Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1798: The trademarks are not cut clean

   Chapter 1798 The trademark is not cut clean

   "No, what's the matter with you? Will you not go back?" On the way back, Jiang Xiaobai was still asking Song Xin.

   "Chuck, let's talk." Song Xin smiled and did not agree or disagree.

   "Well, then you think about it." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile, unwilling to force her.

  That night, Song Xin personally cooks and cooks, Jiang Xiaobai eats very comfortably.

  After eating, Jiang Xiaobai went to a hotel in the town to check the accommodation of his subordinates in name.

  In fact, after arriving at the hotel, I called Zhao Xinyi in China.

  Reported that he was still working on a contract. In fact, when Jiang Xiaobai was on a business trip, he might not call Zhao Xinyi every day.

   But this is not Song Xin's place, is there a ghost in her heart? So Jiang Xiaobai made a special call.

  Zhao Xinyi usually doesn't ask too much about Jiang Xiaobai's work. In addition to being anxious to go to work, he just said a few words to Jiang Xiaobai and hung up the phone.

   Jiang Xiaobai breathed a sigh of relief, and then strolled from the hotel back to Song Xin's house.

  Xiao Tangtang was asleep at this time, and Song Xin was watching TV in the living room.

"came back?"

   "Well, I looked at them, people in a foreign country are afraid they are not used to it." Jiang Xiaobai said.

Song Xin is so smart, otherwise she wouldn’t be able to grow her home and company. When Jiang Xiaobai went there, she didn’t doubt it, but the sentence Jiang Xiaobai explained after coming back made her affirm, Jiang Xiaobai Not to see the security guard, but to call Zhao Xinyi.

   However, as a smart woman, she would not expose Jiang Xiaobai at this time.

  The two chatted for a while, and Song Xin asked Jiang Xiaobai to go to the guest room to rest.

  "The quilts are all new. This afternoon, I told Ma Wu to dry the quilts. I will buy you the daily necessities..." Song Xin leaned at the door, looking at Jiang Xiaobai and said.

"Thank you, being a mother is different. It's so careful." Jiang Xiaobai said. It was the first time he saw Song Xin so careful. It turned out that Song Xin was on a business trip with Song Xin. Song Xin was either left behind or lost. very messy.

   "I'm a joke, right?" Song Xin said pretending to be angry.

   "How dare you? Think about it when you sleep at night, I told you." Jiang Xiaobai reminded.

   "Got it." Song Xin replied, turned and left.

  Jiang Xiaobai also rested, but Song Xin, who returned to the room on the other side, was lying on the bed but couldn't sleep.

  To be honest, she also considered what Jiang Xiaobai said. Of course it would be good to go back. Jiang Xiaobai said so much, it was all good.

  But there are also some downsides, such as divorcing and taking the children alone, returning to parents, friends, neighbors, etc.

  Will parents be unable to raise their heads? She never underestimates the power of gossip.

  So Song Xin was a little tangled. She was planning to wait for her child to be older and go back in two years. But Jiang Xiaobai’s arrival completely disrupted her rhythm.

  But I’m not in a hurry to consider this issue, and I'll talk about it tomorrow.

  Song Xin thought, and took out the things Jiang Xiaobai helped bring from the cabinet, saying that her parents had ordered it to be brought over.

  The kind mother's hands are threaded, the wandering tops are tightly stitched before the trip, fearing the delay in returning. Song Xin stroked the pink sweater, which was knitted by her mother stitch by stitch.

  Thinking of this, Song Xin a little bit wanted to go back to China, but the entanglement in her heart was a little shaken.

  But at this moment, Song Xin's eyes condensed, and she turned out the bottom of the sweater, and there was a small top with a size and so on.

   Then Song Xin was a little bit dumbfounded. She understood what was going on, but she didn't know who made the idea, and she wasted a long time of her feelings.

  The feelings were actually bought from the store. After a closer look, it turned out that the position of the neck collar showed signs of cutting off the trademark.

  Hum, it should be bought in some high-end shopping malls, because at this time, most of the domestic clothes don’t pay attention to brands, especially clothes and the like.

   "Ting bell." Suddenly the phone in the room rang.

  Song Xin answered the phone, it was her father Song Hanbin.

   "Girl, did you bother you? Did you go to bed?"

   "I went to bed, I was woken up." Song Xin said angrily. She was deceived by her parents and wasted her feelings. How could she not have any emotions in her heart.

  No matter who came out of this bad idea, but at least the father must have participated, and even played this trick.

   "Ah, I'm sorry, Dad, by the way, how is the weather over there today?" Song Hanbin apologized and asked again.

  Song Hanbin said that, Song Xin will of course not say anything else. Is it even a white lie if his father died?

   "The weather is pretty good, I went out this afternoon," Song Xin said.

   "Really? That's good, how about the child?" Song Hanbin talked for a long time.

  Song Xin understands what her father wants to ask, besides wanting to ask if Jiang Xiaobai is here, what else can it be?

   So angrily said, “He’s here, and he also brought a sweater with a brand that was not cut clean.”

   "Impossible, I checked it myself and cut them all..." Song Hanbin said subconsciously, but halfway through the conversation, he realized that he had made a mistake.

   "Haha, this..." Song Hanbin was a little embarrassed.

   "Okay, I understand, don't worry, I will think about things when I go back." Song Xin no longer clings to this question.

  Song Hanbin just breathed a sigh of relief, but continued: "Don't think about it, what else is there to consider..."

   "Then I won't go back."

   "Then you think about it." Song Hanbin quickly changed his words.

   "Hehe, okay, I'm hanging up, you and mom take care of your health, maybe I will go back someday." Song Xin said.

   "Okay, I'll be waiting for you at home with your mother." Song Hanbin changed the phone, with a smile on his face, listening to the girl's meaning, although he did not agree, but there is a door.

  At least the girl can say this, which means that the balance in her heart is tilted towards going home after all.

  While Jiang Xiaobai was waiting for Song Xin's decision at Citigroup, the contradiction between Pengcheng Wanke Wangshi and Junan Securities became more intense on the other side.

  Wang Shi found a new generation of securities, and the new generation confirmed that they did not authorize Junan. It was Jun'an Securities making its own claim, so Wang Shi asked the new generation to issue a statement.

  On the evening of March 30, the new generation issued a statement in accordance with the meaning of Wan Ke Wang Shi, saying that the "Reform Proposal" of Junan Securities was incorrect and disqualified Junan Securities as a financial advisor.

  (End of this chapter)

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