Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1808: Jiang Xiaobai is the backbone

   Chapter 1808 Jiang Xiaobai is the backbone

  Hang up the call of Mou Qizhong, Jiang Xiaobai was a little helpless. Mou Qizhong was not the first similar call.

  But Jiang Xiaobai really has no intention to enter this industry. It's too messy.

  If he is just reborn, Jiang Xiaobai might want to go in and make a fortune, but now, the reputation of Huaqing Holding Group is more important than that of several hundred million.

   And as the achievements he has made after rebirth become greater and greater, his mentality has also changed.

  I originally wanted to make money, and when I was a charter company, I could eat and drink every day when I collected the rent.

  But this goal has long been achieved. If you just talk about spending money, you will not be able to spend all this money in a few lifetimes.

  After completing this goal, Jiang Xiaobai has a higher pursuit.

  It can be said that making money is now not Jiang Xiaobai’s first goal, but thinking about doing more things.

  So Jiang Xiaobai doesn't need to talk about doing this business now, but is afraid that it will have anything to do with this business.

  The things that Jiang Xiaobai couldn't keep up, but this summer, aroused the passion of everyone in the domestic market.


  Song Xin’s house, Zhao Xinyi holding Xiaotangtang, was talking to Song Xin.

   "Xin'er, why did you suddenly decide to come back? Before, I persuaded you so many times, but you didn't come back, why did you suddenly change your mind?" Zhao Xinyi looked at Song Xin and asked.

  "It’s just a sudden homesickness. Raising a child knows the kindness of my parents. Every time I look at Xiaotangtang, I can’t wait to give her the whole world, so I can also understand how my parents feel about me.

  Like you, I’m the only child at home, so I’m back. "Although what Song Xin said made Zhao Xinyi a bit far-fetched, it probably still made sense.

   "One time, my dad called me and said that my mom was knitting a sweater for my baby and me..."

  Song Xin said, Zhao Xinyi finally understood, if she changed her position in Song Xin, she would also want to come back.

  This thing sounds very sad, one sweater a year.

  Alas, Zhao Xinyi was moved by the bad idea Jiang Xiaobai gave Song Hanbin.

   "By the way, when you come back to China, what do you plan to do in the future? Just raise sugar candy at home?" Zhao Xinyi asked.

   "Well, that's it for the time being. I'll talk about it when the child gets older." Song Xin shook her head.

   "By the way, let's stop chatting, let's go out for dinner, take a good stroll, don't worry about going back these two days." Song Xin stood up and took the child from Zhao Xinyi.

  "Okay, but if it doesn’t work, I think I’d better return to the company.

  You came out of the company, so you should go back now. "Zhao Xinyi said.

   "No, I have no face to go back." Song Xin said honestly.

   "What does it mean to go back without a face? You didn't leave at the beginning, you just took a break for a while, what's the matter.

  The company was built by you. Are you a veteran? It is normal to go back. Besides, the company needs you too. "Zhao Xinyi persuaded.

   "What needs me, the entire company, except for leaving your home Xiaobai, anyone else leaving or joining will have no effect on the company.

  You look after the house and the company. After I left, they are now listed on the market, and they are doing very well. "Song Xin shook her head and said.

  This is also the truth. Anyone who has worked in Huaqing Holding Group will know that Jiang Xiaobai is the soul of the company.

   Since the establishment of Huaqing Holding Group, the general manager has been the third, from Song Weiguo, to Shi Sheng, and finally to the present Zhang Weiyi.

  The appointment or resignation of every manager of Huaqing Holding Group should be a major event in the company, but the entire Huaqing Holding Group seems to be quiet.

  Each general manager takes office and resigns is a smooth and smooth stroke, although the style of each general manager is different.

  But with Jiang Xiaobai, the soul figure, the entire company is calm, because the style is no longer the same, but with Jiang Xiaobai in the company, there is a limit.

  So the entire Huaqing Holding Group has made a fortune. As long as Jiang Xiaobai is still there, there will be no problem.

  Others, needless to say, Song Xin is the former head of the family and company, the current head of the family and company, the general manager of a listed company, it is estimated that they will also be replaced?

  Even Song Xin feels that even if she changes people, it is estimated that it will not affect the stock price of Jiahe Company.

   But if one day, Jiang Xiaobai is gone, it will be a devastating blow to the family and company.

  "Don't be presumptuous, I believe Jiang Xiaobai, Zhang Weiyi and others are definitely willing to let you go back, and everyone in the company welcomes you." Zhao Xinyi persuaded again.

   "Okay, let's talk about it, I don't want to go back, just find a job, and I can live." Song Xin said indifferently.

  Zhao Xinyi no longer persuades, let's talk about it later, it is estimated that Song Xin has just returned, and she does not want to think about it now.

   "The baby is so cute." Zhao Xinyi teased Xiaotangtang.

"is it?"

"Yeah, you see how much you look like between the eyebrows." Zhao Xinyi said. In fact, children, not to mention they all look the same, but from the appearance of children, you can see who they miss. How is that possible.

  Such words are basically to make people happy to play, even if they really look alike, it is because there are some psychological factors at work.

  For example, at this time, when Zhao Xinyi looked at Song Xin, she felt that Xiaotangtang and Song Xin were carved in the same mold.

   "Hehe, small things are very boring." Song Xin said casually, she was unwilling to discuss this issue with Zhao Xinyi more.

  Although she didn’t know how many times she had watched Xiaotangtang, she didn’t feel that Xiaotangtang and Jiang Xiaobai were similar, but after all discussing this with Zhao Xinyi, a genuine lady, still feel a little guilty in her heart?

   "By the way, your ex-husband, what's the situation? I'm so mad, my girlfriend is such a beautiful girl, this **** doesn't even know how to cherish it." Zhao Xinyi said angrily for her girlfriend.

   "Nothing, the past is gone, maybe the two are really inappropriate..." Song Xin said.

  Zhao Xinyi has been observing Song Xin's expression before speaking.

   "It seems that you really let go." Zhao Xinyi said with some emotion.

   "What do you mean?" Song Xin said unclearly.

  "When I saw you talking, my expression was relaxed, and there was no expression on my face. I said it was like talking about someone else.

  There is no hatred, resentment or the like, so I think you may have really let go. "Zhao Xinyi analyzed.

  Song Xin smiled: "Yes, let it go."

  (End of this chapter)

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