Chapter 1803

   "Let's talk about it." Zhao Xinyi is not very interested in going abroad. If she wanted to, she would have studied abroad when she was in college, and she couldn't wait for now.

   "Dad, if you go out to play, can you take me with you?" Jiang Langlang raised his head and asked.

   "Haha, good." Jiang Xiaobai touched Jiang Langlang's little head and agreed.

  Jiang Xiaobai returned to the magic capital, and Zhang Weiyi's trip to the north with people on a business trip was also on the agenda.

  Zhao Xiaojin came back from the end of the Longcheng holiday, and she was a little confused about Zhang Weiyi's business trip with people.

  Jiang Dong went to Citigroup for half a month because the Huahai Automobile Factory took people on a business trip. As a result, Jiang Dong just came back, and Mr. Zhang went to the north with people on a business trip again. It was also because of the Huahai Automobile Factory’s business trip.

  What's the situation? Zhao Xiaojin was a little puzzled, and finally asked Jiang Xiaobai, and asked Jiang Xiaobai to say something to him, "Eat radish and worry about it."

  Zhao Xiaojin stared, and she felt that she was disgusted by Jiang Xiaobai when she came back this time. Why did she just worry about eating radish, didn’t she just ask, as for?

   "By the way, Jiang Dong, the movement over Wan Ke and Jun An over the past two days is a bit big." Zhao Xiaojin turned to report other things.

   "How do you say?" Jiang Xiaobai looked up curiously.

  Zhao Xiaojin said, Jiang Xiaobai probably also knew that, two days ago, after a new generation of securities issued an initiative, Wanke applied for a trading suspension on March 31.

  Then the two companies exchanged fire across the media.

  Jiang Xiaobai nodded: "Okay, I know, it's about to end soon."

   "It's over?" Zhao Xiaojin was a little bit disbelieved. In the past two days, Wanke and Jun An had been making such a big mess, and trading was suspended.

  How could it be over suddenly.

   "The trouble is too big. The China Securities Regulatory Commission estimates that it is about to take action. Now it depends on which side the China Securities Regulatory Commission is on. If the China Securities Regulatory Commission is on Wanke's side, Wanke will win, and Junan will not be considered a loser.

  If the China Securities Regulatory Commission is on Jun’an’s side, Wang Shi guesses that he will lose even his pants. "

   Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

   "Wasn't this unfair? After working with them for a long time, the Securities Regulatory Commission has the final say. Isn't it useless to do so much work?" Zhao Xiaojin asked.

  Jiang Xiaobai shook his head: “How can it be useless? If it weren’t for so much work, the China Securities Regulatory Commission would not come out, and the previous work would also be seen by securities companies.”

  "Weakness is the original sin." Zhao Xiaojin said with some emotion, thinking that Wanke and Jun'an would fight to the death, but in the end they actually won.

  As a result, the two companies are waiting for the referee.

   "Haha, let's go to work, you don't understand, this is a gap in cognition." Jiang Xiaobai said.

   Zhao Xiaojin's face turned dark, she was despised again, and there was a gap in cognition.

   "If you don't understand, please explain."

   "No, I understand everything that I understand, and if I don't understand it, I won't understand it." Jiang Xiaobai threw out the stalks on the Internet for later generations.

  Zhao Xiaojin couldn’t understand either, but she waited until April 4, and she had been on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange for a week.

  Finally sent someone to meet with Zhang Guo and Wang Shi, the two protagonists of "The Controversy between Jun and Wan".

  The hands of the two figures who "turned their hands into clouds and covered them into rain" in the economic world in the future held hands together-but it was from the moment the two hands touched that they drifted away.

  On April 5th, the king who had escaped, came to the magic city to thank Jiang Xiaobai.

  The two people had a fun talk that night. The king was drunk and drunk, and when the king returned from the magic capital, he carried out drastic reforms on Wanke.

  And Jiang Xiaobai is not idle, Wanke sells the messy companies under the company.

  Family and the company gave one of the beverage factories to the next.

  There are also two garment factories. Anyway, Wanke is now selling them. Huaqing Holding Group has the right need to make rectifications.

   But for other useless factories, such as speaker companies and power supply service companies, Jiang Xiaobai would naturally not want them.

  Although it is like a speaker company, although the joint venture Huahai Automobile Plant can also be used later, it is just like Jiang Xiaobai and Wang Shi said.

Sometimes some things are not completely controlled by oneself, such as Changxingju Real Estate Company and Yuejin Construction Company. Although the construction company is very important to Changxingju Real Estate Company, Changxingju Real Estate Company only chooses to invest in shares instead of holding shares. .

  This is Jiang Xiaobai’s strategy, to leave professional matters to professional people, and if necessary, let the most suitable person help him make money.

  Wang Shi called and asked Jiang Xiaobai. He thought this was a conspiracy, and Jiang Xiaobai was waiting to divide them up.

   "Haha." Jiang Xiaobai smiled: "Fart, you have been stabbed with your big **** that you exposed, and you don't even care about your head."

   "Rude, too rude." Wang Shi said helplessly. Of course, he was just joking. Of course, he knew that what Jiang Xiaobai said was true, but what Jiang Xiaobai said was really crude.

  The two people chatted for a few words and hung up the phone. Zhang Weiyi came back after half a month from a business trip and brought Jiang Xiaobai the latest news from Huahai Automobile Factory.

   And also put forward some of his own suggestions, Jiang Xiaobai patted Zhang Weiyi on the shoulder, and accepted Zhang Weiyi's plan completely.

  This time Zhang Weiyi was on a business trip. To be precise, he was helping himself, because the foreign Huahai Automobile Factory and the domestic Huaqing Holding Group have absolutely nothing to do with each other, and they are independent of each other.

  I don’t know when, the weather in the magic city is getting hotter day by day, and the air is surging with heat waves.

  In 1994, whether it is from the international history or the domestic perspective, it seems to be a little lackluster.

  In January, the "Decision on Further Deepening the Reform of the Foreign Trade System" was announced.

  In February, the working hours of employees were revised to an average of 44 hours per week, which will be adjusted from next Friday to an average of 40 hours per week.

  This seems to be better, but hehe, who can get rid of the blessings of 996.

  In June, the Academy of Engineering was established.

  In a blink of an eye, July arrived. Jiang Xiaobai got out of the car, not to mention rushing to the unit building door at a speed of 100 meters, but also sprinted quickly.

  The magic of summer is very contradictory, and the effort of smoking a cigarette outside can make people sweat.

  Get off from Jiang Xiaobai to the entrance of the unit building, which is a distance of one hundred meters, to follow up, but when he walks over, he is all sweaty.

  If you run, you may save a little time, but exercise will also sweat, which is an unsolvable problem.

  So Jiang Xiaobai made a compromise and walked quickly.

  (End of this chapter)

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