Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1797: Marriage change

  Chapter 1797 Marriage

  Even though Jiang Xiaobai and Xiao Tangtang were both unwilling, Song Xin was very happy. Seeing Jiang Xiaobai hugging her girl, she didn't need to say anything about her feelings.

  The sea breeze blowing by the port is gently blowing. This time is the most comfortable time of the day. The wind-blown hair is attached to the face, which adds a sense of style and charm out of thin air.

  Jiang Xiaobai looked at Song Xin involuntarily.

  "Do you want to ask me about my marriage?" Song Xin asked without waiting for Jiang Xiaobai to speak.

  Jiang Xiaobai nodded. He was going to wait for a while, first talk about something else, and then change the topic.

  But since Song Xin has already talked about this, he will no longer hide it. Besides, given the relationship between the two, it would be strange if he didn't ask about these things.

  "He and I met after coming to Citigroup..." Song Xin slowly said, and a poignant and romantic love story came to Song Xin's mouth.

  What kind of street encounters, heroes save the beauty, gentle and considerate, Yushu Linfeng and so on, Jiang Xiaobai is sour and sour, he can imagine the appearance of the man Song Xin portrayed.

   "What happened later? Why did he get divorced, he was so good?" It wasn't that Jiang Xiaobai deliberately tried to **** Song Xin's heart and sprinkle salt on Song Xin's wound. Song Xin described the other party very well.

  Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but want to stab her secretly. Mar’s said so well, it’s not divorced yet.

   There was even a sentence that he didn’t say whether Song Xin was cheated by others.

   "Later, he cheated." Song Xin said.

   "This bastard, what's his name, where do you know it now?" Jiang Xiaobai gritted his teeth.

  Although this is someone else’s housework, I shouldn’t be involved in it. After all, Song Xin and the other two have a child, well, this little thing in my arms.

  But from Song Hanbin's perspective, he is also considered half a maiden, and from Song Xin's background, he is also half a maiden, so together it is a maiden.

  The girl who married out was bullied, how could her mother’s family not help.

  Song Xin's expression changed a little. She had just made up a reason, and this person did not really exist.

  If Jiang Xiaobai finds out, go and check it, then it’s hard to say, if Jiang Xiaobai investigates and this person does not exist, then it’s a joke.

  "Why are you asking this? Forget it, it's all over." Song Xin said.

   "No, I can't just forget it, this is too grandson." Jiang Xiaobai said.

  Song Xin fluffed her hair, then turned her head to look at Jiang Xiaobai and asked, "Do you know how? Are you going to **** him?"

  Jiang Xiaobai was happy: "That's right, this is our girl in Beijing. She has been bullied. I can't just let it go and beat him up."

  Jiang Xiaobai has been in Beijing for four years, anyway, he still speaks two Beijing dialects, of course, it is only two Beijing oilzi dialects.

   "Come on, let's not talk about him, there are small things, you hit him, how can I face the small things." Song Xin turned to Xiaotang Tang Nunu.

   "Oh." Jiang Xiaobai sighed and did not speak. At this time, the little thing in his arms was struggling to get down.

   Jiang Xiaobai did not speak any more, Song Xin did not want to say, Jiang Xiaobai did not reluctantly, the big deal is to ask Song Hanbin after returning home.

  How could Song Hanbin not know the name of his ex-son-in-law? When that happens, send someone to Citigroup to find it.

  Don’t say what to make the other party, but at the very least, you can’t make the other party have a better life!

  Jiang Xiaobai did not speak any more, put down Xiaotangtang, holding the little things, and slowly strolling along the edge of the port.

Suddenly Jiang Xiaobai didn't know what to say. Jiang Xiaobai didn't speak, and Song Xin wouldn't say it anymore. She was anxious that Jiang Xiaobai would not speak. The family of three just wandered around like this, cherishing this hard-won opportunity, unexpected opportunity. precious opportunity.

   Jiang Xiaobai is still thinking about what Song Xin said just now, which is reasonable, sounds normal, and the story is very romantic.

  But I don’t know why, Jiang Xiaobai always feels weird, how do I say this feeling.

  Song Xin was very calm when she spoke, even though she should be a mother when she became a mother.

  But when it comes to her last marriage, and it hasn’t been long since, Song Xin is so calm, she has no emotions at all.

  This Jiang Xiaobai couldn't understand it. No matter how hard you are, you can't be so hard, so Jiang Xiaobai can't understand.

  Why is Song Xin able to talk about this, but she has no emotional reaction at all, as if she was talking about other people's things.

  However, Jiang Xiaobai was slightly confused, and as for the other Jiang Xiaobai, he didn't think too much.

  "In fact, this time I came here, I still have a problem, that is, since you have nothing to do with Citi, you might as well go back to China with me. After all, it is easier to go back to your own country and do what you do."

   Jiang Xiaobai simply said directly,

  "And Uncle Song and the others have always been worried about you. It didn't matter if you were fighting for love before, but at this time, should you consider it for your parents?

  After going back, Uncle Song and the others can be relieved. Don’t you know that Uncle Song and the others are scared every day in the country..."

   Jiang Xiaobai said, Song Xin suddenly turned her head to look at Jiang Xiaobai and asked: "You come to me, does Xinyi know?"

   Jiang Xiaobai was a little speechless when asked.

  But Song Xin became interested, turned her head and stared at Jiang Xiaobai, waiting for Jiang Xiaobai to answer.

   Jiang Xiaobai was a little helpless, and only babbled in the last half day and said: "I didn't say it, don't say it."

   "Hey, why don't you tell me?" Song Xin asked.

   Jiang Xiaobai was a little helpless, so he turned his head and ignored Song Xin.

   "You didn't come here specifically for me, did you?" Song Xin asked.

  Jiang Xiaobai did not speak or admit, nor was he cute.

   "Hey." Song Xin suddenly patted Jiang Xiaobai on the shoulder: "Don't worry, I won't say it."

  Since Jiang Xiaobai didn't deny it, he admitted it.

  How busy Jiang Xiaobai is, Song Xin can understand from Song Hanbin’s words. The company has just gone public, and a lot of things are waiting for Jiang Xiaobai to do.

  As a result, Jiang Xiaobai was able to leave so many things behind and run for herself alone, Song Xin was already very satisfied.

  She didn’t ask much. She didn’t need Jiang Xiaobai to be with Zhao Xinyi. To be with herself all day long, or to pamper herself, just need Jiang Xiaobai to have her own position in her heart.

  (End of this chapter)

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