Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1802: Back to the magic capital

   Chapter 1802 Return to the Magic City

  Since the contradiction between Ni Guangnan and Mr. Liu has not reached the point of being irreconcilable, Jiang Xiaobai will naturally not mention other invitations.

  Anyway, Ni Guangnan also said that he has been running around the country recently and is setting up a microelectronics design center.

  Take advantage of this opportunity to make a good relationship between the two. When Ni Guangnan can’t stay and is forced to leave, he will naturally think of himself.

  This is called putting a long line and catching a big fish.

  The next morning, Jiang Xiaobai went to Song's house after attending the meeting.

  Song Xin is playing at home with her children. Mother Song is cooking in the kitchen.

   "Mother Wu, didn't you come here?" Jiang Xiaobai asked, looking at it.

   "The house is too small to live in. I am going to change to a new house." Song Xin said helplessly. In fact, the house of the Song family, with three bedrooms and one living room, is not too small at this time.

  But Song Xin and the child share a house, and Song Hanbin has a room and a study room. The child has no place to play, let alone a nanny room, so he still needs to change a house.

"What kind of house to change? I asked Mengzi to contact you. He is now doing real estate. See if you know someone in Beijing. No, I remember he said that he opened a house in Beijing last year and he would give you a house directly. "

  Jiang Xiaobai casually said that the development of Changxingju Real Estate Company has been very fast in the past two years, and it is no longer limited to Pengcheng. There are more than ten cities in the magic capital, Yangcheng, Qiongzhou, Beijing, Linmen and other places.

  The real estate company is good. As long as the house is sold, it can continue to invest. Of course, real estate development at this time, as long as the land is obtained, then double the profit.

  "Since the market opened in the capital, Changxingju Real Estate Company has developed so fast?" Song Xin asked in surprise.

   "Of course, what do you think, the domestic economy is developing very fast now. If you don't go out for three days, the outside will change." Jiang Xiaobai said. Although this is a bit exaggerated, it is not unreasonable.

  Especially for Song Xin, it has been less than three years since Song Xin went abroad. After returning, she found that many parts of the capital had changed.

  She grew up in Beijing, but after coming back this time, she found that she could not find many places, and she was not familiar with it anymore.

  I don’t know when the high-rise buildings popped up, when the roads were built, when the signs appeared, the newly opened clothing stores, the supply and marketing cooperatives that disappeared, and all aspects of change.

  The two chatted for a while. After a meal at Song Xin's house, Jiang Xiaobai got up and left.

   "I'm going to go back early tomorrow morning. If I'm fine in the future, I can take a stroll here in the magic city. If I want, I can come back to the company again." Jiang Xiaobai looked at Song Xin before leaving the house and said.

  But Song Xin shook her head: "Forget it, the child is still young."

   "By the way, after a while, I will tell Xinyi that I have returned to China." Song Xin said suddenly.

  Jiang Xiaobai nodded, knowing what Song Xin meant, and he concealed Zhao Xinyi from asking Song Xin who he saw over there.

  If you return to China by yourself, you will also return to China following Song Xin. It is inevitable that Zhao Xinyi will think more...No, it should be said that she will doubt it.

  Talk to Zhao Xinyi after a while, turning the matter off.

  Jiang Xiaobai left, Song Xin strolled to the house.

  In fact, after coming back, Song Xin also thought about what she would do in the past two days. She couldn't really be a housewife, so she will always be around her children.

  Although Xiaotangtang will definitely be his most important thing in the future, there is no doubt about it, but I can’t regard Xiaotangtang as all of my life.

  Although it is said that the dividends of Huaqing Holding Company’s shares are enough to live a lifetime, but I can’t just enjoy it with peace of mind. I really won’t work in the future and be a moth.

  Definitely I still have to work. If I talk about work, it is definitely the most appropriate to return to Huaqing Holding Group. After all, I have been in Huaqing Holding Group for ten years.

  I am familiar with the people and things of Huaqing Holding Group, but I left my home and company at the beginning, and now my home and company are listed, and they have a person in charge.

  The more you go up, the more it is a matter of a carrot and a pit. Wherever there is a place to wait for yourself at any time, you can go back by yourself.

  What's more, she was too embarrassed to go back and left.

  So I’ll talk about it after a while. No, just find a job here in the capital. At any rate, I’m also a person who graduated from university and returned from studying abroad. Are you afraid that I won’t be able to find a job?

  Song Xin is very confident. With the dividend guarantee of Huaqing Holding Group, work is optional, but she just wants to find something to do, not just idle.

  There is a back road, and there is security, so naturally you will feel at ease.

As for the relationship between Xiaotangtang and Jiang Xiaobai, Song Xin never thought of telling Jiang Xiaobai, wait another twenty or thirty years, when Xiaotangtang grows up, and then tell her whether she chooses to recognize Jiang Xiaobai or not. father.

  In other words, I don’t even mention this one at all, and I just bring this secret to the grave.

  It was almost noon when Jiang Xiaobai returned to the magic capital. After entering the house, the family had already prepared meals and was waiting for Jiang Xiaobai.


   "Look at the gift that Dad brought you." Jiang Xiaobai smiled and stroked his son's head.

  While eating, Jiang Xiaobai talked about the investigation in Citi.

  "The sales volume of Huahai Automobile Factory is not very good in Citi, but Citi is a huge market, which is called the country on wheels.

  Because the market in this country is huge, it must be taken down..."

   "I also went to Times Square..."

   Jiang Xiaobai said, the family listened with gusto.

   "By the way, Xinyi, after two years, I haven't been so busy. Let's travel abroad and walk around the world..." Jiang Xiaobai said.

   "No, going abroad is so difficult, so troublesome." Zhao Xinyi shook her head.

  Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said: "It is estimated that it will be easy in a few years. Like in the early 1980s, going abroad was difficult, but hasn’t it been relatively easy in recent years?

  Married out, studying abroad, working..."

  In the first two years, it was really slow to go abroad, mainly because of the visa. The embassy’s staff cards were very strict.

  For example, Citigroup, everyone knows that it represents freedom, wealth, and is very yearning.

  But where is Citi’s visa so easy? I don’t have money, I don’t have high-tech talents, and I want to go to other people’s places to eat, grandma.

  I don’t know how many people line up at the embassy all day. It’s normal to be rejected once, twice, and three times.

  (End of this chapter)

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