Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1801: Cooking wine on heroes

  Chapter 1801 Cooking wine on heroes

  On the stage, Mr. Ni was talking, and Jiang Xiaobai underneath, and he also remembered what Mr. Ni was talking about.

  The idea of ​​Mr. Ni is certainly good, and there is nothing wrong with what he thinks. Only after mastering the technology can he have a future.

The two words   make and create seem to be only one word apart, but the difference is very big.

  At this time, many people will be complacent if they put the word "manufactured" on them.

  But in the future, there will still be things created by the country, such as the refill of a ballpoint pen, the engine of a car, and the chip of a mobile phone. In many ways, foreign companies will be stuck.

  So it is necessary to follow our own technical route and master advanced technology.

   Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaobai had some thoughts in his heart.

  When the meeting ended that day, Jiang Xiaobai walked quickly towards Ni Guangnan.

  "Mr. Ni, hello, introduce myself, I am Jiang Xiaobai of Huaqing Holdings."

  "Dong Jiang, I’ve been admiring for a long time, I don’t know what Jiang Dong is asking for me?" Ni Guangnan is worthy of being a technical man, so he asked what was the matter when he opened his mouth, and he didn’t even have a greeting.

  In other words, instead of directly saying "heard of it", it said "a long time of admiration."

   "Does Mr. Ni have any arrangements for the evening? If it is convenient, I would like to invite Mr. Ni to have a meal. I am very impressed with Mr. Ni's remarks on the future development direction of the company..." Jiang Xiaobai said while looking at Ni Guangnan.

  Ni Guangnan was hesitant at first, but when Jiang Xiaobai said this, he nodded and agreed.

  The two people didn't know each other before, but Ni Guangnan also heard about Jiang Xiaobai, although they are not in the same industry as their association.

  But Jiang Xiaobai has a big business and is very famous.

   "Okay, how about Jianguo Hotel?" Jiang Xiaobai asked. According to the Beijing dialect, three days for the invitation, two days for the call, and the same day as Tiliu.

  But it was a coincidence. Besides, Jiang Xiaobai would not stay in the capital deliberately, so he would invite Ni Guangnan to dinner after three days.

   "Okay, I have no problem." Ni Guangnan nodded. He is a technical man and not picky eaters.

  Two people went out and got in the car and ran towards Jianguo Hotel.

  Jianguo Hotel can be said to be the first joint venture restaurant in China. After opening, it has achieved great success. In the past few years, it can be said to be the most popular restaurant in China.

  However, after entering the 1990s, compared to other restaurants, it is slightly worse than other restaurants, but the location is good.

  Although it has been a bit behind in ten years, it also shows the speed of our country’s development.

  Two people sat down in the private room. After ordering the food, Jiang Xiaobai asked for a bottle of Moutai.

   "Mr. Ni, can you drink something?" Jiang Xiaobai asked with a smile, man, only after drinking alcohol and talking about things can he relax, and he can talk freely.

  He knew that Ni Guangnan should be at odds with Mr. Liu now, but he just doesn’t know how far the two are now.

  Now the two people meet for the first time, and they are still talking, and will not speak too deep, otherwise it will be shallow and deep.

  But it is not impossible, a man can only speak casually if he drinks too much.

  That’s right, Jiang Xiaobai has taken a fancy to Ni Guangnan, who is a technical man, and he is indeed capable.

  In the previous strategic plan of Huaqing Holding Group, there is also a home computer plan. We need to find a person at the helm of this strategic plan.

   "Can drink some." Ni Guangnan did not refuse.

  After pouring the wine, Jiang Xiaobai said: "Come on, President Ni meets for the first time, but I've heard of President Ni's name before, but he has always been famous and there is no chance to meet.

  At first sight today, it really deserves its reputation. Mr. Ni’s talk is really wonderful. Technology and technology are the ladders for the progress of our domestic enterprises.

  If you don’t master the technology, no matter how big the company is, it will be nothing in the end, because you will get stuck by others casually..."

   "Does Jiang Dong think so too?" Ni Guangnan came to be interested. In fact, quite a few people disagreed with the chip technology that he said.

  Not only the company’s President Liu does not support, but there are also some friends who do not support it.

  I think it’s too far to think about this issue now. It’s a bit unrealistic. You can’t eat a fat man with one bite. You have to eat one bite at a time. You have to walk step by step. If you take too much steps, you will get the egg.

  “Of course I think so, don’t engage in technology, always use other people’s, and make money for others. People’s foreign companies have technology, and things produced for three yuan can be bought and sold domestically for thirty yuan.

  We don’t have the technology. Apart from being manipulated by others, what else can we do? People’s core technology won’t let you touch at all. Maybe in the end our company will become a foundry..."

  Jiang Xiaobai talked about this with outrage. Many domestic very expensive things sometimes suddenly become cheaper, not because of other things, but because domestic companies have mastered this technology.

   "Yes, come to Jiang Dong and take one." When Ni Guangnan picked it up, he was proactively touched Jiang Xiaobai.

   "Before, our beverage factory introduced a canning production line from abroad. One time the machine broke down and we couldn’t fix it ourselves. We asked a foreign technician to repair it.

  Expensive, don’t say. It only costs US dollars, so let’s not talk about it. During the repair, all the technicians in our factory were driven out, for fear that we would steal the teacher. You say this is not aggrieved..." Jiang Xiaobai said angrily.

   "Yes, if you don't have technology, you are being pulled by others, so what did you do in the end? Just tolerate it?"

   "Of course not, I secretly arranged people in a cardboard box, and then learned."

   "Hahaha." The two laughed happily, but although they laughed happily, they still felt a little bit sad at the same time.

  If it is possible, who wants to do this.

  At the end of a meal, both of them almost became brothers and sisters.

  Jiang Xiaobai is supported by knowledge from later generations. In addition, he has been in business for so long in his life, and he is not easy to deal with a technician.

   "Tomorrow, I will return to the magic capital, and come to the magic capital the next day. Let's take a night tour of the Huangpu River and have a good talk." Jiang Xiaobai stood at the entrance of the hotel, looking at Ni Guangnan before getting on the bus.

  "Okay, cooking wine is a hero." Ni Guangnan smiled and nodded. He felt that Jiang Xiaobai could talk with Jiang Xiaobai during this meal. Jiang Xiaobai had many concepts the same as himself, and he could speak freely.

  How to say this feeling, the mountains and rivers are looking for friends, which means some heroes cherish heroes.

   Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand in the car and left. After a meal, he also tested it out. Although Ni Guangnan and Liu always have conflicts, they have not yet reached the point of irreconcilability.

  (End of this chapter)

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