Chapter 1778 Unexpectedly and unexpectedly

   "Huh." Zhu Wenjie exhaled a long breath and relaxed, but soon he took a tight breath.

  There are still ten minutes left. It’s not time to relax. The reason for taking a breath is that I’m too excited, and my blood pressure has risen a little bit high. If I don’t slow down a little bit, I might faint in a while.

   Jiang Xiaobai also held his breath, waiting for the final result.

  Now the stock price of the home and company is still rising, and no one is sure how much until the last moment.

  After all, sometimes miracles happen. For example, the market opened in the morning and closed at noon.

   only increased by 5%, but the increase has been very fast after the opening of the afternoon, and it has directly increased by 15%, which has exceeded the 20% increase.

  Although there are only the last ten minutes left, who knows the increase in the last ten minutes.

  Five cents, or one dollar, two dollars, or even three dollars, who knows, everything is possible until the last minute.

   "Dong Jiang, there are media reporters from outside. It is a reporter from the Metropolis Daily and Daily News in the city. It is estimated that they want to interview our stock prices, but I don’t know what happened, so they are stuck at the door of the stock exchange?

  Zhao Xiaojin went out just now, and when he came back, he said to Jiang Xiaobai that someone from the stock exchange came to inform.

  Jiang Xiaobai said directly without even thinking about it: “Tell them, let them wait, and see them in a while.”

   "Okay." Zhao Xiaojin nodded, turned around and went out.

  However, as soon as Zhao Xiaojin left, the door of the private room was pushed open again.

   "Dong Jiang, congratulations." As soon as the person came in, he smiled and said.

   Jiang Xiaobai looked at it and realized that it was Director Lin of the Shanghai Stock Exchange.

  "Come here, Director Lin, Director Tolin’s blessings seem to be pretty good now. I won’t say more if you are grateful. I will have dinner together in the evening, don’t say I don’t have time.

  It must be appreciated..." Jiang Xiaobai said while staring at the market without blinking.

  Director Lin and Zhu Wenjie also knew each other. They said hello, and then Director Lin smiled and said to Jiang Xiaobai.

   “For sure, I didn’t come back today. I was just anxious to deal with the things at hand, in order to set aside the time for tonight to celebrate for your family and company.”

   "Then Jiang Dong is going to bleed heavily tonight." Zhu Wenjie also said.

   "Haha." Several people laughed.

   When Zhao Xiaojin returned to the room, she saw Director Lin coming and greeted him. She also knew Director Lin.

  At this time, the stock price of the home and company on the market has risen to 49 yuan. In just five minutes, it has risen by another one and fifty cents, leaving fifty cents away from fifty.

  Zhao Xiaojin relaxed a little, and it seemed that he could break through the fifty yuan mark.

  After all, there are still five minutes, and the current trend of increase is very good, only 50 cents, that is, the number jumps.

  Forty-nine yuan, fifty yuan...

   "Okay." There was a burst of exclamation and applause in the room, but it fell silent again soon.

  Everyone is quietly waiting for the last moment to come.

  Now there are three minutes left, fifty yuan and fifty yuan, fifty yuan...

  The last two minutes, the last minute and a half, the last minute...3...2...1!

  Fifty one, five, fifty-two!

  The final price was set on the market and closed.

   "Ah, good." Jiang Xiaobai first applauded, and the entire private room suddenly burst into loud cheers.

  Applause rang out for a long time as he approached "Papa Papa".

  "Dong Jiang, Mr. Sun, congratulations, the increase reached 30% on the day of listing. This result is so proud of me. I am not wrong in choosing you.

  I hope we can continue to cooperate..." Zhu Wenjie looked at Jiang Xiaobai and Sun Jianyun excitedly and said.

  "In the future, your company under the Huaqing Holding Group will be listed, and there is no need to engage in bidding meetings. As long as you say a number, we will cover it..."

   "Haha, thank you Mr. Zhu." Jiang Xiaobai laughed loudly. As for Zhu Wenjie, he will not take it seriously. We want the issue price of one hundred yuan, so you accept it!

  This is obviously impossible. Zhu Wenjie said in excitement, he will be more optimistic about the subsidiaries of Huaqing Holding Group in the future. This is normal, but there is no need to take it seriously.

   "Congratulations to Jiang Dong, congratulations to Mr. Sun, you must have a treat tonight, you have a good bleeding, and have not drunk Moutai for a while, you must have a good drink tonight." Director Lin said with a smile.

  This is also a joke. Of course it is unrealistic to drink Moutai every day at the salary of the director.

  But with the status of Director Lin, it is needless to say that drinking Moutai every day is just drinking Moutai every day, and even lying in Moutai sleeping there are people who are willing to send Moutai over.

  The director of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, that's a joke!

   "Okay, tonight there are enough Moutai tubes, sea cucumbers, bao fish, shark fin bird's nests, as long as you want to eat, and the magic has it, I will get it for you, and have a good celebration."

   Jiang Xiaobai smiled heartily, and told Zhao Xiaojin to prepare to go.

   Then, Zhu Wenjie, Director Lin and others opened the door of the private room and walked out.

  The reporters who had been waiting gathered around, good guys, not only reporters, but even guys with guns and guns.

   "Dong Jiang, today, the first day Jiahe Company went public, the increase exceeded 30%. What do you want to say?"

  "Dong Jiang, is this result within your expectation?"

  "Dong Jiang, the current achievements of Jiahe Company, does it mean that other companies of Huaqing Holding Group will also consider the issue of listing..."

   "Jiang Dong, may I ask..."

  "Dong Jiang..." Several reporters just blocked the water around the door. There were obviously not many people, but they all had their mouths like machine guns, and each question popped up. Jiang Xiaobai didn't know which one to answer.

  "Click, click." The flashing flashes from time to time,

  Maybe Jiang Xiaobai is here, without saying a word, the numbers still displayed on the market behind him have already explained everything.

   "Today's achievement of the home and company, to be honest, is not only in my expectations, but not in my expectations."

   Jiang Xiaobai spoke, and the scene suddenly became quiet.

  "It was not in my expectation because I did not expect to achieve such a good result, a 30% increase. This is the result of our family and company, and it is also the result of Huaqing Holding Group.

  In my expectation, it is because we have put in a lot of hard work before, and today’s results are an affirmation of our hard work. "

   Jiang Xiaobai said, there was a burst of fierce applause.

  (End of this chapter)

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