Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1779: The ugly words are on the front

   Chapter 1779

  "The success of Jiahe Company is also the success of our Huaqing Holding Group. As for whether it will be because of the success of Jiahe Company.

  Considering the issue of the listing of other companies under the company, it certainly does not exist. If the company has subsidiaries listed, it must be because the company has indeed come to the market, not because of the success of the family and the company. "

   Jiang Xiaobai looked at the reporters and replied.

   "Okay, let's stop here today, and then if you want to interview, please make an appointment, thank you everyone."

   "Pop, papa."

  Everyone applauded, Jiang Xiaobai's words are still very level.

   Regardless of what Jiang Xiaobai said, success is an unexpected and unexpected answer; or the company went public not because of the success of the family and the company, but because of the need to go public.

  These two answers are perfect, and people can't pick up a problem.


  Jiang Xiaobai's triumphant appearance in the spring breeze was frozen in the camera.

   Soon, inside the Magic City Hotel, Jiang Xiaobai, Director Lin, Zhu Wenjie, Zhang Weiyi, Zhao Xiaojin and others pushed the cups to change.

  Celebrating the success of the listing of the family and the company, after dinner, Jiang Xiaobai went home, and Zhao Xinyi had not slept yet.

  Waiting for Jiang Xiaobai in the living room.

   "Congratulations, Xiao Bai." Zhao Xinyi stood up, with smiles in her eyebrows.

   "Congratulations." Jiang Xiaobai also said with a smile, and then the two of them hugged each other.

The successful listing of   Family and the company is not only a happy event for Jiang Xiaobai, but also a happy event for this family.

  Since then, Huaqing Holding Group has also formally entered the capital market.

The day after Jiahe Company went public, Jiang Xiaobai came to Jiahe Company.

  As soon as he entered the meeting, there was a round of applause.

   "Congratulations, your home and company have succeeded." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

The market value of the home and the company was originally about 300 million yuan, but now that the company’s market value has doubled seven or eight times after it went public, it has now reached more than two billion yuan.

  Of course, most of the shares of Jiahe Company are still in Huaqing Holding Group.

  But most of these senior executives in the home and company also have a portion of the shares.

  Jiang Xiaobai probably do the math, the high-level staff in the home and company where he is sitting are at least worth more than one million.

  And as long as all the employees who subscribed to raise shares in the company, all of them have made a fortune. There are ten thousand households and one hundred thousand households.

   "Wow." Everyone in the meeting stood up neatly.

   "Thank you Jiang Dong."

  The voice rang to the sky, everyone shouted loudly, all faces were very excited.

  Now they are different from before. Money is the courage of men. Now that the company is listed, everyone has made a fortune at once. Of course, they are even more excited.

  Benefits are real things.

   "Okay, sit down, I thank you everyone too." Jiang Xiaobai also said with a smile, and then sat down on the main seat.

   "Yesterday the company went public, with an increase of more than 30%. This news is everyone..." Jiang Xiaobai hadn't finished speaking yet.

  In the meeting, there was fierce applause.

  For a long time, the meeting was quiet, Jiang Xiaobai continued to smile and said, "But this is just the beginning.

  I hope everyone can continue to work hard. In the next step, the company will take out 2% of the shares and put it in the option pool to provide dividends for everyone. "Jiang Xiaobai said.

   "Thank you Jiang Dong, thank Jiang Dong." Everyone applauded again.

  2% of the shares, if the company was listed before the listing, it would be around two or three million, and that’s nothing.

  But after the company went public, the 2% of the shares would be 20 or 30 million.

   "Our family and company, although it seems that the future is very bright, the future development prospects are very good, especially now that the company is listed.

  There is no shortage of funds and the like, but this is both an opportunity and a challenge for our family and beverages.

  If we can seize the opportunity, our family and the company can continue to use a new platform and come up with a development plan as soon as possible, including the plan for the instant noodle industry, which must be made as soon as possible.

  In addition, now that the company is listed, the financial aspect must be formalized.

  If anyone feels the same as before and stretches out their hands in the company, it will not be the company’s business in the future, but will have to go through legal procedures. "

  Jiang Xiaobai watched everybody say word by word, the success of the company's listing is a good thing, but there will also be other rules and stricter rules.

  For example, the financial system will be more standardized.

  Although today is the second day of the company’s listing, I threw cold water on everyone, which seems to be a little unkind.

  But there are some scandals saying that it doesn’t matter in front of them. If something really happens, it’s a scandal of the company.

  Listed and not listed are two ways. If the company is not listed, the company is a bit scandal, which is nothing.

  Although the face is not good-looking, it does not affect the company’s production, cooperation, or profit.

  But after the company goes public, if there is any scandal in the company, it will directly cause the company's stock price to fall.

  That represents the shareholders' distrust of the company. Once this kind of thing happens, it will be difficult to get it back.

   Jiang Xiaobai said, everyone in the conference room also calmed down. Yes, the listing brought not only benefits, but also some invisible restrictions.

   "Of course, except today, Mr. Sun, organize it well and have a celebration banquet at noon today..." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

   "Okay, I will arrange." Sun Jianyun stood up.

  This is the end of the meeting. Just mention some things. There is no need to say too much.

  Especially at this time, everyone is not thinking about it, all of them are excited, and Jiang Xiaobai is unwilling to hit everyone's momentum.

  At noon of the same day, the integration home and the company were full of lively and festive atmosphere, just like the Chinese New Year.

  The cafeteria is not only busy with the chefs in the cafeteria, but also some chefs from outside to help.

Needless to say, chicken, duck, fish and the like, there are also many sea cucumbers and shark fins.

The whole factory was plunged into a cheerful atmosphere. Jiang Xiaobai asked Sun Jianyun to dial the numbers of the lower branches one by one. Jiang Xiaobai congratulated the directors of the branches one by one, and asked each branch to take out a part of the profit and send it out in the form of bonuses. for everyone.

  Similarly, the various departments of the main factory are the same, and part of the money is used to pay bonuses.

  Zhang Weiyi, Zhao Xiaojin and other senior officials of Huaqing Holding Group in the magic city were also invited.

  Even at the suggestion of Jiang Xiaobai, even the historical students who were in the old age at the Modu also invited over.

  Shi Sheng received a call from Jiang Xiaobai and was very surprised. Of course he knew about the listing of his home and company, but he did not expect Jiang Xiaobai to invite him to celebrate with the company.

  (End of this chapter)

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