Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1799: Return home

   Chapter 1799

  In 1994, domestic reforms have been carried out for more than ten years, and many enterprises have reached the first pass.

  But this pass is different.

  Some companies are because of equity issues, such as Wanke and Junan. This is a disguised battle for equity.

  Some companies are because of the future direction of the company.

  For example, Lenovo in Beijing. With regard to the issue of Lenovo’s equity, Mr. Liu has done a very important and very clever thing, using an empty pie to clearly divide the company’s equity.

  But Lenovo, which has been in business for more than ten years, is now facing new problems.

  That is the future development direction of the company. At this time, there are two Lenovo soul figures. In addition to Mr. Liu, there is also Mr. Ni.

  But the two people who have been together for ten years diverged at this time.

  Ni is always the inventor of Lenovo Hanka, a high-tech symbol of Lenovo, and a technical director of later generations.

  And President Liu is a manager, one is in charge of personnel and the other is in charge of technology. In the previous ten years, two people are considered as a strong alliance, so it is possible to bring the company to this level.

  But at the ten-year mark, a technician and a manager had a disagreement.

  Technical staff, Mr. Ni, is preparing to create a new technological commanding height for Lenovo, and the chosen direction is "chips."

  In fact, it goes without saying that at this time, the chips at home and abroad are also lagging behind.

  The self-sufficiency rate is still low, core chips are lacking, and high-end technologies have been controlled by foreign manufacturers for a long time. Chips have become the largest domestic import commodity, which seriously threatens the national security strategy.

   Later generations of mobile phone manufacturers are often stuck by foreign manufacturers.

   And even more needless to say at this time, Ni always feels that if Lenovo can make a breakthrough in this field, then it will be able to establish Lenovo's position in the global computer industry.

  But I did not expect that this plan was unexpectedly opposed by President Liu.

  Liu thinks that this project is too risky, and the relationship between the two people also began to deteriorate when Wanke and Junan were fighting.

  And all of this has nothing to do with Jiang Xiaobai for the time being. Jiang Xiaobai’s main problem now is Song Xin’s problem.

  He has been living in Song Xin’s house for several days.

  Every morning, I sit in the garden behind the room, drink coffee, read the newspaper, sometimes I don’t understand, so I call an interpreter for him.

  After waking up at noon, I accompanied Song Xin and Xiaotangtang out for a round, by the port, in the small town.

   Originally, the town was not too big, but Jiang Xiaobai moved the town around in a few days.

   Several times when Jiang Xiaobai mentioned the matter of letting Song Xin return to China, Song Xin hesitated, neither saying that she would go back nor say that she could not go back.

  'S Jiang Xiaobai had a headache, but he couldn't keep asking about this kind of thing, because he was afraid that he would be too eager, so Song Xin was reluctant to go back.

  So Jiang Xiaobai could only endure and wait patiently for Song Xin's reply.

  Fortunately, Jiang Xiaobai is still patient, just asking casually every day, and then waiting for Song Xin to make a decision.

  The tour guide was a little helpless. He thought it was a big job, but it took one day and no longer needed the next day.

  And the translation is even more helpless. He didn’t expect that Jiang Xiaobai would come here really purely as if to travel, even for the woman Song Xin.

  Before, he thought it was a business event.

  After the result came, it was completely useless.

  In a blink of an eye, a week passed, and Jiang Xiaobai was a little impatient even if he was confident.

  However, Jiang Xiaobai is still patient. Ten days have passed, and half a month has passed.

   Jiang Xiaobai couldn't hold it anymore, and when he went out in the afternoon, he directly forced the palace.

  "Xin'er, it's not what you think, give me an answer." Jiang Xiaobai said helplessly while looking at Song Xin.

  Half a month, the domestic Huaqing Holding Group still has a lot of things, and Jiang Xiaobai can't spend it here all the time.

   "Why? I am in a hurry to return to China?" Song Xin asked with a touch of her hair, full of style.

   "This..." Jiang Xiaobai was a little embarrassed: "No, I just want to ask you."

   "Okay, I don't know you yet." Song Xin waved her hand and said indifferently.

   Jiang Xiaobai didn’t explain it at all, and changed the subject and said, “It’s not for you. Your family and company have your share.”

   "Hehe, thank you then." Song Xin said with a smile.

  "So are you going back?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

"go back."

   "It's not appropriate to be alone in a foreign country, I advise you..." Jiang Xiaobai said halfway, and then realized that Song Xin agreed.

   "Really, go back?" Jiang Xiaobai asked excitedly.

   "I must go back, but..." Song Xin said.

   just said that Jiang Xiaobai usually interrupted: "Be afraid of everything, but, let me tell you, don't take this time to perfuse me.

  If you go back in three months, half a year, and a few years later, isn’t it the same as not going back? "

   "No, three days, I will pack up and prepare." Song Xin said silently.

   "Okay, if there is anything I can help, talk to you." Jiang Xiaobai said.

  Song Xin shook her head. After setting the time, Jiang Xiaobai was also much more relaxed.

  Three days later, a group of people set out from the town to twist the appointment, so many people will go back in batches.

  "Longquan, told them that after returning to China, if they wish, they can join the security department of our Huaqing Holding Group, and we will accept them all.

  If you want to be closer to home, just in the city where they have our branch, or branch, you can also go to the security department of the branch or branch. "

  Jiang Xiaobai asked Li Longquan to talk to Song Xin’s security guard, although Song Xin said that, Jiang Xiaobai did not need to arrange it.

  But Jiang Xiaobai took the initiative to help. With so many people, it is not easy for them to follow Song Xin to Citigroup. In any case, it is better to give them a guarantee.

   "Thank you Jiang Dong, thank Jiang Dong." After the security department got the news, they all came over to thank Jiang Xiaobai. The call of "Dong Jiang" was much more sincere.

  Song Xin watched Jiang Xiaobai handle the head and tail for herself, and she was very happy. If she were to deal with so many people, she really didn't know how to arrange it except for severance.

   "Mother Wu, you will continue to follow Song Xin after you return to China. If you have anything you can call me, I can help you." Jiang Xiaobai warned Madam Wu a few words.

   "Okay, thank you Jiang Dong." Mother Wu nodded, and followed Song Xin, Jiang Xiaobai and others on the plane.

  (End of this chapter)

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