Chapter 1782 Backstab

   "She said that she would go back to Longcheng with Mao Zhenghua and see her family. She only said something to me yesterday, otherwise..." Zhang Weiyi said.

  Jiang Xiaobai was taken aback: "Really, the two of them progressed so fast, a good thing, don't let her go, give her a short vacation, let her have fun."

  Jiang Xiaobai smiled, very happy for Zhao Xiaojin, Zhao Xiaojin has been following her for a long time, and has not been married yet.

  He is also very concerned. Although he is Zhao Xiaojin's superior, Jiang Xiaobai has also regarded Zhao Xiaojin as his younger sister after so many years.

  Of course, he also cares about Zhao Xiaojin’s personal issues.

  Mao Zhenghua’s home is generally good.

  Thinking about it, if two people agree, it should be the time before, traveling abroad in the north.

  At the beginning, Jiang Xiaobai deliberately exercised Zhao Xiaojin and asked her to learn from Zhang Weiyi, while Mao Zhenghua and others, as members of the family car plan of the strategic design group at that time, also followed to visit and study in the north.

  At the beginning, Zhao Xiaojin couldn't find anyone from time to time, should be that.

  Speaking of the five strategic planning groups at the beginning, now only one plan has been carried out, and that is the family car plan.

  In the second half of the year, it is time to put forward another plan. Now the family and company affairs have stabilized, and the main energy can be put on other things.

  "This time going abroad, we should also pay attention to the mentality of the technicians at Huahai Automobile Factory. The other thing is..."

   Jiang Xiaobai explained to Zhang Weiyi what happened after going abroad. The other side was in Wanke Company in Pengcheng. Wang Shi was busy in his office when the door was knocked.

   "Come in." Wang Shi looked at the time, unknowingly it was half past ten.

  After the visitor pushed the door in, Wang Shi looked at it and stood up from behind the desk to greet him.

"Mr. Zhang, why don't you come here, don't say hello, it's noon right away, don't leave at that time, stay and have a meal together, we haven't had a good drink for a while." Wang Shi smiled and greeted him. The other party sits down.

  The man is Zhang Guo, the helm of Junan Securities, the largest securities company in Pengcheng.

  Although the relationship between the two is not very familiar, but because of the cooperation, the relationship is still acceptable.

  Commercial exchanges are avoided because they are familiar, but the necessary politeness is indispensable.

  Not to mention this is the largest securities company in Pengcheng. They Wanke is not Jiang Xiaobai’s Huaqing Holding Group. They can hook up with a behemoth like CICC, so they can ignore such securities companies as Junan.

  Junan Securities Zhang Guo, went to the Huaqing Holding Group in the magic capital, and couldn't even see Jiang Xiaobai, but when he came to Wanke, he was worthy of his own treatment. This is the difference.

   "Okay." Zhang Guo sat down and looked at Wang Shi to greet someone to make tea, and raised his hand to stop it.

   "There is no need to make tea, I will leave after a few words."

   "Hehe, drink some tea and chat while drinking!" Wang Shi was very enthusiastic, and he didn't know what the original teammate was doing here. It can be described by a sentence of later generations.

  Not a little bit of defense, and no worries...Just like this, I was stabbed back by you.

"Because of your mismanagement of Wanke, I have contacted some of your Wanke shareholders to vote of no confidence in the current Wanke business strategy, and proposed to reorganize the board of directors. At the same time, a press conference will be held in two and a half hours. .

  It is now 10:30, which means that at one o’clock this afternoon..."

  Zhang Guo was still talking, Wang Shi was already stunned.

   "Mr. Zhang, don't you be kidding me?" Wang Shi's face was gloomy. This sentence was spoken out of his mouth by gritting his teeth word by word.

  He is not a fool. If this is said from Zhang Guo's mouth, of course he will not be joking. Needless to say, the two are not familiar enough to make jokes with each other. Even acquaintances did not make jokes about this kind of thing.

   "I now formally inform you, I hope Chairman Wang will pay attention to it. Over the years..." Zhang Guo said seriously.

   "Why?" Wang Shi was a joke, he was still a teammate for the last second, and he helped him two days ago and introduced him to Jiang Xiaobai, but when he changed hands, he gave himself a backstab.

  Although he has been used to the intrigue between people for so many years, he has long been used to it, but it happened so suddenly that he still couldn't react.

   "I said, Wanke's business strategy makes us distrustful." Zhang Guo said.

   "I want to know the real reason." Wang Shi said without waiting for Zhang Guo to finish.

"This is the real reason." Zhang Guo said unhurriedly. He knew that no matter what his purpose was, he would only be able to carry it out by pulling down the king's time, so there was no need to tell the king's time about his real purpose. It makes no sense.

   "You..." Wang Shi was trembling and cold, and he didn't know what to say.

  Zhang Guo directly got up and said, don’t forget the general meeting of shareholders for a while, and then turned around and left.

  Wang Shi glanced at the clocks hanging in the office. At 10:35, Zhang Guo came in and waited for five minutes, but in those five minutes he gave himself a sharp knife.

  Moreover, this knife pierced the heart directly, so it was really good.

   "Bang." Wang Shi's beloved tea set fell to the ground.

  Wang Shi couldn't help but cursed a foul language, and then sat down on the sofa.

  Get angry, but at this time, you must not let your anger suppress your reason.

  Whether it is future revenge or venting, you have to wait until the matter is over.

  It is now 10:35, and it is 1 o'clock in the afternoon as Zhang Guo said, and there will be two and a half hours left after the game is full.

  So every second must be determined now, hurry up and think of a countermeasure. Every minute and every second is precious.

  Now we must first look at what happened. If Zhang Guo wants to pull himself off, he must first consider the opinions of other shareholders.

  It can also be known from Zhang Guo’s words that Zhang Guo must have contacted some shareholders of Wanke, no, not contact, and has already convinced some shareholders.

  This point is undoubtedly, Zhang Guo has already said it.

  So the most important thing now is to determine how many shareholders Zhang Guo has contacted and how many shareholders have firmly followed Zhang Guo and opposed him.

  How many shareholders are still swaying, waiting for their own attitude, and how many shareholders are still on their side.

  More importantly, it is necessary to determine from which aspect Zhang Guo will attack him, and in which aspect does he distrust his business strategy?

  (End of this chapter)

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