Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1807: Not planning to enter

  Chapter 1807 Don't plan to enter

  "Xinyi went to the capital." Jiang Xiaobai said helplessly. He didn't know what Zhao Xinyi would think if he knew this.

  Just now the old couple got off the plane, he said, but the old couple was anxious to hug their grandson, but the granddaughter didn't care at all.

  I'm halfway there now, and I just remembered it, and it was enough.

  The girl is not a real girl anymore, she may have been picked up from the garbage dump.

   "Ang." Zhao Gang replied and asked when he would be back. Han Lin didn't participate in this topic at all, holding her grandson Jiang Langlang, she kept mumbling and didn't know what she was talking about.

   Jiang Langlang speaks naively, but Han Lin listens with gusto.

   laughed out from time to time, the smile on his face couldn't hide it at all.

  After the group returned home, Jiang Xiaobai took Zhao Gang and Han Lin to settle in their house.

  The house bought for Zhao Gang and Han Lin is the same unit building. Jiang Xiaobai’s house has five floors, while Zhao Gang and the others have six floors.

   is nowhere near being a neighbor, but after Zhao Gang and Han Lin came over, it was much more convenient.

   "What do you think of the layout of this room? If you don't like it, I will look at other houses." Jiang Xiaobai asked as he looked at Zhao Gang.

  This house is a two-bedroom and one living room, with a study room, which can be regarded as a small three-bedroom.

  "Yes, no problem, our old couple, living in such a big house is a bit wasteful, enough, there is no problem with the layout and the like." Zhao Gang waved his hand and said.

   "That is, it doesn't matter what the house is, as long as it's with my grandson and granddaughter." Han Lin said with a smile on her face, she didn't even care about tidying up.

  Lai Modu brought her grandson and granddaughter, Han Lin had been looking forward to it for a long time. If Zhao Gang had not been able to retire and needed her to take care of her in Longcheng, she would have come long ago.

  I gave Zhao Gang an ultimatum at the beginning of this year, saying that if Zhao Gang will retire this year, she will ignore Zhao Gang, and come to Demon City by herself.

  Now I finally got what I wanted, what kind of house, what kind of house.

  What's more, this house is really good. The house with three bedrooms and one living room, although slightly smaller than their house in Longcheng.

  But whether it is the community environment or the decoration of the house, it is not much stronger than the self-built buildings of Longgang in the 1970s.

  The two are simply incomparable, this modern decoration style, home furnishings, home appliances and the like are all available.

   "Okay, you go to work too, just put the two kids here, don't worry about it." Han Lin waved.

  Jiang Xiaobai knew that he was also rejected.

  Emotions are not just about being rejected by their daughters-in-law, but also being rejected by their own son-in-law.

  However, Jiang Xiaobai has nothing to worry about when the child is handed over to Zhao Gang and Han Lin.

Although Zhao Gang and Han Lin are grandparents, Jiang Langlang and Jiang Xin are grandsons and granddaughters.

  But other people are the same as granddaughters and grandsons. The two of them are Zhao Xinyi and a daughter.

  'S love for the two characters is much better than Jiang Tieshan's grandfather.

  After all, Jiang Tieshan’s grandsons and more granddaughters seem to be average. This is not to say whether they are kissing or not, but a matter of human nature.

  However, although Jiang Xiaobai was relieved to let the two take the children, but did not leave, because Jiang Xiaobai had already pushed the morning activities away, and planned to help clean up the house today.

  Jiang Xiaobai and Zhao Gang were busy, while Han Lin and Li Lan took their children out to play.

  At noon, Yin Xiaoyin also came back.

   "Grandma, Grandpa." Yin Xiaoyin hugged Han Lin.

   "Xiaoyin is back, how about here? Are you used to it?" Han Lin asked Yin Xiaoyin with concern.

  When Yin Xiaoyin and Yin Xiaojun came to Longcheng with Jiang Xiaobai, Zhao Gang and Han Lin were also very kind to the sisters and brothers, although they were not grandsons or granddaughters.

  But for them, there is no difference between them and their grandsons and granddaughters.

  The brothers and sisters Yin Xiaoyin, who have never felt the warmth of the family since childhood, are very close and dependent on Zhao Gang and Han Lin.

   "Okay, very good, how is your body, grandma?" Yin Xiaoyin asked Han Lin while holding her.

   "Okay, I'm fine."

   "Grandma, I took a two-day vacation, and I didn't do anything for these two days. Let's take my brother and sister, and let's go out for two days." Yin Xiaoyin said.

   "Okay." Han Lin had no objection, and it would be nice to walk around in the magic city.

   "But, will it affect your work?"

   "No." Yin Xiaoyin shook her head, Zhao Gang and Han Lin came over, and she was also very happy.

When I was young, Zhao Gang was very kind to their brothers and sisters. She always thought about how to give back to the old couple. Now that the old couple came, she can help the old couple as much as she can, although the old couple is kind to her. , There is no way to compare.

  But more or less, you can also make snacks.

  As for the kindness of Zhao Xinyi and Jiang Xiaobai, she and her brother will never end in this life, and there is no need to pay it back. This is her parents.

  After eating at noon, Jiang Xiaobai was going to help Zhao Gang continue to clean up the room in the afternoon, but Zhao Gang said that he disagreed.

  Let Jiang Xiaobai busy himself, and he can clean up by himself.

  Jiang Xiaobai is not that kind of polite person, since Zhao Gang said that, then he should go back to the company to deal with something.

After Jiang Xiaobai returned to the company, he received a call from Mou Qizhong.

   is asking if Jiang Xiaobai is going to be in the health care product industry, because he saw the advertisement of his home and beverage factory in Rongcheng, which said it was quite mysterious.

  "No, no, the people below are fooling around. I have already criticized it. I have a headache. Now the health care product industry is too hot and the market is messy." Jiang Xiaobai complained with a headache.

   "Hehe, it makes people headache, others think it makes people feel heart-wrenching, Xiaobai, this is the first time I have heard of you." Mou Qizhong said with a smile on the phone.

   "The heart is moving like this. It is obvious that the market is a little abnormal. Anyway, I am not going to participate." Jiang Xiaobai said.

  Mou Qizhong was silent for a moment. He was a little short of money recently. He originally thought that if Jiang Xiaobai was willing to enter the health care product industry, he would do it with Jiang Xiaobai, and make some quick money.

  Although he doesn't like this kind of business, but after all, the money is coming soon.

  Jiang Xiaobai’s ability to make money, he still believes. If nothing else, he has realized that now, he has never seen Jiang Xiaobai’s investment failure.

   However, since Jiang Xiaobai had no intention to enter the industry, he did not persuade him anymore. He himself felt that the health care product industry was a bit abnormal now.

  But I thought it was okay to go in and make a fortune.

  (End of this chapter)

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