Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1781: Support development, don’t ask for money

  Chapter 1781 Support for development, don’t ask for money

  In two months, after the Huahai Automobile Factory's Huachi Automobile went on the market, a total of 14,000 vehicles have been sold.

  How do you say this result, if it is not a big deal in later generations, the average monthly sales volume is only 7,000.

  This is still the performance in the global market. Some car companies in later generations have launched a car, and the monthly sales in the domestic market alone can exceed 10,000.

  This is not a proud achievement, but it is 1994. The car sales and the market at this time are really far worse compared to later generations.

  So the results of the Huahai Automobile Plant are still good.

Of course, the main thing here is that the sales performance in the north and the domestic market is very eye-catching. This is the brand blessing of the predecessor of Huahai Automobile Factory, Liha Qiao's father automobile factory. Although the name has been changed, Liha Qiaofu Automobile Factory is still very influential in the north of China.

  Otherwise, the quality of the car is still very reassuring.

   Coupled with the appearance and interior improvement of the current Huachi, it is normal to achieve this result.

   "The performance of Huahai Automobile Plant in the Ozhou market is much better than the performance in the Yazhou market." Jiang Xiaobai said, looking at the data above.

  Two months of sales data prove this point.

   "Maybe because the north originally belonged to O state, most of the territory belongs to O state, and basically no one lives in the territory of Yazhou." Zhang Weiyi thought for a while and said.

   "For this reason, most of the cities in the north are in O state, and the north is also defined as a country in O state." Jiang Xiaobai nodded.

  "With the sales of more than 10,000 cars in two months, can the production capacity of the North Huahai Automobile Plant be able to keep up?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

  Zhang Weiyi said: "I have also asked about this. It is still possible to keep up, but part of the business has slowly stopped. The original models of cars have slowly begun to stop production.

  Originally, there was no sales in China, so the production was gradually stopped, and there was no impact.

  In addition to the current branch, the original Volga Automobile Plant's production capacity can still keep up for the time being, but the next step in the equipment is still a technical upgrade..."

  Jiang Xiaobai nodded. This is normal. Although Huahai Automobile Factory is large, part of the Lihaqiao Father Automobile Factory and Volga Automobile Factory that were originally acquired, although the factory is large enough.

  But in terms of the production line, there are many models, which are not matched by Huachi, so I want to use them all.

  In addition to slowly discontinuing the production of those models, the production line will also be phased out, and then replaced with the production line of Huachi Automobile.

  After all production is replaced with Huachi automobile production line, it is much more convenient to develop subsequent Huachi series cars later.

  Of course, other production lines are not useless at all. Some parts and other things can still be directly produced as a complete set.

  So these production lines are still useful.

  "How about their funds for equipment upgrades?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

  Although the family and the company were only successful when they went public, the family and the company are not short of money, but the money of the family and the company, that is the money of the family and the company, is not like the original one when it is listed, and funds can be arbitrarily drawn.

  It’s not appropriate to borrow, because the family and company have their own development plans.

  The cash flow of Huaqing Holding Group this year is not very sufficient. It has provided the construction of an automobile factory, plus the construction of two buildings on the side of Lujiazui opposite the Bund.

   said it’s not enough, it’s pretty good. To put it bluntly, the cash flow is very tight, so if the Huahai Automobile Plant wants the headquarters, or if it wants the support of the Huaqing Holding Group, it will definitely not work.

   "Their cash flow, I don't know the specifics, but Liu Jian didn't say this. I think it should be quite sufficient." Zhang Weiyi said with some disbelief.

  "Why don't you go there, let's take a closer look, it will not delay the development of Huahai Automobile Plant and their side, and it will not affect our funds.

  If it doesn’t work, just borrow money from Flower Bank! "

  Jiang Xiaobai was a direct push. In short, the development headquarters is supported, but there is no small money.

   "Okay, I'll go there." Zhang Weiyi nodded helplessly. He understood Jiang Xiaobai that this year's financial pressure is indeed a bit heavy.

   "Well, take Zhao Xiaojin with you, let her beat you up and so on." Jiang Xiaobai arranged.

   "This..." Zhang Weiyi looked at Jiang Xiaobai with some confusion and asked, "Didn't Zhao Xiaojin tell you?"

   "What did you say?" Jiang Xiaobai asked suspiciously.

   "You don't know about Zhao Xiaojin and that Mao Zhenghua?" Zhang Weiyi asked suspiciously.

  Many companies in future generations prohibit office dating, and the fear is that the two will affect the company, especially some related departments.

  Such as the sales department and the logistics department, it would be terrible if the two fell in love and received rebates.

  Therefore, many companies have strict regulations, prohibiting office dating, if two people in a company fall in love.

  After being discovered, one of them left, this is all light, and some even two of them will be expelled.

  At this time, of course, it is not as strict as later generations, and family businesses are still everywhere.

  In addition, Jiang Xiaobai is more relaxed, and there are a lot of one-to-one in the company, such as Wang Chao and Liu Xiaomei, such as Wang Meng and Li Beibei.

Both husband and wife were in the company, so Zhang Weiyi knew that Zhao Xiaojin and Mao Zhenghua were together, but he was not too surprised. He thought it was Jiang Xiaobai's acquiescence.

  But if Jiang Xiaobai doesn’t know, then the problem is serious. The two senior executives of the company are together. Among them, Zhao Xiaojin is in a special position as the secretary of the board of directors.

   Jiang Xiaobai’s people are in love with the person in charge of the joint venture SAIC Huahai Automobile Plant.

  If it were placed in ancient times, it would be equivalent to the fact that the **** beside the emperor and the general guarding the border were mixed together. This kind of thing is the most daunting. To use the ancients, it is the way to die.

  Of course, in the current enterprise, of course it is not that serious, but it is also taboo.

  But Zhang Weiyi got it wrong, Jiang Xiaobai nodded directly and said: "I know, Zhao Xiaojin told me that Xinyi also asked me to investigate that kid."

  Zhang Weiyi was relieved, if it was because of this, it would be no good that Zhao Xiaojin's little girl was disliked by Jiang Xiaobai.

  After all, Zhao Xiaojin's performance for so many years, he sees it, he is indeed a good person.

  (End of this chapter)

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