Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1805: Put an end to false propaganda

   Chapter 1805 Eliminate false propaganda

  After talking about the instant noodle factory, Jiang Xiaobai simply took advantage of this meeting to talk to Sun Jianyun about home and drinks.

   is mainly aimed at Jiahe beverage publicity issues. After Jiahe Company went public, some beverage factories were purchased and directly changed to Jiahe Company’s production lines.

  However, the rapid expansion has not kept up in many aspects. It is not only the problem of the personnel management of a few new factories, but also the expansion of the publicity.

  "In terms of personnel management, we take the old to bring the new together. All new factories must have our own backbone members and heads of various departments. Training classes must be established uniformly at this level.

  After the heads of various departments take up their posts, they must be trained before they can take up their posts. "

   Jiang Xiaobai said, and Sun Jianyun opened the notebook to record.

  "There is also the aspect of publicity, which is the focus, our home and herbal tea, or other types of beverages.

   is the drink, which can promote the heat-clearing and hangover, it can promote the good taste, and it can promote all aspects, but it must not be related to health care products.

  What we sell is beverages. It’s not anything else that can cure diseases. Drinking can be good for your health and other messy things. This is very important. I hope everyone can pay attention to it, and must pay attention to it. "

   Jiang Xiaobai said solemnly, according to the report below, many publicity issues of city houses and companies have been messed up during this period.

The three cities of   Beijing, Dragon City, and Demon Capital are fine, but other places are not good. Some propaganda that pay attention to taste, and some say that the formula of Great Liangshan, clearing away heat and detoxification, dare to propagate the words.

  There are even more exaggerated ones. The ones that are directly promoted are no different from health care products, such as drinking it for good health and being younger.

  To say something ugly, this cannot be said to be an exaggeration of the effect, it should be said that it is false propaganda.

  I am completely dependent on the health care industry. When it comes to the health care industry, Jiang Xiaobai actually considered it when he was reborn.

  Without him, this industry makes money very fast, which can be said to be comparable to the real estate industry at this time.

  What Sun God, Life One, three oral liquids, etc., are all popular brands at this time.

  In 1994, in the shopping mall, if you want to say that something big happened, there was no, some small things in bits and pieces.

  But to say that the industry is the hottest, there is no doubt that it is the health care product industry.

Since the beginning of the year, an article was published in the magazine "8 Hours Away". The reason why Ma Jiajun’s girls were able to perform miracles was because the coach Ma Junren had a very magical ancestral secret recipe that could make people in a short period of time. Improve hemoglobin and enhance physical fitness.

  Later, the formula sold for a sky-high price of 10 million yuan. The formula handover ceremony held in the five-star hotel, police cars delivered each other, and finally entered the bank insurance pants.

  Starting from this formula, it has set off an upsurge of health care products in China.

  Starting from the "nuclear energy of life" derived from this formula, it opened the crater of domestic business, and this crater is the field of health care products and beverages and food.

  The most ambitious entrepreneurs in the country have swarmed in.

  The number of health care product manufacturers nationwide has increased from less than 100 to more than 3,000, which is more than three times the size of the instant noodle industry.

  Yangcheng Sun God, Shengjing’s Feilong Yansheng Protective Liquid, Quancheng’s Three Oral Liquids, there are also giant health products, and finally a "Oriental Magic Water" Jianlibao is added.

  This year, the health care products industry can be said to be the most eye-catching and fastest-growing golden place in China.

  But Jiang Xiaobai was afraid that his home and company would go wrong, and it would have something to do with the health care industry.

  "Dong Jiang, I don’t understand that the health care product industry is so hot now, and the effect of some of their health care products is really not as good as our herbal tea formula.

  Our herbal tea is indeed the recipe of Daliangshan at least. "Sun Jianyun stood up and looked at Jiang Xiaobai and asked.

  Other people in the conference room also nodded their heads, not understanding why, in an industry where others are eager to go, how come to Jiang Xiaobai to avoid it!

   "It's the Great Liangshan formula, but in all fairness, can our home and herbal tea make people healthy? Can it make people not sick?" Jiang Xiaobai asked, looking at everyone.

   "This..." Sun Jianyun and others stopped talking. If they were facing outsiders, they would definitely be able to vomit each other's face.

  Our drinks can cure diseases, what's wrong? If you say you can’t, you can’t, who are you? Where to stay cool.

   But this kind of unreasonable remarks can’t be said in front of Jiang Xiaobai.

  However, Sun Jianyun pondered for a while, and still said, “Jiang Dong, that Jianlibao now advertises itself as a health care product. Let’s advertise it for nothing.”

  Jiang Xiaobai is a bit speechless. It is true that the health care product industry is too crazy at this time. Like Jianlibao, it is obviously an ordinary soda drink with soda.

  But at this time, it was even related to health care products. One can imagine how crazy the health care product industry is at this time.

  Jianlibao invented a three-strain advertising copy, claiming to have received a "thank you letter" from consumers,

  Some old people who have been bedridden all the year round, after drinking Jianlibao, healed "magically".

  It also sent the drink to Yangcheng People’s Hospital for clinical observation.

   concluded that: “Taking Jianlibao can improve the internal environment, restore the spirit, relieve fatigue, improve appetite, promote the balance of electrolytes in the body, and have obvious benefits for enhancing energy, physical strength, digestion, and contractions.”

  In this way, the "Oriental Magic Water" that won with sports marketing has become a pot of "Jianghu Potion" that can cure all diseases.

  If anyone propagates this way in front of him, Jiang Xiaobai can vomit him.

   But some people still believe it. This is this crazy age.

  "Jianlibao’s publicity plan, I know, the advertising slogan of Sanzhu Oral Liquid that I borrowed directly?

  But do you think this way of propaganda is really correct? "Jiang Xiaobai asked.

  “Some use medals to package themselves, what international gold awards, what best-selling products; some use celebrity endorsements, some use exaggeration..."

   Jiang Xiaobai summed up the publicity methods of health care products at this time. It is not an accidental factor, but inevitable that the health care product industry has become popular. Other than these publicity methods, they are not ordinary.

  There is such a publicity plan, not to mention health care products, that is, any other products can be sold.

  Whoever said that, domestic companies will not promote, Jiang Xiaobai can give him two boxes of three oral liquids.

  (End of this chapter)

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