Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1810: Can you afford it

  Chapter 1810 Can you bear it?

  Family and the company's Rongcheng branch, although the matter is suppressed, but it can't just leave it alone.

At the meeting of   Rongcheng branch, a meeting of all employees is being held.

  In the middle of the meeting, there was a banner hung with the words "Rongcheng Branch 812 Incident Review Meeting."

  August 12th, this is the time of the day the old lady happened.

  So this time the meeting was classified as the 812 incident.

  "The nature of the incident this time is very serious. It has been ten years since the establishment of our family and beverages.

  Our company has always valued taste and quality to win, but it was unexpected that such a thing happened today, the 812 incident, which has had a very bad impact on our factory’s brand and reputation.

  Our drink is obviously an ordinary herbal tea drink, but for the sake of sales and performance, it was packaged and promoted by you as a health care product.

  Sun Jianyun, you gave this order? "Jiang Xiaobai turned his head and looked at Sun Jianyun.

  Sun Jianyun shook his head quickly: "It’s not Jiang Dong. There is no such propaganda content in the propaganda plan issued by the company's headquarters.

  And a month ago, the company also issued a rectification document specifically for this phenomenon of chaotic propaganda. "

  Sun Jianyun's forehead was a little sweaty. Fortunately, after being interviewed by Jiang Xiaobai in the instant noodle factory, he turned around to sort it out and immediately issued the rectification documents within the company. Otherwise, it might really be unclear today.

   "Then you Rongcheng made your own claim?" Jiang Xiaobai looked at the branch factory in the audience.

   "Yes." The head of the branch plant stood up bitterly. In fact, he felt that he couldn't completely say that this kind of thing was his own responsibility.

  After all, the health care product industry is too hot now, and everyone wants to jump on this shareholder's wind.

  At the beginning, the head office did not take care of it. They thought it was a default.

  Jiahe Company now has more than a dozen branch factories across the country. After the company goes public, there are five or six new factories that have been newly acquired, which adds up to 15 or six branch factories.

  By the end of the year, which branch has good benefits and which branch has poor benefits, is even better than which branch factory manager can go further and become the company's senior management in the future.

  What's more, so many branch factories have assessments at the end of each year. They are the last for three years in a row. Leaders such as branch factories and deputy directors will be demoted and their bonuses for the month will be deducted.

  Therefore, each branch factory has a lot of initiative, so each branch factory is very hardworking.

  Later, although the head office issued a rectification, he felt that this was not too important, even if it was a little delayed for two days, it would be good. As a result, something went wrong.

  To talk about this, his responsibility and bad luck should be half and half.

  Other branches also have this, but they were lucky and didn’t get caught.

   "Bang." Jiang Xiaobai slapped the table fiercely: "You still have the face to say yes, and you still dare to do it yourself. I ask you, who has the final say in your home and company?"

   Jiang Xiaobai's face was gloomy. To be honest, Jiang Xiaobai has rarely cursed people in the past two years, except for those close to him.

   Rarely swears, after all, now is different from the original, he is not a native boss, but the chairman of a large company, his status and status are different.

   Naturally, he changed the original habit, but today Jiang Xiaobai can't restrain it anymore.

  "I..." The head of the branch factory was hesitant to say what to say. This question really embarrassed people.

  If it is said that Jiang Xiaobai has the final say, then President Sun will definitely not say anything now, but he may not care about it in his heart.

  Jiang Xiaobai can't wait to throw the teacup directly on him. What kind of thing is this? Even the company is stubborn.

  "Okay, this matter must be dealt with seriously. You two will fight to the end and go out." Jiang Xiaobai said gloomily.

  The director and the deputy director of the branch plant were stunned immediately, pressing to the end.

  The two of them have also considered how to deal with this matter in the past two days. The most serious result is to be downgraded, and then the bonus for this year or two years will be deducted.

  But I didn’t expect it to be a hit to the end. The punishment was a bit too serious.

   "Alright, go out." Jiang Xiaobai looked at the two, his voice was very cold, without a trace of emotion.

   "It's not Dong Jiang, we are responsible for this, but is this punishment..." The director of the branch factory was a little unconvinced.

   "Bang, go out first." Sun Jianyun patted the table aside, winking and said.

  The director and deputy director of the branch factory bowed their heads and went out.

   "I tell you, we are not involved in the health care industry. If this happens again in our home and company in the future, we will all deal with it this way." Jiang Xiaobai said, turned and left.

  Sun Jianyun was left talking about it for a long time.

   Only then did he return to the hotel to find Jiang Xiaobai. During lunch, Sun Jianyun hesitated, but he still raised the issue of punishment for the meeting.

   "Jiang Dong, is the punishment for this one shot too heavy? It's the first time for them. Of course, I know these two **** can't be punished too much..."

  Jiang Xiaobai put down his chopsticks, looked at Sun Jianyun, nodded and said, "I understand, are you here to intercede with them?"

  Sun Jianyun bit his head and nodded.

  "Sun Jianyun, why do you have the face to intercede for others? You, the general manager, I have not punished you yet.

  You still intercede for others, do you think it is appropriate? Or do you think that this matter is finished like this. After returning to the head office, you, the general manager, must conduct an internal review and report the deduction of a year’s bonus throughout the company..."

  Jiang Xiaobai really didn’t know how Sun Jianyun’s head grew, and he didn’t protect the calf in this way. Obviously the two of them had finished calf, and they were still protecting the calf.

   "Yes, Jiang Dong, but I still want to plead with them. I am also responsible for this matter. I will bear all that I should bear." Sun Jianyun said unwillingly.

   "Bang." Jiang Xiaobai patted the table again, this is the second time today.

"You take it, you take it? Are you alone in your home and company? It's the hard work of many people. Zhang Weiyi was the person in charge and brought the company out of nothing. Song Xin took the company from small to large. , You are nothing but a ready-made one.

  Repay you to bear it, you bear a fart, the stock market fluctuates, tens of millions of tens of millions of evaporating, you tell me how many heads you have to bear..."

  Sun Jianyun was dumbfounded by Jiang Xiaobai's reprimand. After Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, he went back to the room without waiting for Sun Jianyun to explain.

  (End of this chapter)

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