Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1784: Positive response

   Chapter 1784 Actively respond

  Wang Shi hung up the phone and slapped the table fiercely. Although he had already expected this result, he was accused of mismanagement on the phone, and it still made people unable to suppress the anger in his heart.

   "President Wang, now is not the time to be angry, we have to hurry up to contact other shareholders." Liu Yuan said.

  The other two people followed and persuaded, Wang Shi calmed down and continued to contact the others.

  Far away in foreign countries, capitals, island cities, and various shareholders, as the king made calls one by one, the expressions on his faces soon eased.

  Wang Shi is the founder of Wanke, and he still has his own personal charm. Therefore, the communication with these directors is fairly smooth. Everyone gave Wang Shi face and promised to support Wang Shi.

  "Okay, Mr. Wang, now there are two key areas left, one is Shen Tefa and the other is Jiang Xiaobai. If these two places, or one unit and one person, can support us.

  Then the situation is stable, and Zhang Guo and Jun'an Securities can't make any waves. "Liu Yuan said with a sigh of relief.

  These shareholders are also small shareholders. Although they are united, they are also a force, but they cannot be compared with Shen Tefa and Jiang Xiaobai.

  These two not only have shares, but also have a relationship, background, and influence.

  For example, if Jiang Xiaobai speaks out and supports Wang Shi, it will also strengthen the confidence of many people.

  "Contact Shen Tefa first." Wang Shi sighed and said, Shen Tefa, this state-owned stock that has been entangled with Wanke.

  Wang Shi has been trying hard to get rid of the object of control, she is very special, and the entanglement between the two is deep.

  The relationship between the two parties is also very delicate. They are friends and opponents.

   But at this time, Wang Shi still chose to ask for help.

  Wanke, as a pioneer in the reform of the shareholding system, has been competing with "Special Development", but in private, Wang Shi is still appreciated by many important officials, and his network resources are not easily shaken by ordinary people.

  After Wang Shi’s communication, Wang Shi’s face finally relaxed completely.

  Because Shen Tefa agreed, and promised to help him.

   "Huh." Wang Shi let out a long sigh of relief, and saw that it was already twelve o'clock at noon, and there was only one hour left before the meeting began.

   "Well, now there is the last key figure left, Jiang Xiaobai of Huaqing Holding Group."

  Wang Shi said, picked up the phone and dialed out.

   "Hello, hello." A female voice came.

  "When I was King Wanke, I would like to call you Dong Jiang in an emergency." Wang Shi said.

  In the end, I made this call. It was good. Jiang Xiaobai was the easiest person to get support, because Zhang Guo couldn't even meet Jiang Xiaobai.

  As a result, I abruptly introduced Zhang Guo and Jiang Xiaobai to meet, which added a lot of people's variables out of thin air.

  If Zhang Guo persuades Jiang Xiaobai to deal with him because he introduced Jiang Xiaobai and Zhang Guo, then his intestines are all waiting for regret.

what is this? Zhang Guo, a dog thing, is too much to use himself in this kind of thing.

"Excuse me, Mr. Wang, Dong Jiang is off work, so let me get in touch and ask Dong Jiang to call you back as soon as possible." The person from the secretariat said to the phone. They knew who Wang Shi was. .

   "Okay." Wang Shi hung up and waited.

  Jiang Xiaobai is fine. He must have eaten at home for noon. At this time, the family is chatting and eating.

   Jiang Xiaobai listened to Jiang Langlang talking about school things. Although they were all very naive things, Jiang Xiaobai sounded with relish.

   "Oh, by the way, Xiaoyin is coming over, right? When?" Jiang Xiaobai suddenly remembered about Yin Xiaoyin and turned to look at Zhao Xinyi and asked.

  It turned out that when he was at home, Yin Xiaoyin and Yin Xiaojun were the closest to him.

  But as they grew up, the siblings sometimes didn't talk to Jiang Xiaobai about many things, but went to Zhao Xinyi.

   "Tomorrow, tomorrow morning, I will go to the magic city. If you have time, then pick up the airport. If you don't have time, I will go there." Zhao Xinyi said with a smile.

   Jiang Xiaobai said: "I have time, let me go."

   "I will go too." Jiang Langlang raised his hand and said.

   "Haha, okay, I'll pick up my sister together at that time." Jiang Xiaobai touched his son's head, smiled and agreed.

  Zhao Xinyi also has no opinion. She is still in elementary school and it doesn’t matter if she missed a class.

  I am not yet a later generation. I have been fighting since I was a child. Everyone is a parent of chicken babies. Although I also attach importance to learning now, it has not reached the level of later generations.

   "I have cleaned up the room, and bought the daily necessities. This child still wants to live in a unit.

  Well, let me persuade me to come back. I haven't married yet. What are you doing living outside? "

   "Okay..." Jiang Xiaobai was about to say something when the phone at home rang.

  Li Lan got up to answer the phone, then looked at Jiang Xiaobai and said, "Boss Jiang, I'm looking for you."

   "Okay." Jiang Xiaobai got up and walked over to answer the phone.

   Then he listened and hung up the phone. Wang Shi looked to himself, so anxious, could it be that the "controversy between kings and ten thousand" broke out.

  Calculating the time, it seems to be the first half of the year. Of course, Jiang Xiaobai doesn’t know the exact time.

  Thinking about it, Jiang Xiaobai dialed Wang Shi's phone.

   "Hey, Mr. Wang, what's the matter? Looking for me in such a hurry." Jiang Xiaobai asked directly after answering the phone.

  Wang Shi was holding the phone, but some did not know how to say it, and it was embarrassing to say it.

   "Dong Jiang, it's a little hard to tell. At around ten o'clock in the morning, Jun'an Securities..." Wang Shi thought for a while and chose to tell the truth.

  Even though this kind of thing is embarrassing, it has already happened. If you go around and say something else, it might be bad for Jiang Xiaobai to misunderstand it.

   Jiang Xiaobai listened carefully. In fact, he knew what was going on after King Shi got up.

After Wang Shi finished speaking, he did not hear Jiang Xiaobai's statement.

   "Dong Jiang, what do you think of this?" Wang Shi asked tentatively.

  "What do I think, I stand and watch, sit and watch, watching from the side, your own affairs, you handle it yourself, don't you still expect me to handle it for you?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

  Wang Shi’s face turned black, Jiang Xiaobai’s speech is still so painful, standing and sitting, watching, watching from the side, this is what stuff.

  What do I mean? At this time, they were still joking with me, so they said bluntly: "I want Jiang Dong to support me."

  (End of this chapter)

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