Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1768: I'll pick Song Xin

   Chapter 1768 I'll Pick Song Xin

   "I think it's a bit too, but listening to Xin'er's voice, I am still in a good mood." Song Hanbin said.

  "Well, then, don't resign first, I will go there to see what is going on with Xin'er, since she is divorced.

  Why are you still doing abroad? Isn’t it good to come back home? I also keep the shares of the family and the company for her.

  As soon as the company goes public, these shares will be enough for their wives to eat and drink for a lifetime. "

   Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand and said. As for Song Hanbin's resignation, he felt a bit pity.

   "This is also a way." Song Hanbin's eyes lit up. If her daughter can take her granddaughter back to China, that would be the best.

  He is also familiar with the domestic environment. In all aspects, it is better than going abroad.

   Going abroad, his eyes are blackened, and the language environment is also unclear. After he retires, he will go abroad and he will be an ordinary old man.

  This is very unfriendly to the directors and responsible persons of state-owned enterprises.

  If you are the boss of a private enterprise, there is no reason to retire. Even if you retire, you still have a position if you have money in your hands.

  But the person in charge of a state-owned enterprise is different. When he is in office, he holds huge resources.

  But after retiring, he is an ordinary person. People take the tea to cool down. If there are some relationships and affections in the country, it will be relatively comfortable.

  But when you go abroad, you are just ordinary people.

  "Then go, you go and persuade you, no matter what the situation, first bring Xin'er and my granddaughter back for me.

  Xiaobai, as long as you help me to do this, then you will be my benefactor in the future, and you will go up to the sword and down the sea of ​​fire..." Song Hanbin said, patting his chest.

  It's just that Jiang Xiaobai interrupted before he finished speaking, and chuckled.

   "Okay, Lao Song, how old he is, I still do this set, besides, Xiner is also me... my friend, I should help." Jiang Xiaobai said.

   "Okay, ha ha, Xiao Bai, then I will ask you." Song Hanbin agreed.

   "Tomorrow, I will be there early tomorrow morning to help you meet people, stand guard for you, don’t worry about roadshows."

  Song Hanbin was happy. This Jiang Xiaobai had a good idea, and the relationship between Jiang Xiaobai and Song Xin was unusual. If he tried to persuade a girl, he might not be able to persuade her to come back, or to be precise, she would never persuade her to come back.

  How fierce the girl is, he knows in his heart, but Jiang Xiaobai is different.

  He knew that his daughter had favored Jiang Xiaobai when she was originally. Otherwise, Song Xin would not say that she stayed at home and company for ten years.

  I have been following Jiang Xiaobai for ten years, if it weren’t because the girl of the old friend Zhao Gang started early, maybe Jiang Xiaobai would have been with her girl.

  Now although the girl was married once and had children, it has only been more than two years. If the girl has no feelings for Jiang Xiaobai in the past two years, it is impossible.

After all,    is the basis of ten years of feelings. That is not a word. If you forget, you will forget.

  In addition, the girl is now divorced and emotionally traumatized. Jiang Xiaobai, the first lover, appeared in front of her, and she had a high chance of agreeing to take him back to China.

  Of course, the expression of first love is incorrect, it should be said that the blue confidant appeared in front of him.

  Hey, although it is not appropriate to calculate the girl in this way, he can't care much for the girl to return to China.

  Song Hanbin himself made up a big show in his mind, but Jiang Xiaobai didn't notice it.

  Song Xin, who is also on the other side of the ocean, would have laughed if she knew what her father Song Hanbin thought.

  What the **** of the ex-husband, what is the feeling frustrated, what makes Jiang Xiaobai take advantage of it.

  Where is there any ex-husband, where is the emotional frustration, Jiang Xiaobai is even more irrelevant, because Jiang Xiaobai was alone from start to finish.

   Jiang Xiaobai twitched the corners of his mouth: "This is not a bargain. It doesn't need to be, and it's normal time."

   "However, I may have to wait for my home and company to go public before I can have time."

  Now home and company are at the critical moment of listing, Jiang Xiaobai can't get out now, although he can't wait to go to the other side of the ocean immediately to see what is going on with Song Xin.

  Before, Song Xin got married and had children. He had no position to go to Song Xin, but now that Song Xin is divorced, he has a position. He is Song Xin’s friend.

  It is right to care about friends...

   "It's okay, it's been so long, and it doesn't matter if it's early or late, it's just right to calm Song Xin." Song Hanbin said calmly.

   Jiang Xiaobai was going to the other side of the ocean to find a girl, he suddenly became a little worried. The girl might just crawl out of the big pit of his ex-husband, and then fall into the big pit of Jiang Xiaobai again.

  But think about it, Song Hanbin has no other way, he can only think about it in his heart, and talk about it when the girl returns to China.

  The two separated after eating. There will be a road show tomorrow. Of course, Jiang Xiaobai was drunk and drunk.

  Song Hanbin also returned home. After returning home, he told his wife that Song Xin’s mother had certainly agreed. How could they have not thought of this way?

  The next morning, after Jiang Xiaobai got up, Sun Jianyun and others had already gone to the scene.

  This time’s roadshow was chosen to be in the auditorium of another large hotel.

  In fact, Jiang Xiaobai wanted to choose to be in the auditorium of Beijing Normal University at the beginning, but in the end he thought about it and let it go.

  It’s not that the school disagrees. As long as Jiang Xiaobai speaks, the school has no reason to disagree.

  Jiang Xiaobai is a student of his school. The company he founded is a public roadshow. That is an opportunity to increase the reputation of his school.

  Jiang Xiaobai mainly considered the roadshow, the gathering of securities dealers, investors, and some other things.

  It’s not appropriate to bring it to the school.

   Jiang Xiaobai cleaned up after breakfast and came to the scene.

  The stage is all ready-made, and a banner is drawn.

  Song Hanbin is already at the door. He is doing his best for Jiang Xiaobai's affairs for his daughters.

  Of course, after Jiang Xiaobai’s reminder yesterday, he also realized that this incident was not only helping Jiang Xiaobai, but also helping his daughter.

  The girl holds the original shares of the family and the company. Once this company and the company are listed, the shares in the girl’s hands can be valuable.

  That is the original stock, one yuan per share, and I don’t know how many times it will double after listing.

  How much money he can have, he doesn't know, but at least the girl and the granddaughter will not do anything in the future, and they will have nothing to worry about for a lifetime.

  (End of this chapter)

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