Chapter 1786 Attack

At 1 pm on March 14, 1994, in Pengcheng, Junan Securities announced the four shareholders entrusted by Junan representatives-Pengcheng New Generation Enterprise Co., Ltd., Qiongzhou Securities Company, Xiangjiang Junshan Investment Co., Ltd. and Chuangyi Investment Co., Ltd. initiated the "Letter to All Shareholders of Wanke Enterprise Co., Ltd.".

  The full text is more than 10,000 words, which directly refers to the problems existing in Wanke's operation and management.

  And these four companies collectively hold 10.73% of Wanke’s total shares, which can be regarded as a stone wave.

  And held a press conference, and contacted many shareholders, preparing to propose the reorganization of the board of directors. Suddenly the news spread quickly in Pengcheng's shopping malls.

  This is the first domestic confrontation between shareholders and the board of directors.

  In the integrated conference room, Wang Shi’s face was dark and scary.

  And Zhang Guo continued to say: “Wanke’s diversified model and Wanke’s industrial structure have dispersed the company’s resources and management focus, and it has been unable to adapt to modern market competition..."

   Zhang Guo said that he was righteous and righteous.

  As the underwriter of Wanke’s B-shares, Zhang Guo has already heard of Wanke’s business dynamics and Wang Shi’s diversified reflections, and his moves can be said to have hit the key.

  Wang Shi's face was very dark, but there was no way to refute it.

  Because this is indeed a fact, some time ago, I also listened to Jiang Xiaobai’s opinion and added up the entire Wanke profit and loss, and the conclusion was not very good.

  This Zhang Guo was a fatal blow, but Wang Shi was very clear in his heart. Don't look at what Zhang Guo said now seems to be reasonable and righteous.

  But he attacked Wanke this time, just to hype the news of the reorganization, boost the stock price, and then take the opportunity to ship goods to reduce losses.

  So Wang Shi would not let him achieve this goal, so Wang Shi sat firmly on the Diaoyutai.

  With the support of Jiang Xiaobai and Shen Tefa, as long as you are more careful and don’t make mistakes, you will be able to cope with things this time.

   "Mr. Zhang, the problem you mentioned has not been confirmed yet, and your so-called representative, I don't think it can be published..." Wang Shi said, tit-for-tat back.

  Naturally, the general meeting of shareholders was not completed because there were not enough shareholders.

  At the scene, Wang Shi also began to make efforts to stabilize some shareholders.

  After the meeting was over, Wang Shi also had a general direction in his mind. The first thing was to obtain the authorization agreement from those shareholders.

  Of course, there is no need to worry about matters of public opinion.

  Jiang Xiaobai received a call from Wang Shi at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, telling him that the press conference does not need to be held for the time being, and the matter is not that serious yet, Wang Shi must first think of a solution.

   Jiang Xiaobai could not deny it, and agreed.

  It’s not over yet, the two people talked about the current situation on the phone for a while.

After    hung up, Wang Shi decided to apply for Wanke suspension.

  Since Zhang Guo’s purpose is to hype up the reorganization, raise the stock price, and make profits, then he cannot let him achieve this goal.

   and suspension is considered the most effective prevention.

  It was very difficult for Wang Shi to make this decision. Liu Yuan and others were also persuading Wang Shi and others. After all, Wanke was not easy to go public. After listing, it is also not easy to go to this day. The suspension of trading has too much impact on Wanke.

  However, Wang Shi decided to do this, because otherwise, it was not enough to solve the crisis this time, and Jun'an Securities was deceiving people too much this time, and did not put itself in the eyes at all.

  What happened on March 14, Zhang Weiyi came to Jiang Xiaobai’s office that afternoon.

  Jiang Xiaobai said that he already knew, that Zhang Weiyi didn’t need to take care of this matter, and that Zhang Weiyi was at ease on a business trip.

  In fact, this matter has nothing to do with Huaqing Holding Group. Huaqing Holding Group only needs to sit firmly in the Diaoyutai.

   is just a matter of profitability in this matter.

  Jiang Xiaobai called Zhao Xiaojin over and asked Zhao Xiaojin to arrange someone to be responsible for staring at Wanke things.

  In case, if in this life, Wang Shi really can't do Junan Securities, then he must leave the market in time to stop the loss.

At that time, he will be like Zhang Guo, arbitrage and leave, and will not wait for Wang Shi to sink into the water on this broken ship. The two will not say whether there is such a friendship, but there is this. There is no need for friendship.

  Zhao Xiaojin nodded and was about to go out to make arrangements, but Jiang Xiaobai stopped Zhao Xiaojin.

   "By the way, I heard that you are going to see your parents?" Jiang Xiaobai asked with a smile.

  "Mr. Zhang told you?" Zhao Xiaojin asked, and then muttered: "I knew Mr. Zhang was unreliable. That mouth leaked like a torn shoe upper."

   "Haha, what are you talking about, you have the ability to speak to Mr. Zhang." Jiang Xiaobai smiled.

   "Just say, I told him to keep it secret, and I haven't figured it out yet." Zhao Xiaojin said with her head high, she was not afraid of Zhang Weiyi.

  Although Zhang Weiyi is the vice president of the company, he still treats her like a little sister.

   "Okay, you are great, let's talk about it, when do you plan to go back, let you take two more days off, take a good rest." Jiang Xiaobai said.

  Zhao Xiaojin suddenly became excited: "Really?"

   "Really." Jiang Xiaobai said with a black face, "When I speak, it doesn't count, but you shouldn't just confess yourself for the two-day holiday."

   "No, no." Zhao Xiaojin waved his hand again and again.

   "Okay, you have arranged and told me to leave at any time. If you really get it, then you don't have to pay back the money for the house. It's my wedding gift for you." Jiang Xiaobai said.

   "Thank you Jiang Dong, Jiang Dong is really generous and generous..." Zhao Xiaojin giggled, and his mouth almost couldn't close.

  When she bought the house, she went with Jiang Xiaobai. She had a house of 600,000 yuan. At that time, she had no money. She borrowed it from Jiang Xiaobai. She was planning to wait for the dividends at the end of the year and then return it to Jiang Xiaobai.

  Now it seems that there is no need to pay it back.

   "Okay, okay, don't say anything, besides, I seem to be a triumphant son." Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand to send Zhao Xiaojin away.

  This generous, generous, this kind of word is used in Jiang Xiaobai, a later generation, Jiang Xiaobai always thinks it is not a good word, it feels weird.

   "Hehe, Jiang Dong, then I'm going out to work." Zhao Xiaojin left with a smile.

  Jiang Xiaobai also laughed in the office. The secretary Zhao Xiaojin has a good home, and he feels at ease, and he is really happy for her.

  Zhao Xiaojin has followed him since he just graduated. Seeing that he is not married at 30, he is also worried for Zhao Xiaojin.

   However, he didn't want to introduce Zhao Xiaojin to those so-called "young talents", which embarrassed Zhao Xiaojin.

  Now Zhao Xiaojin finds someone he likes, that's the best.

  (End of this chapter)

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