Chapter 1796 Drag the oil bottle

  After speaking two sentences, there will be no words between the two people.

   Jiang Xiaobai was still standing, Song Xin was still sitting, and Xiao Tangtang on the side was still looking at Jiang Xiaobai curiously.

   "By the way, Tangtang, called Uncle." Song Xin said.

  "Uncle..." Xiao Tangtang spoke uncomfortably.

   "Really good." Jiang Xiaobai praised perfunctorily, and then fell down, owing to the little girl's feelings.

  Song Xin called Ma Wu and asked Ma Wu to take Xiaotangtang back, and then she and Jiang Xiaobai sat down on the leisure table and chairs in the garden.

   "I heard that my home and company are listed. It's pretty good. You are still so successful in business..."

   "You are also a shareholder, and your home and company are also your hard work. From nothing to being, from being to being big..." Jiang Xiaobai also nodded and said.

  Although I came here this time to persuade Song Xin to return to China, but this matter can't come up, she will persuade others.

  After all, the two people have had time to meet, and there are so many things happening to Song Xin, marriage and childbirth, and there is still a sense of alienation, so if you talk about it, you can’t mention it.

  Jiang Xiaobai is not a hairy boy, he is very familiar with the world, and it happened that Song Xin mentioned the family and company.

  He mentioned the original incident by the way. After all, the relationship between the two people was very good. Jiang Xiaobai felt that it was not an exaggeration to say a confidante.

   "Do you remember that? When in Jianhua Village..." Jiang Xiaobai mentioned the past in Jianhua Village, and Song Xin's thoughts were pulled back to that era.

  The two people talked about the past, and they soon got acquainted with each other.

  Unknowingly, she forgot the time. Wu Ma came to greet her for dinner at noon. Only then did the two realize that they had been talking for two hours.

  Song Xin was a little embarrassed, but Jiang Xiaobai didn’t care, she said as she walked, “After dinner in a while, accompany me to stroll around the town. I just came over and saw that the view from the pier is pretty good...”

  Jiang Xiaobai felt that Song Xin should not refuse this matter. Let alone the relationship between the two, the two of them had a good chat this time.

  Song Xin should not refuse this request.

  Unexpectedly, Song Xin shook her head and said: "No, I have to coax the baby to sleep after eating."

   "Ah, okay." Jiang Xiaobai was a little embarrassed.

  Song Xin hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Or wait until the baby wakes up before going out."

   "Sure." Jiang Xiaobai nodded and said happily.

  After dinner, Jiang Xiaobai and Li Longquan were arranged to rest in the guest room.

  Li Longquan went out again to arrange the security guards outside. Except for the two people left, all the others found a hotel in the town and then stayed in.

  So many people have been waiting in the car, which is not the case, plus the weather is not very warm now.

  If it’s one day today, or if the time is short, it’s okay to say, but looking at Jiang Xiaobai like this, it’s obvious that you might be living here tonight.

After waiting for everyone to live in, Li Longquan tried the problem of talking between the hotel and Song Xin's house again, to ensure that something could be done as soon as possible.

Although Song Xin also has a security guard at home, Li Longquan helped to find it, but for so long, Song Xin has been in charge of it. He does not know the specific situation. Although he knows that Song Xin cannot harm Jiang Xiaobai, it is also easy to use. Not too relieved.

  In the afternoon, Jiang Xiaobai waited after getting up for lunch. Song Xin didn't clean up until after four o'clock in the afternoon, and it was almost five o'clock in the afternoon.

Jiang Xiaobai breathed a sigh of relief. The two of them could finally go out for a stroll, talk, and inquire about Song Xin's situation from the side, why the flash marriage, the escape, and a child. On the other hand, Song Xin Xin persuades to go home.

  As a result, when Jiang Xiaobai was about to go out with Song Xin, Ma Wu actually carried the child.

   "Baby, mom will take you out for a stroll, okay?" Song Xin squatted down and arranged her clothes for Xiaotangtang.

  "This...this, the child is still young, is it not good to take it out?" Jiang Xiaobai said in a whisper, he wanted to chat with Song Xin, if this is to take a child out.

  It's going to be noisy, and it's going to be noisy, how to talk.

   "It's okay, our baby is over a year old, isn't it? You can go out now." Song Xin said indifferently.

  She thinks differently from Jiang Xiaobai. She thinks that Jiang Xiaobai is Xiaotangtang’s biological father after all, although this kind of thing cannot be said outside.

  Xiaotangtang will not be able to fully enjoy his father's pampering like Jiang Xin, but since Jiang Xiaobai is here, let Jiang Xiaobai and her daughter take a little longer.

  This requirement is really not high.

  This Jiang Xiaobai can no longer say anything, and can only carry this small oil bottle.

  After walking two steps after going out, Xiaotangtang no longer wants to walk, and is clamoring to hug. The child at this time is just learning to walk but does not want to walk.

  This is the case for children. When they don’t know how to walk, they don’t want to walk, but when they learn to walk, they don’t want to walk anymore and they clamor.

  In fact, people are like this all their lives. They don’t want to go to school, they want to graduate, and they want to go to school when they work.

  I want to get married before getting married, and want to divorce after getting married.

  I want children when I don’t have children, and I can’t wait to stuff them back when I have children.

  When a child is young, he wants his child to be older, and when the child is older, he wants to be by his side.

  Life is a siege, I want to go out before I go out, and I want to come in again when I go out.

   "Ma Ma, Ma Ma." Little Tangtang clamored.

  Song Xin was going to reach out and hug, but she suddenly said, "Mom has a backache today."

   Originally, Song Xin was thinking, she said, Jiang Xiaobai, a person who understands the world, would take the initiative to hold Xiaotangtang for herself.

  Unexpectedly, when Jiang Xiaobai heard Song Xin say this, he immediately said happily: “Then, let’s send the child back and come out again.”

  He doesn't want to bring such a small oil bottle. As for the initiative to hold the child, the ground is good for others, and the child is his own relative.

  Although she has a good relationship with Song Xin, she has very big opinions about Song Xin’s ex-husband. How could she be willing to hug someone else’s child.

   "You..." Song Xin's face turned dark, and she muttered in her heart, but she couldn't say it directly.

   However, Song Xin is not helpless, she continued to look at her girl and said: "Little Tangtang, let uncle hug you, okay?"

   "Hehe." Jiang Xiaobai smiled dryly. He didn't want to hold it and there was nothing he could do. Song Xin had said so, apparently rejecting his opinion.

   So a minute later, Jiang Xiaobai reluctantly held the same reluctant Xiaotangtang, and followed Song Xin towards the port.

  (End of this chapter)

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