Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1787: Pick up sister

   Chapter 1787

  Early the next morning, Jiang Xiaobai was called out of bed by his son Jiang Langlang early in the morning.

   "Dad, Daddy, pick up my sister." Jiang Langlang akimbo, standing on the edge of the bed watching Jiang Xiaobai, who just woke up, with a look of dissatisfaction.

  His relationship with Yin Xiaojun is still very good, and he is very close to his sister. Yesterday, he said he would pick up his sister today.

  As a result, Dad was still asleep early the next morning. Of course he was not satisfied.

  Jiang Xiaobai looked at the time, and it was only around 7:30. This little thing can't be called at 8 o'clock during school. As a result, he won't go to school, so he got up at 7:30 and packed up.

   "It's still early, sister's plane at ten o'clock, don't worry." Jiang Xiaobai muttered, turning over and preparing to continue sleeping.

  "Dad..." Jiang Langlang was obviously a little angry.

   "You can't do this. If you do this again, I will go by myself." Jiang Langlang said bitterly. After all, he didn't have any means to threaten Jiang Xiaobai.

   "Hehe, then go by yourself." Jiang Xiaobai was speechless.

   "Then I really went?" Jiang Langlang threatened with his arms folded.

   "Go!" Jiang Xiaobai didn't care too much, a kid, where to go.

   Jiang Xiaobai turned over and went back to sleep.

   Jiang Langlang pouted his mouth, there was no way to take his father, but the little thing rolled his eyes and went out soon.

   Then when Jiang Xiaobai was about to fall asleep, a toy car with a flashing alarm ran in from the door.

   Jiang Langlang followed behind him, still shouting: "Sister, I will drive my car to pick you up."

  Jiang Xiaobai has a headache because of the noise. What can parents do to take their children?

   could only get up to wash and clean up, and it was only eight o'clock after cleaning up and taking his son out.

   "Dad, should I sit in the co-pilot or sit behind you with you?" Jiang Langlang was holding Jiang Xiaobai's hand in excitement.

  Jiang Xiaobai was awakened by the little thing, and some did not want to talk to him.

   "Aren't you going to go by yourself? I didn't say to drive you with you."

  Jiang Langlang didn't care, his small eyes rolled around: "hiahia, what do you say now, dad?"

   "Okay." Jiang Xiaobai was speechless, what else could he do with his son.

   "Sit back with me." Jiang Xiaobai said.

   "But, Dad, I still want to be the co-pilot." Jiang Langlang raised his head and said pitifully.

   "Then I will drive." Jiang Xiaobai reluctantly took his son to the co-pilot.

  In fact, Jiang Langlang usually doesn’t have many opportunities to sit in the co-pilot. Li Longquan, Li Lan and others don’t dare to let him sit in the co-pilot.

  This is the same no matter how much Li Longquan, Li Lan and others spoil Jiang Langlang, because they can’t pay for the accident.

Not to mention Zhao Xinyi, Jiang Langlang didn't dare to make such a request at all, that is, when he followed Jiang Xiaobai or Zhao Gang, he dared to make such a request.

  Of course, Jiang Xiaobai sometimes won’t satisfy him, and Zhao Gang is basically responsive to Jiang Langlang.

  Li Longquan sat in the back row, a little helpless, he was the driver, and let the big boss drive the car, and the driver would be the first to take his place!

  At this time, the magic city can't talk about traffic jams.

  Wait around 8:40, Jiang Xiaobai and Jiang Langlang got off the bus at the airport.

   "Longquan, just rest in the car, I can go in." Jiang Xiaobai ordered, and Jiang Langlang entered the airport.

  There are a lot of people in the airport. Jiang Langlang is holding Jiang Xiaobai's hand tightly, but his eyes are constantly looking, searching for his sister in the crowd.

  "Have you found your sister?" Jiang Xiaobai teased his son.

   "No, I don't know where my sister is? There are too many people." Jiang Langlang said with a sad face.

   "You have to keep your eyes open and look for it."

  "I'm looking for it seriously." Jiang Langlang's eyes widened.

  But it's only nine o'clock, and the plane hasn't landed yet. Where are people from?

   Jiang Xiaobai and Jiang Langlang, father and son, were wandering in the airport. Later, Jiang Xiaobai simply sat on a stool and watched Jiang Langlang run wild in the airport.

  Time passed, and as soon as Yin Xiaoyin came out of the passage, he saw a small figure, rushing over like a gust of wind, and bumped into her arms.

   almost bumped her into a 趔趄. Although she didn’t see her face clearly, she knew it was a small thing, but even a child didn’t bump her into it like that.

  This life hurts, Yin Xiaoyin frowned and prepared to speak.

  As a result, the little thing that hit the body spoke up.

   "Sister, sister, I found you." Jiang Langlang hugged Yin Xiaoyin and said happily.

"Langlang, why are you here? Did you miss my sister?" A smile suddenly appeared on Yin Xiaoyin's face. The person who was hit just now didn't feel pain anymore. He picked up the little thing in his arms and was still young. Something kissed on the cheek.

   "Hey, think about it, I miss my sister, why did you come here." Jiang Langlang giggled, and the words that made people feel cute.

   "Hey, my sister missed you too, but my sister is busy at work." Yin Xiaoyin held the little thing again and kissed him on the cheek.

   "Wow, Xiaoyin, is this your brother? Why is it so small and so cute." A **** the side said, she is Chen Jiaojiao, and Yin Xiaoyin is a colleague.

   is a man from the magic city, because he went to university in another place and went to his home and company after graduation. This time, he also moved to the magic city.

  Furthermore, the family and the company not only mobilized the two of them this time, but also recruited a group of people from various branch factories, all of whom were highly educated.

  This matter was decided by the family and company at the end of last year. Otherwise, Yin Xiaoyin would not bring it up to Jiang Xiaobai during the Chinese New Year.

   But later, because of the company’s listing, this transfer order was shelved.

  Now that it is successfully listed, it is normal to transfer a group of highly educated talents from each branch to enrich the various departments of the head office.

  The reason why Yin Xiaoyin and Chen Jiaojiao came together was because they were colleagues before and they had a good relationship.

This is not an exaggeration. A branch factory can have several highly educated people. People are grouped together and things are divided into groups. Both of them have gone to college and can talk together. Besides, they are both girls, as long as they are not different in personality. Too big, it is normal to be a best friend or friend.

  Of course, what Chen Jiaojiao went to was just an ordinary college. There was no way to compare with Yin Xiaoyin's Beijing University, but this did not affect the relationship between the two.

  So this time when I came back, the two of them came back together.

  (End of this chapter)

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