Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1783: What is Jiang Xiaobai's attitude?

   Chapter 1783 What kind of attitude is Jiang Xiaobai

  Wang Shi is in the office, thinking hard, but he has no clue. There is no problem with the company's business strategy in the past two years, and all aspects of investment have been quite successful.

  Wang Shi couldn't understand it, so he didn't want to do it for the time being, but the previous question must be figured out as to how many shareholders still support him.

  This is the most important thing. It concerns your right to speak on the board of directors and the general meeting of shareholders.

  This bastard, he asked himself for help two days ago, but he gave himself a knife when he changed hands.

  If it were not for his own help, he would be able to meet Jiang Xiaobai.

  Wang Shi thought, but was stunned when he saw Jiang Xiaobai.

  What did Zhang Guo do with Jiang Xiaobai? Before, Wang Shi felt that Zhang Guo approached Jiang Xiaobai because of the underwriting of his family and company, or the listing of other companies under the Huaqing Holding Group.

  But now that this kind of thing happened, Wang Shi had to think more about it.

  After all, Jiang Xiaobai is one of their Wanke shareholders, besides the chairman of Huaqing Holding Group, and he is considered a major shareholder, holding 15% of their shares.

  If Jiang Xiaobai was persuaded by Zhang Guo, then as a consequence, he might really want to upload.

According to legend, Zhang Guo has a very background, otherwise, it will not be a few short years to create such a securities kingdom and become one of the best securities companies in Pengcheng.

   also has a huge influence on the Shanghai Stock Exchange.

  This Zhang Guo alone is enough for him to drink a pot, if you add Jiang Xiaobai.

  Jiang Xiaobai's influence, let alone, he doesn't know what is behind it, but Jiang Xiaobai's influence on the magic capital needs not to be mentioned.

  The influence of domestic private enterprises is equally large, and the relationship with Jiang Xiaobai is very good, and it is everywhere.

  So the most important thing now is what Jiang Xiaobai's attitude is.

  Have you been persuaded by Zhang Guo? If it were before that, he would definitely believe that Jiang Xiaobai would not do this kind of thing. Suddenly there was a backstab, and Jiang Xiaobai’s character could not do it.

  But with the example of Zhang Guo, Wang Shi couldn't believe Jiang Xiaobai. Once he was bitten by a snake for ten years, he was afraid of the rope.

  Thinking of this, Wang Shi was ready to grab the phone on the desk and call Jiang Xiaobai.

  But after grabbing the phone, Wang Shi hesitated again and called directly, if Jiang Xiaobai had been persuaded.

  How convincing is my language on the phone?

  If you have made a phone call, but there is no reason for contact next time, it is better to wait.

  It's better to be still, let’s look at how Zhang Guo moves, and then talk about it.

  Wang Shi made up his mind to see that it was 11 o'clock and there were two hours left before the news release.

  Two hours, it can be said that it is very urgent.

  Wang Shi directly called the assistant in.

   "Mr. Wang." The assistant had been waiting outside. He heard the dispute in the office. After Mr. Zhang of Jun'an left, he heard the sound of Mr. Wang throwing the cup again.

  However, he did not go in immediately, but gave Mr. Wang time to calm down and waited for Mr. Wang to call himself in.

  The reason for the dispute between the two people was that he heard a piece of speech outside the office, but that piece of speech made him tremble. If Mr. Wang can't handle this matter well, then they will definitely have a big problem.

  So he dare not be a little careless at this time, but at the same time he firmly believes in Mr. Wang. Mr. Wang takes them all the way through ups and downs. He believes that Mr. Wang can still control the overall situation.

   "You call Mr. Liu, Mr. Zhao, Mr. Ma and the others." Wang Shi directly ordered.

   "Okay, I'm going now." The assistant responded, turned around and left to inform the people. Mr. Liu, Mr. Zhao, Mr. Ma are all the company's senior managers and shareholders.

  Now President Wang should come to them and find a way.

The assistant thought to himself that he guessed the same, but he missed a little bit. Wang Shi asked them not only to find a way together, but also to unify their minds, and even to see if they were wooed by Zhang Guo. .

   Soon, Liu Yuan and others came over in a hurry.

   "President Wang, what happened?" Liu Yuan asked.

   "That's it. Just half an hour ago, Zhang Guo, Jun'an Securities..." Wang Shi briefly introduced the matter.

   "Bang." Liu Yuan snapped on the table and said angrily: "What kind of thing is Zhang Guo? Jun'an Securities is just a securities company, so why should he intervene in our company's affairs?

  I still point fingers at our company..."

   "That's right, Mr. Wang, tell me, what should I do now?" The other two people also asked anxiously.

  Looking at the reactions of the people, Wang Shi relaxed a little in his heart. It was very good. The worst result did not happen. His subordinates were still one mind with himself, and Zhang Guo did not move his own people.

  "The biggest problem right now is that we don’t know how many shareholders Zhang Guo has won and how many chips he has in his hands. This is the biggest problem."

  Wang Shi said with a headache, he only realized that Wanke’s biggest problem was that the equity was too dispersed.

  At the beginning, it was a good time to pull investment and the like, and the money did not take less, but now it is darkened and some are blinded.

   "Those securities companies should have followed Zhang Guo. Otherwise, Zhang Guo should not have the courage, but the other shareholders might not." Liu Yuan thought for a while and said.

   "This analysis should be correct, but we should still contact other securities companies to make sure, that is, to be opponents and to be honest." Wang Shi said, picking up the phone and starting to contact other securities companies.

  Wanke’s current equity is very scattered, and his shares and Liu Yuan’s high-level shares are part of it.

  Part of the securities company, part of the state-owned shares, plus those scattered outside directors who also hold part of it.

  So it is roughly divided into four parts, and the shares in the hands of securities companies are not all concentrated in Junan Securities.

  Other smaller securities companies also hold some shares, and it is these securities companies that Wang Shi wants to contact now.

  Pengcheng New Generation Enterprise Co., Ltd., Qiongzhou Securities, Xiangjiang Junshan Investment Co., Ltd., Chuangyi Investment Co., Ltd....

Wang Shi called these securities companies one by one, and the result was the same as he thought. Some of these securities companies simply refused to answer the phone, and some answered the phone and told him bluntly that the matter was already established. The fact that Junan Securities spoke out on behalf of their minority shareholders. Since Wang Shi could not go with Wanke, then they would be replaced by another person.

  (End of this chapter)

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