Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1769: Gangster Platform

   Chapter 1769

When Jiang Xiaobai arrived, he and Song Hanbin stood at the door to greet the visitors.

  Song Hanbin’s energy in the capital cannot be underestimated, coupled with Jiang Xiaobai’s personal connections in the capital.

  There are a lot of official figures. Coupled with the figures in the mall, it can be said that the people gathered at home and company roadshows today have a lot of energy within the capital.

   "Dong Jiang." A black Audi car stopped at the entrance of the hotel, and a middle-aged man walked down.

   Say hello to Jiang Xiaobai from a distance. Jiang Xiaobai was taken aback and ran over. It turned out to be Liu City in the capital. At this time, someone from the co-pilot got off.

  It was Director Nie who went to Longcheng with Liu Shi and persuaded Jiang Xiaobai to relocate Huaqing Holding Group to Beijing.

   "Liu Shi, Director Nie, why are you here? This is really... great, welcome, welcome, two leaders, come here, our family and company are brilliant."

   Jiang Xiaobai greeted the past warmly, these two are big brothers.

  With these two here, no matter what kind of monsters, ghosts and snakes are on the scene today, you have to hold back. Such a big leader comes to help the platform. Who dares to show the limelight and do things?

  "Why? The company didn't even notify you during the roadshow, because I didn't get you a land at the beginning, so I had a knot in my heart?" Liu Shi jokingly said.

  Jiang Xiaobai quickly shook his head: "Where to dare, where to dare, I'm just afraid that the leader is busy, thinking about this, he didn't alarm the leader."

  When the company moved, one year ago, Jingcheng and Momo were actually Jiang Xiaobai’s two places of choice. The reason why he did not come to Jingcheng was mainly because the land in Jingcheng could not be approved.

  Later, Huaqing Holding Group went to the magic city, also because of this.

  Although the two parties did not have any conflicts because of this, they did not become close.

  So Jiang Xiaobai did not invite Liu Shi and others. It was not a close relationship. It was totally meaningless to invite family members to work and not come to work.

  But I didn’t expect that Liu Shi and others would unexpectedly come uninvited, which would greatly save their face.

   "Haha, no matter how busy we are at work, we still have to support the development of the enterprise, Director Nie, let's go in and sit for a while." Liu Shi smiled and took Director Nie in.

  Song Hanbin did not intervene from the beginning to the end, waiting for Liu Shi and Director Nie to leave.

  This was looking at Jiang Xiaobai with a grimace on his face and said, "You kid has such a big backing, why do you use me to invite people? With such a great god, who would dare to smash your place?"

   "I didn't expect him to come either. I didn't even dare to have this idea. I was not invited without an invitation. I was also surprised." Jiang Xiaobai said with surprise on his face.

After Liu Shi and others arrived, Mou Qizhong arrived shortly thereafter.

  Needless to say about the relationship between the two of them, they shook their hands vigorously and patted each other's arm.

Mou Qizhong walked in with the people from the Nande Group. No, not only the people from the Nande Group, but also a bunch of company bosses surrounding Mou Qizhong. It's kind of mixed.

  The time passed bit by bit, and it was about the time of the opening. Jiang Xiaobai originally thought that there would be no such heavyweights coming, after all, at this time, if they came, they would have come long ago.

   Just when he was about to turn around and return to the conference hall to inform Sun Jianyun that he could start.

  A black Santana car stopped at the entrance of the hotel.

  An old man in a Chinese tunic got out of the car.

  Jiang Xiaobai looked at the incoming person and rubbed his eyes vigorously. No way!

  Then walked two quick steps to greet him directly.

   "Old Zhou, why are you here?"

   "Xiao Jiang, why are you not welcome?" Although the old man was getting older, his voice was full of anger.

   "Where, I just didn't expect that this will alarm you, I should have come to visit." Jiang Xiaobai said.

Lai Ren is the founder of Shougang, Zhou Lao, who is a legend.

  When Jiang Xiaobai was the director of Daxing Glass Factory in Beijing, he met when he attended a meeting.

  At that time, as a young man, Jiang Xiaobai, the director of a small glass factory, was shivering among a group of big men.

Zhou Lao invited Jiang Xiaobai to come to Shougang as his assistant, but Jiang Xiaobai refused.

   "What's the trivial matter, you guy is very slippery, if it wasn't for you when I called Chang Fu two days ago?

  I don’t even know that all of your companies are going to go public. "Lao Zhou looked at Jiang Xiaobai with satisfaction and emotion, but also a little regretful.

  The hairy boy at the beginning has now developed to this level.

  A company founded from scratch, now its subsidiaries are going to be listed.

  Alas, it’s a pity. If I could follow myself to Shougang, it would not be impossible to be my successor in two years.

  But in an instant, Zhou Lao threw this idea out of his mind. There are too many restrictions in the system. Although he has been talking about reform, he is far from being able to stretch his hands and feet like Jiang Xiaobai outside.

  I haven't even been trapped in this quagmire for so many years, and I want to jump out, but I still haven't jumped out.

   "Hey, Zhou Lao, go in!" Jiang Xiaobai wanted to step forward to help Zhou Lao, but Zhou Lao refused.

  "You don’t need help, I haven’t gotten to the point where I can’t walk. You are really lucky. I was born at this time and I can do whatever I want. I don’t have too much scruples.

  In the future, it will really be your world..." Zhou Lao said while following Jiang Xiaobai inside.

  He is also a pioneer in reform, but at an untimely time, he strives to bring the Shougang he founded by himself to jump out of the quagmire and rebirth from the ashes.

  But after struggling for a long time, I realized that it was in vain. There are some things that humans can't do.

  He tried many ways to find a right path for state-owned enterprises.

  It turned out that the two words state-owned enterprises are restraints.

   But can these two words for state-owned enterprises be thrown away? After throwing it away, it is no longer a state-owned enterprise.

  Jiang Xiaobai was half a step behind, followed by the old man, echoing from time to time, but looking at the old man’s slightly curved back, it always gave people a sad feeling.

  This is fate. You can’t jump out. Jiang Xiaobai’s experiment at Daxing Glass Factory was considered a success or a failure.

  Successfully continued the destiny of Daxing Glass Factory, persisted, and developed from a small glass factory to one of the large glass factories in Beijing today.

  But it is also a temporary solution, not the root cause. In the past two years, I have been sleeping on the merits again, and various problems in the factory have begun to show up.

  (End of this chapter)

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