiaobai was taken aback.

   "Yes, your mother's grave was repaired in a hurry. It's not too good. I'm going to make a new one, and then prepare the coffin and the like..."

   Jiang Tieshan said, Jiang Xiaobai was a little silent, he knew that there is such a custom here in Jin Province.

  Many people will prepare tombs for themselves in advance, as well as coffins and the like, which can be prepared after 60 years old. This is not unlucky.

  On the contrary, many people still regard this as a good thing, and it can also play a role of "rejoicing".

   "Well, we will discuss at that time, our brothers and sisters will pay." Jiang Xiaobai nodded helplessly and agreed.

  Father Jiang Tieshan was informing him, not soliciting his own opinions, and it was a local custom. Jiang Xiaobai had no reason to object.

   "Okay." Jiang Tieshan nodded. He has no objection to this. He has raised so many children. Now the children are living well, and their lives are relatively prosperous.

  Send the end of the old age, give yourself money to repair the grave to buy the coffin, it is also right, and it is also a little bit of filial piety from the children.

  Like Jiang Xiaobai, there is not much about this, and it doesn’t matter if he comes out on his own, but so many brothers and sisters always have to give everyone a chance to show their filial piety.

On the twenty-sixth night of the twelfth lunar month, Sanjin Hotel's business prospered as the end of the year.

  But today the largest private room on the second floor is vacant.

   Jiang Zijian and Gu Li arrived early with their children.

  The eldest sister's family is not too late, and is close behind.

   Then there are the second sister, the third sister, Jiang Xiaobai's family of six, and after Jiang Tieshan arrives, Jiang Xiaomei is the only one left behind.

   Jiang Xiaomei has not married Liang Kang yet. It stands to reason that tonight is Jiang’s family banquet and Liang Kang is not suitable for attending.

  However, after the new year, the two are about to get married, but there is not so much saying. Although Jiang's family is a big family now, but because Jiang Xiaobai is not too particular about these, there are not many rules, but likes to be lively.

  So Jiang Xiaomei came with Liang Kang tonight.

  At the entrance of Sanjin Restaurant, Liang Kang was a little timid, and couldn't help complaining.

   "At this time, your family must have all come. I said leave early, come early, you just won't listen. Going in this meeting is like a three-room trial."

   "Hey, don't you know our family well, and you are still afraid of the third trial." Jiang Xiaomei said with a grin.

  She is the youngest at home, and everyone in her family loves her, the youngest sister, so she loves the house and Wu, and the Jiang family treats Liang Kang very well.

  The things that have been settled, this year, the Jiang family is familiar to Liang Kang.

   "I'm familiar with each other, but your father and your third brother are not familiar." Liang Kang said helplessly.

  Jiang Tieshan spends more than half a year traveling outside, not to mention Jiang Xiaobai, staying in the magic city all the time.

  So he is not familiar with these two people at all.

   "It's okay, my dad is very kind, not to mention my third brother, absolutely good person, loves me the most." Jiang Xiaomei said with a grin.

  Liang Kang is a bit speechless, listen, what is this saying.

   Kindness, why is Mr. Jiang being kind, very serious, okay?

  It’s true that your third brother loves you, but it has something to do with me, as for good people.

  Liang Kang is even less convinced. He is not a three-year-old child, how can he distinguish a person simply by "good" and "bad".

  The same person may be a good person for some people, but may not be a good person for others, or even a bad person.

  However, Liang Kang couldn't help it. Since he has already arrived, he can only grit his teeth and enter the Sanjin restaurant.

  When things come to an end, it’s useless to be afraid if you stretch your head and shrink your head.

   "Dad, I'm here." Jiang Xiaomei opened the door of the private room and shouted.

  Suddenly everyone in the private room looked over, and Liang Kang bit his head and walked in behind Jiang Xiaomei.

  Roughly looking at it, the Jiang family now has more than 20 people, nearly 30 people.

  Not counted as Jiang Xiaomei. There are six siblings in Jiang's family. The family is a family with at least four members.

  There are twenty-four people, not to mention that Jiang Xiaobai’s family is not a family of four, but six people.

  Like the elder brother Jiang Zijun, there are also three children in the family, plus Jiang Tieshan.

  The whole private room is indeed a family of people. Being watched by so many people, Liang Kang almost quit.

  "Xiaomei and Xiaoliang are here, sit down." Jiang Zijun, the boss, greeted everyone.

   "Hehe, Langlang is back, come here, let Sister-in-law give a hug." Jiang Xiaomei waved to Jiang Langlang.

  Between brothers and sisters, she and Jiang Xiaobai have the best relationship, and Jiang Xiaobai loves her the most, so her sister-in-law naturally loves Jiang Langlang the little nephew the most.

  Together with other nephews and nieces, they can often be seen in Longcheng, but Jiang Langlang followed Jiang Xiaobai to the devil and can't see them.

   "Huh?" Jiang Langlang tilted his head and glanced at Jiang Xiaomei, but did not move.

  He is still a child. He hasn't seen Jiang Xiaomei for half a year, so he can't recognize him.

   just recognized it, and was a little unfamiliar, staring at the cold dish on the table, thinking about it for a while.

   "Haha, kid." Jiang Xiaomei walked over and reached out and hugged Jiang Langlang.

  (End of this chapter)

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