Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1811: Your head is broken too

  Chapter 1811 Your head is also broken

  Jiang Xiaobai didn’t know how Sun Jianyun’s head grew, so he still had the face to intercede.

   However, Jiang Xiaobai was indeed angry, and Zhao Xiaojin came to persuade him.

  "Book the flight tickets for tomorrow morning, let's go back to the magic city." Jiang Xiaobai said.

   "Dong Jiang, do you just order us a few?" Zhao Xiaojin asked.

   "Nonsense, your head is also broken." Jiang Xiaobai was still angry and cursed directly.

  Zhao Xiaojin stuck her tongue out and turned around. She knew what had happened, Jiang Xiaobai was so angry because of Sun Jianyun.

This Sun Jianyun really didn’t wince. Jiang Dong came to Rongcheng all the way. He was already very angry on a hot day, and he was busy dealing with things for a few days. In addition, the food in Rongcheng was too spicy and people went up again. fire.

  The director of the branch factory was not sensible, and he ran into Jiang Dong in front of so many people at the meeting. As a result, just after the meeting, Sun Jianyun came over to intercede. It's strange that Jiang Dong is not angry.

  I will not find the right time when I intercede, stupid Sun Jianyun.

  I also asked this question just now, stupid Zhao...Bah, bah, I’m not stupid, because I was **** off by that stupid Sun Jianyun.

  After Sun Jianyun returned to the room, the director and deputy director of the Rongcheng branch were already waiting.

  "Mr. Sun, what did Jiang Dong say?" the branch factory manager asked anxiously.

  Sun Jianyun did not speak, but shook his head.

  "No, Mr. Sun, you can explain to Jiang Dong, we are wronged, yes, we are both responsible for the matter this time.

  But isn’t our original intention for this matter also for the good of the company. The company is now listed. If the year-end earnings and financial statements look better, wouldn’t it be a good thing for the company? "The director of the branch factory said that I wanted to illuminate the moon, but the moon illuminates the ditch.

  A true heart, the blue sky is a lesson.

The deputy director of the branch factory on the side also echoed and said: "Yes, Mr. Sun, Jiang Dong is too chilling. There is no problem with the punishment. We recognize it, but just let’s just ask if the punishment is too heavy. A little bit.

  When our branch was established, we just..."

  The deputy director of the factory said a lot. The general idea is that I have sweated for the branch factory, and I have shed blood for the branch factory.

  Sun Jianyun was embarrassed. He was not the kind of strong leader. Now the subordinates keep complaining, and he also has a headache.

   can only comfort the two people after a long time.

  Waiting to send the two subordinates out, Sun Jianyun saw that it was already past ten o'clock, so he had a bite to eat at the food stall near the hotel and got up the next morning.

  Sun Jianyun has eaten, and is going to see Jiang Xiaobai again. Regardless of whether Jiang Xiaobai agrees or disagrees, he always has to ask again.

  As a result, I came to Jiang Xiaobai’s room and knocked on the door for a long time, but there was no movement inside.

   "Isn't it getting up yet, or going out." Sun Jianyun muttered in his heart, and knocked on Zhao Xiaojin's door again, but there was no movement at all.

  Sun Jianyun went downstairs and found the front desk.

  "Where are the guests in Room 316?" Sun Jianyun asked.

  "Sir, are you?" The front desk looked at Sun Jianyun. They are here in a high-end hotel, so they can't disclose the privacy of guests casually.

   "I'm in Room 215. We came here together, friend." Sun Jianyun explained.

  "Friends?" The front desk looked suspiciously at Sun Jianyun.

   "Yes, friend."

"I do not believe."

   "You..." Sun Jianyun was so angry that he felt like everything went wrong recently and anyone could bully him twice.

  Jiang Xiaobai didn’t say anything, that bullying is used to bullying, the subordinate factory director and deputy factory director, two people make themselves uneasy, and they have to coax themselves.

  As a result, even a front desk lady bullied herself and made it impossible for people to live.

  But after thinking about it, it’s fine, I and a front desk are energized, there is absolutely no need for this.

   Lost his identity for no reason, but it is too angry.

   "I'm really a friend in Room 316. You have a record here. I opened the room. Please check it." Sun Jianyun said.

  "Well, let me check it. If you say that you are a person, just say that you can’t check the record. You say it is a friend, and you know if you are not."

  The lady at the front desk muttered and helped Sun Jianyun check it up.

   "I..." Sun Jianyun took a deep breath. It was not worth it, not worth it, and it was too much to care about with her little girl.

   "I found it." The lady at the front desk looked up at Sun Jianyun: "It's really true, but since it's your friend, why don't you tell me when you check out?"

   "What? Check out and go?" Sun Jianyun was taken aback.

   "It's Si. I checked out at 7 o'clock this morning. I checked out as soon as I took over. I left early." The lady at the front desk nodded and said affirmatively.

  "No, please help me take a good look, please take a good look, how could it be possible to check out, why I don’t know."

   "Yeah, I am also very curious, why don't you know if you are friends, but I'm pretty sure, the guests in rooms 316, 317, 318, and 319 will all check out."

  The lady at the front desk looked at Sun Jianyun with bad eyes and said, she was suspicious of her.

  Sun Jianyun stopped speaking. Room 316 is Jiang Xiaobai, 317 is Zhao Xiaojin, and 318 and 319 are the rooms of Li Longquan and the security personnel.

  All of them are people from the company headquarters. If Jiang Xiaobai left, these people would definitely check out and follow.

  But why did Jiang Xiaobai leave without saying hello?

   "Use the phone." Sun Jianyun grabbed the phone on the bar counter and called Jiang Xiaobai.

  "Sorry, the user you are calling is not in the service area." The voice on the phone made Sun Jianyun stunned.

  Not in the service area, unable to make a call, this kind of thing can be seen everywhere at this time, don't want to be the later generations, basically there is no such thing as being out of the service area.

  It seems that Jiang Xiaobai is really gone, why? Are you so angry? This is not a chance for me.

  Sun Jianyun had a headache, and the phone could not be connected, or Jiang Xiaobai had already boarded the plane, or he was unwilling to answer his phone.

  It’s better if it is the former. I heard that if it is the latter, it goes without saying that I will help the factory manager and deputy factory manager of the branch, but I think it will be very troublesome.

  In the morning, Sun Jianyun hurriedly settled his home and company branch. Although there is no person in charge for the time being, there is still a deputy factory manager who is supporting him, so it won’t be too much delay.

   Settled in the Hao Rongcheng branch. In the afternoon, Sun Jianyun chased Jiang Xiaobai to return to the demons.

  But this time, Sun Jianyun learned well. He didn't come to disturb Jiang Xiaobai that night, but came to the group headquarters early the next morning.

  (End of this chapter)

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