Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1806: Don't make money from conscience

   Chapter 1806 Don't Make Conscience Money

  In the health care product industry, in addition to the ones mentioned by Jiang Xiaobai, there are many publicity methods.

  Non-advertising law. At this time, the advertising industry has a secret.

  “The less you make an advertisement look like an advertisement, the better the effect will be”.

  Let ordinary consumers ‘‘educate’ consumers, which has become a very popular and effective “empirical advertising”.

  For example, find a "Wang Er" in Beijing, a "Zhang San" in Modu, and a "Li Si" in Yangcheng, and then use different dialects to applaud your product together.

A milk powder company also aired an advertisement: a big-name host was sitting in front of the studio, and read it solemnly, “According to Xinhua News Agency and People’s Daily, XX baby milk powder is now becoming a new generation product that is popular all over the country. "

  Most people regard this ad as a news network. Is there any need to talk about the effect of this ad? Absolutely leveraged.

  The method of borrowing the brand name, the formula of 10 million yuan and the popular Ma Jiajun.

  Fake foreigner law, giving a product a foreign name will increase the advertising efficiency several times.

Many companies in   Ouzhou and other places have changed their brands to the "Oumei Name".

   More smart people go to Ouzhou to find some small family businesses that are on the verge of bankruptcy, buy their brands at low prices, and then return to China to vigorously show off their "century heritage, authentic blood".

  Arbitrary exaggeration of product functions by the “Arabian Nights” method has become the inspiration for all advertisements.

If you drink a certain kind of fruit milk, you will get 100 points on the exam; if you give a gift box of a certain brand, you will get a big project, wear a tie of a certain brand, and the girlfriend who has changed his heart will immediately change his mind. I believe it or not".

The rapid demonstration method is to impress consumers in 30 seconds of TV time. For example, a person with diarrhea runs back and forth between the toilet and the bedroom, and the pill is immediately effective; for example, if an indoor cockroach is infested, a spray of a certain insecticide will immediately "pest Dead light". As for whether the effect is really so fast, it's another matter.

  Is there any exaggeration to throw the watch off the plane and use a road roller to press Simmons,

  Run a marathon in leather shoes, give the mummy a heart-saving pill, and shave the gorilla's face with a razor.

  Rare raw material method, capsules made from thousand-year-old tortoises, granules made from snow lotus in Tianshan Mountains, and fine wine made from sacred grass of the sea,

  Anyway, I've heard of rare things that I haven't seen before, and this time I will let everyone taste them.

  No matter how bad it is, you can still find one or two elements in the periodic table of chemical elements. Maybe it really wins by surprise.

  If you elaborate on the publicity methods of health products, it is really endless for three days and three nights, and there are three oral liquids’ first "free consultation" publicity methods.

  Wearing a white coat, walking in small steps that the six relatives did not recognize, all men, women and children in the village came out to see the doctor.

   Regardless of the disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, gastrointestinal disease, or even lumbar disc herniation, one treatment option is to drink three oral liquids.

  This is really a scam, and it cannot be called false propaganda. It should be said to be a fraud. It is even more serious in nature than fraud. Fraud is only for money.

  And if you are sick, money is deceived, and treatment is delayed, that is a terrible thing.

  So, no matter how others publicize it or how hot the health care product industry is, Jiang Xiaobai has the same principle, and Jiahe Company, Huaqing Holding Group, will not participate.

  Can't even get a little edge. Jiang Xiaobai can't make this kind of conscience money, and he doesn't want to make it.

  "Our company can be regarded as the beverage, food, and health care industry for your family and company, so you must be cautious when propagating, and pay more attention to taste.

  For example, it can be said that after drinking it, it will be cool for a summer, but you cannot rely on the health care product industry. This is absolutely not allowed. Does Sun Jianyun understand? "Jiang Xiaobai looked at Sun Jianyun and asked.

  Sun Jianyun nodded, he heard the resoluteness coming from Jiang Xiaobai’s words, Jiang Xiaobai was so resolute, he would definitely not object.

  He is usually in charge of the home and company, but in the final analysis, Jiang Xiaobai has the final say. He has no ability to oppose what Jiang Xiaobai insists on.

   "It's too fanatical, just like this false propaganda, it won't take long for word of mouth to collapse, and market credit and the like are not even talked about. Let's not go to this muddy water."

   Jiang Xiaobai said decisively.

   "Yes, Jiang Dong." Sun Jianyun stood up.

   "Yes, Jiang Dong." The others were the same, saying sternly.

  At noon, Jiang Xiaobai, Sun Jianyun and others had a bite, and only then returned to the company in the afternoon to get busy.

   "Xiao Jin, please pay attention to the movement of Beijing Lenovo. If you have any news, please tell me in time." Jiang Xiaobai said.

   "Okay, Jiang Dong, is there anything worth noting about this?" Zhao Xiaojin asked.

   "Well, it's mainly because of Lenovo's Ni, who met him at a meeting last time. Mr. Liu didn't agree with his concept, maybe there will be some contradictions." Jiang Xiaobai said with a bit of heartache.

   "Contradictions arise, are we good at accepting talents?"

   "This is what I said." Jiang Xiaobai said with a black face: "Why do you mean gloating? I think it's a pity."

   "Hey, what you say is what you say." Zhao Xiaojin stuck her tongue out, and she felt that she must be right.

  Jiang Dong is thinking about other people's talents and technology.

  Two days later, Zhao Xinyi and the factory asked for leave and went to the capital.

  The next morning when Zhao Xinyi went to Beijing, Jiang Xiaobai asked his son Jiang Langlang for leave, drove Jiang Langlang with him, and Li Lan hugged Jiang Xin to the airport.

   Last night, Zhao Gang and Han Lin called and said that the plane would arrive at Magic City at 11 o’clock this morning.

   "Dad, grandpa, how come grandma is not yet?" Jiang Langlang leaned on the railing, jumping up from time to time, and looking into the passage.

  He has recently picked up people and gained experience, and he has some familiar meanings for the airport.

   "It's coming, it's coming." Jiang Xiaobai said, and a group of tourists walked out from inside.

   Jiang Xiaobai looked in the crowd. Before he saw the familiar voice, he saw two silhouettes rushing over like the wind.

   "Langlang, Xiner, come, let grandpa hug." Zhao Gang smiled, and the whole face bloomed.

  To be honest, Jiang Xiaobai felt that the skill just now didn't look like someone in his sixties. Some people believed it when he was twenty.

  The old couple took over a child one by one.

   "Dad, Mom, Xinyi went to the capital yesterday." Jiang Xiaobai said.

  Zhao Gang waved his hand, his eyes never looked away from Jiang Langlang and Jiang Xin.

  Jiang Xiaobai helped with the luggage, and then walked toward the outside of the airport. After getting on the bus, he walked halfway. Zhao asked just now, “By the way, what did you say Xinyi did?”

  (End of this chapter)

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