Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1795: Caught off guard

   Chapter 1795

  On the way there, Ma Wu glanced at Jiang Xiaobai. It was the first time she saw Jiang Xiaobai, but she always felt a little familiar looking at Jiang Xiaobai.

  But when I think about it carefully, I don’t even know...

  Song Xin is holding her daughter in the backyard garden to enjoy the sun at this time. At this time, the sun is just right, neither hot nor cold.

  Little Tangtang sitting on the swing, giggling.

   "Miss Song." Wu Ma opened the door of the backyard and shouted.

   "What's the matter, Wu Ma?" Song Xin didn't lift her head, she sat lazily on a chair beside her, helping her daughter to shake the swing with one hand, and flipping through a magazine with the other.

  At this time, the sun was just right, the breeze was not dry, and the strands of hair on the forehead were blown away by the wind, revealing a bright face.

   Jiang Xiaobai stood by and watched this scene. Song Xin looked like this, he had never seen before.

   and the heroic and heroic woman in his impression are completely different. It seems that she has lived well in Citi.

  There is no feeling of emotional injury, but a look of yearning and contentment for life.

   "There are people from China, and Mr. Li also followed, saying that it is your friend." Wu Ma said, and she said Mr. Li refers to Li Longquan.

  As for Jiang Xiaobai, she is not familiar with it.

  Song Xin looked up when she heard the words. Her father called and said that someone was coming and brought her something.

   But she doesn’t know who this person is, and this Mr. Li is Li Longquan, can his father’s friends still get involved with Li Longquan?

  Li Longquan was Jiang Xiaobai’s driver. He followed Jiang Xiaobai all day long. Jiang Xiaobai was basically there where there was Li Longquan, and vice versa.

  So is it...this father’s friend is...

  Song Xin looked up so she was stunned.

  Jiang Xiaobai’s back is facing the sun, half of it is now in the sun, and the other half is in the shadows. The whole person is polarized, but his aura is rushing towards his face.

  In the past few years, the company moved to the magic city, and it opened a bank and a car factory. If all the employees under his hand were counted, it would be impossible for 100,000 people to stop it.

  Being in a high position, the momentum is naturally sufficient.

   And the whole person is more stable and mature, which means not to be angry or presumptuous.

  More importantly, the person who was muttering in his mouth, the girl's father, just stood in front of him.

  So close to yourself, as if you can reach it with your hand.

  The look in his eyes is the joy of reunion after a long absence, pity, and a different meaning.

  To be honest, Song Xin didn’t know how many times she had considered the scenes of this scene.

  It may be that after he returned to China, Jiang Xiaobai went to Beijing to do errands and went to his home, and opened the door for him by himself, or the girl opened the door for him...

  Even on the street, holding her daughter by himself, he walked towards him...

  But I have never thought that it would be in this small town, in this sunny morning.

  He opened the door, and when he looked up, the two met.

  It's so natural, and the feeling of not being able to explain clearly came to my heart.

  Neither of them spoke, Jiang Xiaobai looked at Song Xin, and Song Xin stared at Jiang Xiaobai.

  Little Tangtang on the swing turned her head and blinked her big eyes. She also looked over curiously, as if thinking about who this person is who suddenly appeared in her house?

  Wu Ma on the side watched this scene, suddenly understood in her heart, and slowly went out.

  No matter what the relationship between Jiang Xiaobai and Song Xin is, at least the two people know each other. As for the deeper relationship, she won't inquire much.

  This is her principle of life, and it is also the reason why she has been able to work for Song Xin for so long.

  In her daily life, Mother Wu devoted herself to taking care of the lives of the mother and daughter, but when it came to Song Xin's personal affairs, she never inquired about it. When the two were chatting, Mother Wu never talked about it.

  Song Xin’s salary is high enough, two thousand dollars a month, converted into renminbi, 10,000 yuan less, the domestic boss of the family, the second child gets married, buys a house, all rely on this.

  I am a babysitter. What do you do to find out the private affairs of your employer?

  It’s just like that just now. It was Wu Ma who was principled, but she was shocked in her heart and set off a stormy sea.

  She has come to take care of Song Xin for a long time. She has never seen Song Xin’s man, that is, the child’s father.

  Compared to others, this is the most curious one. A single, beautiful woman with a child by herself, and still in such a big battle abroad, never feels distressed in terms of spending money.

  Naturally, she became more curious about Song Xin's situation.

  What happened to Song Xin?

  When he brought Jiang Xiaobai over just now, he felt a little familiar looking at Jiang Xiaobai, but he didn't want to understand why he felt familiar.

  Until Song Xin’s expression was not right, she looked at the look between Xiao Tangtang’s eyebrows, and suddenly understood it in her heart.

  Why do you feel familiar? It’s because Jiang Xiaobai and Xiao Tangtang look alike. She is a person here, and she observes more carefully. She has brought quite a few children. Many children and their parents are always a little alike.

  If two people look at it alone, you may not think it, but if two people are together, you can see it.

   At least people like her can basically be seen. Of course, there are also those that are completely different, but there are very few, more or less, there will always be a little bit of magic.

  I think again, she and the outside bodyguards were introduced through Li Longquan, and Li Longquan was Jiang Xiaobai’s subordinate.

  Then all this can make sense...

   "How are you doing?"

   "The friend my dad said is you?" The two spoke at the same time, and then fell silent at the same time.

   "I'm okay, why did you come here suddenly without saying hello, and Xinyi didn't say hello either." Song Xin said.

  "This time I came for a business trip, and if I know you are here, I will stop by and take a look." Jiang Xiaobai said.

  I glanced at the little **** the swing, she didn't feel anything, just thought that the little girl was cute, as for other thoughts.

  What kind of blood connection and so on, if this is really the case, there will be no cases of the hospital holding the wrong child, the child being lost, or even the Green Hat King feeding the child for others.

  In addition to my own children, how can I feel when watching other people’s children?

  What’s more, Jiang Xiaobai didn’t like this child either. Song Xin was a good woman, married, had a child, and now divorced. Jiang Xiaobai had resentment towards her other side.

  And half of the other's blood is flowing through this child.

  (End of this chapter)

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