Chapter 1755 Roadshow

   "Dong Jiang, how do we price the issue price?" Sun Jianyun continued to ask.

  He did not go home during the Chinese New Year this year. He took his family and the restructuring team of the beverage factory, and has been busy at Modu.

  However, some things are not something they can do overtime, and Jiang Xiaobai needs to make a decision.

  "Issuance price?" Jiang Xiaobai had a headache. When each company went public, it was a headache for the issue price.

  The issue price is not like the original stock price. The original stock price is generally priced at one dollar, which is basically priced based on the registered capital.

  This doesn’t matter, and ordinary people can’t get the original shares. The main issue is the issue price.

  If the issue price is set at the bottom, the company will lose money, and if the issue price is set high, then no underwriter is willing to sell, or cannot sell, then it will not be able to raise funds.

  So the pricing of the company’s stock issue price has always been a problem.

  "How to price?" Jiang Xiaobai also has a headache. There are generally three pricing methods for the issue price, including price-earnings ratio pricing, net asset multiples method, and bidding determination method.

  The price-earnings ratio pricing method is basically not used by everyone now. The price-earnings ratio pricing method is the main pricing method for new stock issuance in later generations.

  The latter two methods are the most used now.

  Net asset ratio method is to determine the net asset value per share of the issuing company’s proposed equity assets through asset evaluation and related accounting methods.

  Then multiply the net asset value per share by a certain ratio according to the conditions of the stock market to determine the stock issue price.

   is also the most used nowadays, and it is determined through asset evaluation and other means.

  The bidding determination method is not available to many companies.

  Because the underwriters do not agree, the company can only use this method unless the company's development prospects are particularly good.

  The stock underwriters or investors compete with each other through bidding to determine the stock issuance price.

  The final result is of course the higher price.

  Jiang Xiaobai thought for a while and said: "Well, let’s use the net asset ratio method to determine the approximate price at which the stock prices of our home and the beverage factory are issued.

  Finally, we bid through the underwriters, and the higher bidder wins. "

  Sun Jianyun nodded, this method is of course the best, but the key is whether the underwriter can accept it?

  Jiang Xiaobai understood Sun Jianyun’s worries and said with a smile, “So this time at the promotion meeting, you have to use your heart...”

   "Okay!" Sun Jianyun nodded, and in the end this task fell on his head, but there was no possibility of him rejecting it.

  He is the director of the Jiahe Beverage Factory. He holds shares in the Jiahe Beverage Factory. If he doesn't work, he can take the shares.

  And the original shares are still taken. As long as the home and beverage factory are listed, he can make a lot of money.

  When I came to Huaqing Holding Group in front of me, who would have thought of today.

  In the next three days, Jiang Xiaobai didn't even return home, and stayed directly in the home and the beverage factory.

  How many shares are issued for listing, how many shares are issued for employees, how many public shares are issued, etc., are going on one by one.

  On February 26, 1994, just after the Lantern Festival, Jiahe Beverage Co., Ltd. issued a roadshow announcement when everyone was still immersed in the festive atmosphere.

  At this time, the roadshows are all offline, and there are no online roadshow projects. Through the Mordu TV station, the various newspapers of the Mordu have released roadshow announcements and publicity projects.

The road show of   Home and Beverage Factory only finalized three cities, Magic Capital, Pengcheng, and Beijing.

  Jiang Xiaobai read the prospectus, and there is no problem.

  On February 28, 1994, the last day of February, Jiahe Beverage Co., Ltd. officially started the road show.

   Jiang Xiaobai, dressed in a suit, arrived at the road show on time at nine o'clock.

  Sun Jianyun was already there with the seniors of his home and the beverage factory. Seeing Jiang Xiaobai coming, he hurriedly greeted him.

   "Jiang Dong."

   "How are you preparing?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

   "Ready, here is the process and speech draft for a while, you can take a look." Sun Jianyun said.

  Jiang Xiaobai nodded, took it and took a look, there was nothing surprising.

   "Are there many people here?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

  Sun Jianyun knows that Jiang Xiaobai’s people at the scene refer to the role of dealers and investors, not ordinary audiences.

   nodded and said: "Securities from Modu, Wanguo Securities have arrived, and a lot of securities firms from Pengcheng, even investors from the capital and from Xiangjiang."

  Jiang Xiaobai nodded with a smile after hearing the words. Investors and securities firms should come.

  It was half past nine, and the host’s roadshow officially began.

  After talking about it, I introduced everyone to the stage.

   "Please invite our chairman of Jiahe Beverage Co., Ltd., Mr. Jiang Xiaobai." The host said while holding the microphone.

   There was fierce applause from below, if only a home and a beverage factory went on the market.

  Although securities firms and investors will also come, they will certainly not come so much.

  The main reason is that Jiahe Beverage Co., Ltd. is a subsidiary of Huaqing Holding Group and backed by Huaqing Holding Group. This is the reason why everyone pays attention to it.

Although the Huaqing Holding Group has not yet been listed, this behemoth has been able to make people see its hideousness.

  So Jiahe Beverage Co., Ltd. is listed. Needless to say, the company’s stock is definitely not low. Some people are rushing to ask for it.

  Since there is money to be made and a good relationship can be made, of course they are willing to come over to join Jiang Xiaobai.

   Jiang Xiaobai stretched out his hand to support his clothes, then took the microphone from the staff and walked onto the stage.

   "Hello everyone, this is Jiang Xiaobai." Jiang Xiaobai said, and then bowed to the audience: "Welcome everyone to participate in the promotion meeting of our Jiahe Beverage Co., Ltd. Thank you."

   "Pop, papa."

  Everyone applauded.

   Jiang Xiaobai winked at the host.

  "Here is Sun Jianyun, general manager of Hujiahe Beverage Co., Ltd. below."

  "Here is the Chief Financial Officer of Jiahe Beverage Factory Co., Ltd...."

  One by one home and beverage executives walked onto the stage, and finally the microphone returned to Jiang Xiaobai's hands.

  Jiang Xiaobai didn’t read the speech. It’s not that he didn’t want to use it, but the speech was given to him this morning, and he couldn’t remember it.

  Of course, he wouldn’t memorize these things even if they were given to him in advance.

  So he took the microphone and said: "Now I have the general manager of our company, Mr. Sun Jianyun, to introduce our products, business conditions, market and prospectus..."

  Sun Jianyun's eyes were obviously taken aback. He hadn't thought about Jiang Xiaobai reading the speech. He thought Jiang Xiaobai should be on the spot to say something, but he didn't expect Jiang Xiaobai to push him directly.

  (End of this chapter)

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