Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1785: Don't support who you support

   Chapter 1785 Doesn't Support Who You Support

After Wang Shi finished speaking, he waited for Jiang Xiaobai's answer.

   held his breath, and his heartbeat speeded up again. If Jiang Xiaobai agreed, everything would be fine.

  If you don’t agree, or if you have been entangled with Zhang Guo, then you’re in trouble.

  Jiang Xiaobai said without thinking about it: "Support, on this matter, I think you are really idle. You founded it. Although the company has a lot of work, I don’t support who you support.

  Should we go to support that securities firm? Just kidding, they can help the company go public and run the company, they know a shit..."

  Wanke is in the hands of Wang Shi, and his shares in Wanke will become more and more valuable. When they are put in the hands of securities firms, people will just make a fortune and leave.

  Although they can make a little profit after they raise the stock price, it is killing chickens to get eggs. Jiang Xiaobai will definitely not do this kind of thing.

   Jiang Xiaobai said that he was very polite, but Wang Shi's face instantly bloomed with joy.

  Jiang Xiaobai, this little violent temper, really makes people like it, and he said it so sweetly.

  The securities firm, besides playing some tricks and playing some capital stuff, how does it operate? They know what a fart.

   "Haha, thank you Jiang Dong, thank you Jiang Dong." Wang Shi repeatedly thanked.

  Jiang Xiaobai interrupted Wang Shi's words: "Okay, don't talk about it, are you sure?"

In the previous life, although Wang Shi was very difficult, he finally got rid of Zhang Guo and made Jun An dumb to eat huanglian. There was hardship to say, but in this life, many things have changed, and Jiang Xiaobai also has some things. worry.

  Although he said he supported King Shi, if King Shi couldn't handle Zhang Guo, then Jiang Xiaobai would have to consider leaving.

   "With Jiang Dong's support, can I still be unsure? Then I've really been a fool for so many years. Just watch Jiang Dong." Wang Shi said confidently.

   also gave Jiang Xiaobai some extra information.

   "I have contacted various directors and Shen Tefa, and they have all agreed to support."

  "Okay, then let go and do it. If you need support, just call." Jiang Xiaobai said politely and was about to hang up.

  But I didn’t expect Wang Shi’s product to climb along the way, and said directly: “Then Jiang Dong, can you help me hold a press conference to support me and condemn Junan Securities’ behavior?”

  Wang Shi finished speaking, listening to the phone for a long time without a voice, it was also a bit embarrassing, he also understood that his request was indeed a bit excessive.

  Other Jiang Xiaobai believed in himself and supported him, but he now made this request again.

   "You are really embarrassed, I will be polite with you."

   "Haha." Wang Shigan smiled: "Forget it, I'll just..."

   "Okay, I have a press conference tomorrow."

   "What, Jiang Dong, did you agree?" Wang Shi asked in surprise.

   "You are shameless, but if I say it, I can't take it back." Jiang Xiaobai teased.

   "Haha." At this time, Wang Shi couldn't care about embarrassment or embarrassment. Jiang Xiaobai agreed anyway.

   hung up the phone, Liu Yuan and others asked: "Jiang Xiaobai agreed."

  Looking at Wang Shi’s face, I knew it was joy.

  "Not only did he agree, but he also promised to hold a press conference tomorrow to condemn Junan Securities' behavior and help us speak out." Wang Shi said lightly.

   "Bang." Liu Yuan slapped the table fiercely and excitedly said: "Great, what will Junan Securities do now?"

"Calm down, we should also learn from this incident. If it weren't for the strong support of Shen Tefa and Jiang Xiaobai, maybe we would really take it this time!" Wang Shi was not taken away by victory at this time. We are already summing up experience and lessons.

  On the other side, Jiang Xiaobai put down the phone and chuckled. This King Shi was really interesting.

  Sure enough, no one can casually succeed, and anyone who wants to succeed has to be shameless.

   "What's wrong? Xiaobai." Zhao Xinyi looked back on the sofa. After answering the phone, Jiang Xiaobai asked with a thoughtful look.

   "It's okay, Wanke something happened over there, it's nothing..." Jiang Xiaobai said.

  Zhao Xinyi is very curious, Huaqing Holding Group holds shares in Wanke, she knows this.

  Jiang Xiaobai didn't hide it. After talking about it, Zhao Xinyi's eyes widened after hearing it.

  "Can it still be like this? What does Junan Securities want to do?"

  Before, there was Yanzhong Industry, which was directly reorganized by Baoan Company's Fengshui on the Modu Stock Market.

  As a result, how long has passed since then, the securities company actually played this game against another listed company.

  To be honest, Zhao Xinyi is a little frightened now. Is this listed company so dangerous?

   It is again a crisis in the stock market, and it is also a real-life seizure of power by securities companies.

   "Why can't it be played, the operation of the capital market, it is estimated that Jun An wants to take this opportunity to make a fortune, it is not a big deal." Jiang Xiaobai said lightly, but Zhao Xinyi still saw the thrills.

   "Then how do you choose to support Wang Shi or the securities company this time?" Zhao Xinyi looked at Jiang Xiaobai and asked.

  She hasn't forgotten that the last time Yanzhong Industrial was battered by Baoan Company on the Modu stock market, she lost control of the company, and finally she had her own husband, Jiang Xiaobai, who was looming behind her.

  So this time, Zhao Xinyi didn't know what decision Jiang Xiaobai would make.

   "Of course it is to support Wang Shi, this is his own person, then Junan Securities is not a good thing." Jiang Xiaobai said without thinking, speaking with his family, there is nothing to cover up.

  In the previous life, Junan Securities was not a good thing, and it was not honest to do securities.

  There is no qualitative thing about being engaged in the capital market all day long.

  Finally, the person in charge of Junan Securities, Zhang Guo even got himself into the trumpet. Speaking of several securities companies that are currently in the country, the ending will be particularly interesting.

  Relying on the magic capital Yang Wanwan, who started with treasury bonds, and the managing director of IWC, Shenyin Securities, plus Junan.

  This is now the three giant securities companies of Magic Capital Stock Market and Pengcheng Stock Market.

  There is no need to say more about Junan Securities, because Zhang Guo put himself into the horn to end.

  Wanguo and Shenyin Securities later merged with Shenyin and Shenyin Securities because of an accident at Wangou. They were called Shenyin & Wanguo Securities Co., which became the first domestic joint-stock securities company.

  Later, Hongyuan Securities went public and became the first domestic securities firm to be listed. In 2015, Hongyuan Securities absorbed Shenyin & Wanguo Securities and changed its name to Shenwan Hongyuan Securities.

  Since then, on the Shanghai Stock Exchange in the 1990s, the three giant securities companies on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange have completely disappeared.

  (End of this chapter)

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