Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1780: Remember the old hero

   Chapter 1780 Remember the old heroes

   "Dong Jiang, is it appropriate for me to go?" On the phone, Shi Sheng was hypocritical.

   "Haha, old history, you are talking nonsense with me here. It is also appropriate and inappropriate. The shares of your companies are one of the shareholders. You said that it is appropriate and inappropriate. If you say that again.

   should also be asking if it’s appropriate to hold the company’s shares..."

   Jiang Xiaobai directly smiled and cursed.

  Shi Sheng also laughed on the phone, Jiang Xiaobai was still the same as before, there was no difference.

  Speaking is still so casual, he didn't treat him as an outsider.

   "Okay, then I'll go there and get Moutai ready." Shi Sheng warned.

   "If you don't have Moutai, you just have Erguotou, you like to drink or not." Jiang Xiaobai said unceremoniously.

   "Haha." Shi Sheng laughed happily.

  When Shi Sheng drove to the door of his home and company, he was thinking for a while if the doorman did not know him, whether to register, or how to tell the doorman about his identity.

  As a result, as soon as the car reached the door of the company, Shi Sheng was stunned, stepped on the brake, and the car stopped at the door of the company.

  Shi Sheng rubbed his eyes and grew his mouth. When he pushed the door to get out of the car, he looked at Zhang Weiyi and Sun Jianyun at the door of the company, standing neatly at the door with the seniors of his family and the company waiting for him.

   sighed with emotion, but couldn't say a word on his mouth. He just wanted to open his mouth, but couldn't make a sound.

  Family and the company went public and achieved great results. He was paying attention to all of this in his heart, and he was very happy.

  Last night he asked his wife to cook a few more dishes, opened a good bottle of wine, and celebrated.

My wife asked him what happened. He said that Jiahe Company was successfully listed and the stock price rose sharply. He has shares in Huaqing Holding Group. Now the market value of Jiahe Company has doubled, which is equivalent to the shares of Huaqing Holding Group in his hand. The tide has risen and the boat has risen.

  However, he knew in his heart that it was not only for this reason, but also for making money. The main reason was that the Huaqing Holding Group was getting better and better. Of course, he was happier.

   It’s just that I am a little bit lonely while I am happy. I am happy for the company again. Now the company has little to do with him.

  Today, I received a call from Jiang Xiaobai and asked him to come over to celebrate. He was immediately happy.

  Jiang Xiaobai still remembers him, not forgetting him.

  As a result, the senior executives of the family and the company greeted him at the door and gave him such a high courtesy. He was very excited about what it means to die as a confidant.

  "Thanks to President Shi." Sun Jianyun said, and everyone around him shouted in unison: "Thanks to President Shi."

  "I...I, you..." Shi Sheng rubbed his eyes. It was windy today. Did the eyes get sand? Why does it feel a little uncomfortable in the eyes?

  "President Shi, please." Sun Jianyun turned sideways, making a gesture of please.

  Other people are in the same posture. There are more than a dozen senior executives in their homes and companies. The directors of other branches are also senior, but they are not local.

   The voices of more than a dozen people are not too loud, but they shout out neatly, and it is still a bit shocking at the door of home and company.

  Shi Sheng’s eyes were red, and he slowly lifted his leg to walk in, one step, one step, Shi Sheng walked very slowly, very slowly. As if wanting to imprint this scene deeply in my mind.

   Jiang Xiaobai stood at the entrance of the canteen, watching Shi Sheng approach, and took the initiative to walk down the steps to greet him.

   "Old history, I heard you have arrived at the door a long time ago. Why are you walking so slowly? It's because of your legs and feet!" Jiang Xiaobai joked.

  Some solemn atmosphere, suddenly disappeared.

The historian laughed loudly, and patted Jiang Xiaobai's arm vigorously.

   "Jiang Dong, I am really old and can't walk anymore."

  Two people walked side by side toward the canteen. The meal was over until three o'clock in the afternoon.

  Shi Sheng wine was drinking, Jiang Xiaobai sent Shi Sheng home, stopped the car at the door and sent Shi Sheng to his house, Shi Sheng was still talking, and he wanted to continue drinking.

   "Why do you drink so much?" Shi Sheng's wife complained a little while looking at Shi Sheng's drunk and menacing look.

  , Jiang Xiaobai, who was blocked by the anti-theft iron door, said apologetically: "Sorry, sister-in-law, I was happy at noon, so I drank a little more."

  "Ah, Jiang Dong, it’s okay, it’s okay, this old man doesn’t know how much he has, drink it himself, and bother Jiang Dong to send it back. Give it to me Jiang Dong.

  Please come in quickly, please come in quickly..." Seeing that it was Jiang Xiaobai, Shi Sheng’s wife immediately greeted him enthusiastically.

   "Okay." Jiang Xiaobai was not polite, went into the house for a cup of tea, and after Shi Sheng’s wife settled in, he asked Shi Sheng’s wife if he needed help and if there were any difficulties that needed to be resolved.

  If he lives in Longcheng, Jiang Xiaobai would not ask such things. After all, Shi Sheng has been the general manager for so many years, and there is still some interpersonal relationship.

  But it's different in Moto. Huaqing Holding Group has just moved to Moto, and Shi Sheng retired and basically has no contacts.

  After knowing that the couple's lives were okay, Jiang Xiaobai then left and got up and left.

   Jiang Xiaobai did not go home, but returned to the company. Zhao Xiaojin knocked on the door and came in to tell Jiang Xiaobai that the Shanghai Stock Exchange had just closed.

The stock price of Jiahe Company has risen by about 10% today, which means that the price of Jiahe Company’s stock has risen by 40% so far.

  Jiang Xiaobai smiled happily, standing in front of the office window, looking at the Huangpu River from a distance, the rolling Huangpu River, in fact, I don't know how many companies have witnessed the rise and fall and success or failure.

On the third day of   Home and the company’s listing, on March 14, after Jiang Xiaobai reported, Zhang Weiyi was called over.

  After returning to the company yesterday afternoon, Zhang Weiyi said that the sales data of the previous two months of the Huahai Automobile Plant in the north of the country had come out.

  It’s just that Jiang Xiaobai drank alcohol at noon yesterday, and had a headache in his head, so he ignored it.

  Jiang Xiaobai took the sales data and looked at it, now part of the statistics.

  After the launch of Huachi Automobile, it has sold 5,000 vehicles in the entire northern domestic market in two months.

  The first month’s sales were 3,000 cars, and the last month’s car sales were 2,000.

  The sales in the second month fell slightly, but it did not fall back much. This result is not bad.

  Huahai Automobile Plant’s sales in the global market, the first month’s sales were 5,000, of which the Ozhou market was about 3,500, and the Yazhou market’s sales were about 1,500.

  In the second month, the total sales volume of Huahai Automobile Plant in the global market was 4,000 vehicles, and the sales performance in the O continent market was also much better than the sales performance in the Yazhou market.

  (End of this chapter)

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