Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1756: 100 billion market

  Chapter 1756 Hundred Billion Market

  At this time, there is no PPT or the like in the promotion conference, but a projector is used, which is actually home and drinks.

  Jiang Xiaobai is accustomed to using the PPT of later generations for meetings, so he usually uses projectors to gather together. Of course, the effect is not comparable to the PPT of later generations, but compared to this time, just talking with his mouth is still much better.

  Sun Jianyun was on the stage, and the projector put out the photos one by one.

  "Our family and the beverage factory now have five branches in China. Last year, the overall sales reached 410 million, the profit was 130 million, and the net profit reached..."

   "Our home and beverage products are mainly home and herbal tea as the main product. This is our flagship product. There are other herbal tea series..."

"Our herbal tea production formula is an ancient herbal tea formula from the Greater Liangshan Mountain in Sichuan Province. It not only has the effect of clearing heat and relieving heat, but also has a very good health. We have applied for each of our formulas... Insurance..."

  "The future development direction of our family and beverages is not only in the beverage industry, we have established an instant noodle factory, and we have introduced advanced production technology from abroad..."

  Sun Jianyun gave a general introduction to home and beverages from the company’s operating status, financial status, asset status, and the company’s future development status.

  After finishing speaking, there was a warm applause from the audience. In fact, the securities firms and some investors in the audience knew more about the situation of the home and the beverage factory than Sun Jianyun introduced.

  After all, this is what they plan to spend real money on buyers and beverage shares, if you don’t know it can do it.

  Wait after Sun Jianyun finished speaking. The microphone was in Jiang Xiaobai's hands again.

  Jiang Xiaobai took a deep breath and looked at the crowd and said, “In fact, everyone may know what we said, so I’ll just say something that everyone doesn’t know. This home and beverage is the first listed company under our Huaqing Holding Group.

  It is related to the listing of other subsidiaries of our Huaqing Holding Group, so our home and beverage will become the leading company of our Huaqing Holding Group..."

  Everyone in the audience listened and nodded. Jiang Xiaobai was talking about the topic. This is also the fundamental reason why they value their homes and beverage factories.

  Unlike other listed companies, Huaqing Holdings Group is backed by Jiahe Beverage.

  So Jiahe Beverage is definitely not the kind of company that ran out of money when listed. Otherwise, Huaqing Holding Group will lose its reputation, and no one will care about it in the future.

  This can also be seen from Sun Jianyun’s introduction of the future development plan of Home and Beverage.

  Home and Beverage did not exaggerate many unrealistic plans just because it was listed, but made development plans based on the current actual situation.

  "Also, our family and beverages are going to become the largest brand of domestic beverages within three years, and our branch factories will increase to 15 branch factories within this year.

  Our sales will be doubled, or even doubled. Our country has a population of more than one billion. This is a huge market, tens of billions, or even hundreds of billions. "

   Jiang Xiaobai said, the faces of the securities dealers and investors underneath were a little weird.

  Sure enough, I just said that Sun Jianyun is down to earth, but the result is here now.

   Still Jiang Xiaobai dared to brag, a market of hundreds of billions, and the beverage market at this time will only survive the scale of tens of billions.

  And this tens of billions are still shared by everyone, I don’t know how many beverage factories are participating.

   But think about Jiang Xiaobai’s character. He was originally a very courageous person. When would Jiang Xiaobai make people think that he was a step-by-step person.

  When did it give people the illusion that the canned food was exchanged for the plane, and the satellite was put on. Which thing is practical?

  Jiang Xiaobai was talking while observing the expressions of the people. He knew that some people did not believe in the market of hundreds of billions.

  The country now has a total population of 1.2 billion. That is, the average person who buys a bottle of beverage is about 1 billion, that is, the average person drinks ten bottles of beverage a year, which is only about 10 billion.

The   100 billion market seems to be unrealistic at all, but in later generations, the domestic beverage market will reach hundreds of billions.

  "Hehe, in this way, our Huaqing Holding Group has been established for sixteen years this year. In another sixteen years, if the domestic beverages often do not have a billion.

  The chairman of my home and beverage resigned actively. "

   Jiang Xiaobai said, it can be said that a word has stirred up waves.

   Suddenly there was an uproar at the scene. In 16 years, the beverage market could not achieve 100 billion yuan, so Jiang Xiaobai voluntarily resigned.

  Of course, it’s not that Jiang Xiaobai’s resignation will allow others to intervene at home and drinks.

Most of the shares of Jiahe Beverage are still in Huaqing Holding Group. Jiang Xiaobai is the chairman of Huaqing Holding Group. The chairman of Jiahe Beverage has resigned and can be controlled.

  Although Jiahe Beverage has not announced how many public shares will be issued, it will not come too much.

  At least, Jiang Xiaobai will not let go of the controlling rights. Jiahe Beverage is not an enterprise like Yanzhong Industrial, so it can make people mess around.

   However, if Jiang Xiaobai really resigned, it would still have a certain impact on Jiang Xiaobai’s reputation.

   So since Jiang Xiaobai dared to say this, it shows that Jiang Xiaobai still has a certain degree of certainty about this matter.

   "With a market of hundreds of billions of dollars, Lao Huang, do you think our domestic beverage industry can really develop so much?"

   "I don't know, but our domestic economy has been developing very fast in the past two years. If it really develops into a market of 100 billion yuan, it won't be impossible..."

   "That's really true, Jiang Dong's vision of the market is still very accurate."

   "Well, otherwise, Jiang Xiaobai can start such a large enterprise from scratch, but I still feel a little mysterious in this 100 billion market..."

  The people underneath talked a lot, and Jiang Xiaobai continued to talk about it without hesitation.

  "Moreover, our home and beverages are not only focusing on the domestic market. After the next step of expanding production, we will also want the market in Xiangjiang and the markets in neighboring countries.

  In our preliminary plan, within three years, the least exported sales will account for one-third of our company's total sales, or even more of it will account for half. "Jiang Xiaobai said,

  The people below exclaimed again that exporting to earn foreign exchange at this time is a big deal.

  Only foreign goods have always been sold into the domestic market, and it is extremely difficult for domestic exports to earn foreign exchange.

  As a result, Jiang Xiaobai wanted to sell the drinks to earn foreign exchange, which was really incredible.

  But think about Jiang Xiaobai’s past experience, changing the canned food and setting up satellites. No one really dares to say that Jiang Xiaobai could not do this.

  (End of this chapter)

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