Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1750: A family of 300,000

  Chapter 1750 A family of 300,000

   Jiang Xiaomei ran away, leaving Liang Kang standing alone. Facing the scrutiny eyes of a group of people, Liang Kang was really embarrassed, neither standing nor sitting.

   But soon Jiang Xiaobai pointed to the empty seat and let Liang Kang sit down.

  Jiang Tieshan sat in the middle, looking at the full of family members, the smile on his face couldn't hide his face, he was satisfied with his eyes closed now.

   "Everyone is here, elder brother, let's serve the food." Jiang Xiaobai said.

  Jiang Zijun went out to greet people and serve food, and the private room became lively again.

  Liang Kang doesn't speak much. When others talk to him, he also nods as much as possible, or else he says "um, okay, ah," and so on.

  There is no way, he and Jiang Xiaomei are the youngest in Jiang’s family.

  A lot of elder brothers and sisters-in-laws, sister-in-law, what can he do?

  What's more, the people sitting at this table are not ordinary people, there is also the famous Jiang Xiaobai. Speaking of it, it's okay to talk about rich people.

  This is a high climb...

  After the dishes were ready, Jiang Langlang also got acquainted with Jiang Xiaomei.

  Family eating together, there are no rules. First, everyone toasted Jiang Tieshan.

   Then they all ate and drank casually, but everyone led Jiang Tieshan to talk about some experiences about traveling outside.

  Jiang Tieshan was also very willing, of course, talking naggingly, a group of children applauded from time to time, and the adults listened carefully.

   Jiang Tieshan felt full of accomplishment, and then Jiang Zijun talked about dividends.

  Except for Jiang Xiaobai and Zhao Xinyi, everyone else suddenly pricked their ears.

  "The profit of Sanjin Restaurant this year is 3 million. Excluding various expenses, the final profit is more than 1.8 million." Jiang Zijun said with a smile.



"it is good."


   "Big brother has worked hard."

   Jiang Zijun and others applauded.

   Each face was full of excitement and excitement.

  This restaurant was opened by Jiang Xiaobai with money. Jiang Xiaobai didn't want the shares here, and evenly distributed it to the six brothers and sisters of the Jiang family.

  In other words, this year’s net profit, if it is divided evenly over 1.8 million, each family can have an income of 300,000.

  300,000 yuan, this annual income is placed in the set of standards for later generations, and it is safe to live a well-off life.

  At this time, the ten-thousand-thousand households are still fresh, and one family is divided into three hundred thousand every year. This is definitely a local tyrant.

   "Brother, you have worked hard."

   "Big brother and sister, thank you for taking care of it."

  Everyone thanked Jiang Zijun, because this Sanjin restaurant is usually managed by Jiang Zijun.

   "Haha, what do you want to thank? It should be the third person who wants to thank you. If it weren't for the investment of the third person, where would we have this opportunity." Jiang Zijun said with a smile.

  Everyone started to thank Jiang Xiaobai again, and Jiang Xiaobai waved his hands without paying attention.

  In fact, with his current worth, he can give his brothers and sisters more money.

   But there is a saying that too much is too late, too much money does not necessarily bring happiness.

  On the contrary, this year more than 100,000, hundreds of thousands, this money can definitely make them worry about food and clothing, but they will not give birth to some ideas they shouldn't have.

   Liang Kang on the side was secretly speechless, knowing that the Jiang family is rich, even if everyone except Jiang Xiaobai has money.

  This can also be felt from Jiang Xiaomei’s usual expenses. When buying things, you never look at the price, and you can buy what you like.

  But he has never felt so real and so specific this time.

  A family of 300,000 yuan, 300,000 yuan, my current salary is not low, I can get about 400 yuan a month, and 5,000 yuan a year.

  And these three hundred thousand, you have to save for sixty years without eating or drinking.

  In other words, based on your current wage level, the whole life without food or drink, that is, one year's dividends.

  Look at my girlfriend, fiancée, who is still holding that little maotou and playing, and has already earned the money I can earn in my entire life. How do you think about this, and how it feels a bit unreal.

   Saying that they are rich, not ordinary people, on this point, really, I may have worked very hard.

  But I worked hard for a long time, and my ceiling couldn't reach the bottom of other people's feet.

  This is really helpless.

  Liang Kangzheng was thinking about it, and suddenly he felt someone pat his shoulder.

  Subconsciously turning his head, he realized that Jiang Xiaobai didn't know when he changed to his side.

   "Three... Three brothers." Liang Kang spoke uncomfortably.

   "What do you think, Xiao Liang?" Jiang Xiaobai asked with a smile.

   "No, no." Liang Kang shook his head.

   "By the way, how are you preparing for your marriage with Xiao Mei? What's your idea?" Jiang Xiaobai didn't care why Liang Kang was in a trance, and asked directly.

   "Brother, we are going to have a wedding in Longcheng on the fifth day of the first lunar month, and after we return to the door. Then on the tenth day of the first lunar month, we will return to our hometown for a wedding."

After Liang Kang finished speaking, he hurriedly said: "Of course, when the wedding is held in Longcheng, my parents will also come, but relatives and friends will not come too much."

  Jiang Xiaobai nodded and then asked: "What about the wedding car, have you arranged it?"

   "I plan to use some units' cars, but I haven't discussed it with the leader..." Liang Kang said embarrassedly.

  He knew that he had no confidence in his words in front of the Jiang family, but he had no other way.

   "Then don't worry, I'll let someone arrange a few cars to go there, and I will contact you in advance when that time comes." Jiang Xiaobai said.

  No matter how Liang Kang is, this is his Jiang Xiaobai’s sister married, not to mention how pompous, not to say how high profile.

  However, there is still a need to have wedding cars and the like. I hope Liang Kang will borrow a car from his work unit. First of all, he may not be able to borrow it.

  After all, there are so many people in a unit, and only a few cars are used by the leaders, if everyone uses cars when they get married.

   Then the leaders don’t have to go out, so if Liang Kang really borrows a car, Jiang Xiaobai probably cannot borrow it.

  Even if I reluctantly borrowed it, the condition of the car is not much better, and the leader’s car is not convenient to toss.

   "Okay, thank you third brother, I..." Liang Kang got up and held a wine glass to Jiang Xiaobai toast, thank Jiang Xiaobai.

  He has some self-esteem, but self-esteem is useless in the face of reality. The reality is that he can't solve the problem of the wedding car at all.

  And Jiang Xiaobai was unwilling to let herself ride a bicycle and pick up her sister.

  Of course, he himself was too embarrassed to ride a bicycle to pick up Jiang Xiaomei.

  And the problem that he embarrassed himself, Jiang Xiaobai solved it in one sentence.

  (End of this chapter)

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