Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1804: New factory ribbon cutting

   Chapter 1804 New Factory Ribbon Cutting

   "Xiao Bai, Song Xin called and said back. I thought that if I had time in the last two days, I would go to the capital and see Xin'er." Zhao Xinyi mentioned this during dinner.

  She and Song Xin have a good relationship. If such a big thing happened to a girlfriend, if she needs to go abroad to visit, she will definitely not.

  But there is no problem going to the capital.

   "Really? When did you come back?" Jiang Xiaobai looked surprised. Life is like a play and all depends on acting.

  Zhao Xinyi retracted her gaze on Jiang Xiaobai: "It's just recently, it seems to be a week ago. If you have time, when I come back, you will come and take a look."

  She guessed that Jiang Xiaobai shouldn't know it. As expected, Jiang Xiaobai shouldn't have this expression.

   "Okay, when you come back, I'll go take a look." Jiang Xiaobai did not hold on, but agreed directly.

  The relationship between him and Song Xin turned out to be good. If Song Xin returns to China, he is unwilling to go to the capital to take a look, that would be abnormal.

   "By the way, my parents are coming in these two days. I will arrange for someone to clean the room. I will pick them up when I come." Jiang Xiaobai said.

  He refers to Zhao Gang and Han Lin. Zhao Gang has officially issued a retirement report. Although it has not been approved, it will take some time before the formalities are completed. However, since the leader agrees, it is a matter of time.

You can come first, and then go back to complete the procedures if necessary. And Han Lin is younger than Zhao Gang. Although he has not yet retired, but the report has retreated to the second line. In fact, it is equivalent to retreating inward. The two men are now in the dragon. The city is cleaned up, ready to be here in the last two days.

   "Okay, you can arrange it." Zhao Xinyi nodded and said.

  The two discussed, after eating, Jiang Xiaobai took a lunch break, came to the company in the afternoon, and continued to work.

  On the table are the documents of the family and the company. In the past few months, the company and the company have made great moves. They have acquired several beverage factories and increased publicity across the country.

  The newly established instant noodle factory is almost ready. It will cut the ribbon tomorrow. This is an invitation letter to invite Jiang Xiaobai to participate in the ribbon cutting.

  The new instant noodle factory is also here in the magic city. Jiang Xiaobai thought about it and wanted to call in Zhao Xiaojin so that Zhao Xiaojin could arrange this into tomorrow's schedule.

  It just so happened that he wanted to talk to Sun Jianyun about something about the recent publicity of his home and company.

  The next morning, Jiang Xiaobai appeared on time at the ribbon-cutting ceremony at home and the instant noodle factory, amidst the sound of firecrackers.

  Jiang Xiaobai took the scissors to cut the red cloth, and it was finished.

  In fact, Jiang Xiaobai is not very familiar with the instant noodle industry, but the instant noodle factory is also a big wave. He remembers that when he was a child, there were many instant noodle brands in his previous life.

  Like what Jiayimai, 6chome, etc., but in the end, only Tongyi and Master Kong are left.

  Other brands will not be associated with Sogou input method.

  But this is also normal, many brands have disappeared in the long river of time.

  At this time, the domestic instant noodle industry can be regarded as the final stage of rapid development, and the next is the era of fierce competition.

  The instant noodle market, or all markets are like this, the market is so big, if you eat more, others will eat less.

  Thousands of instant noodle factories nationwide, with more than 2,000 production lines, can the competition be fierce!

   "Jiang Dong, this is our production line. Now there are five production lines in total... Three of the production lines can produce 100,000 to 160,000 copies in shifts.

  The shift output of the remaining two production lines is 30,000 to 50,000 copies, which can be regarded as a supplement. "The director of the instant noodle factory called Li Ji at this time with Jiang Xiaobai and others to visit.

  Five production lines, if you look at the national instant noodle industry, there are 1,000 factories and more than 2,000 production lines. On average, one factory is just two production lines, but that’s not the calculation.

  Some large manufacturers will naturally have more production lines, but Jiahe Company is now listed on the stock market.

   Just to test the market, five production lines were introduced at once.

And three of them are production lines with a shift of 100,000 to 160,000 servings. Now in the instant noodle factories on the national market, most of the production lines are shifted to produce 30,000 to 50,000, and shifts produce 30,000 to 5 Wanfen's production line will not be gradually eliminated in China until 1995.

   "Well, since we are to do it, we must do it high-end. The profit of the instant noodle industry is not very high, about 25%. If it is done well, this profit may increase a bit.

  If the operation is a little bit worse, this data may drop a bit, although it is said to be small profits but quick turnover.

  But we definitely cannot make our factory's brand into a lot of products. "

   Jiang Xiaobai watched and said, this time is considered to be entering the golden age of reform, foreign foreign brands are flooding in.

  In this era, everyone thinks that foreign ones are good, what foreign moons are rounder than domestic ones, and what foreign monks can recite sutras and so on.

  Therefore, foreign brands are naturally at a higher level in Chinese people’s eyesight.

  At this time, foreign capital in the instant noodle industry swarmed in to compete.

  It's not that domestic instant noodles are not good, but people have worked **** packaging to create high-end brands.

  “Also, what the instant noodle industry pays attention to is that quality, taste, and even the production date are also an important factor, so we must do a good job in the channel..."

  Jiang Xiaobai continued to exhort, Li Ji nodded: “Jiang Dong, we have written down what you said. Your remarks are really sobering. I don’t expect you to have such a deep insight into the instant noodle industry.”

  "Hehe, what insights are not well understood. The factory mainly depends on you. Now the home and company are listed companies, and there are good things, but also bad things.

  If the instant noodle factory is too late to start, then the company will definitely ruin you in order to make a profit..."

  Jiang Xiaobai just clicked, and didn't say much, as long as Li Ji and Sun Jianyun have a number in their hearts.

  In the instant noodle industry, it seems that the barriers to entry are low, but it is not so easy to do it.

  Let’s not mention the large and small domestic instant noodle manufacturers. They are foreign brands. I don’t know how many foreign brands such as "Master Tang", "Unity", "Meichu", "Yingduo" and "Lucky" are.

  Rural market, urban market, low-, medium-, and high-end market operations, as well as changes in taste.

  In addition to the positioning problem in terms of publicity, it is not so easy to build an instant noodle factory.

  (End of this chapter)

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