Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1812: Knife behind

   Chapter 1812

  "Xiaojin, Xiaojin, look at when Dong Jiang has time today. I want to see Dong Jiang." Sun Jianyun found Zhao Xiaojin and looked at Zhao Xiaojin and asked.

   "It's not Mr. Sun, I won't make arrangements for you, nor that Jiang Dong doesn't have time. It's not too suitable for you to see Jiang Dong at this time." Zhao Xiaojin said helplessly.

   "Mr. Sun, Dong Jiang is in anger at this time, you are not looking for it..." Zhao Xiaojin did not say the last word, but Sun Jianyun understood it.

   nodded helplessly, turned and left.

  Two days later, Sun Jianyun came again. This time Zhao Xiaojin did not stop him and let Sun Jianyun enter Jiang Xiaobai’s office.

   "Dong Jiang." Sun Jianyun yelled. Before he could speak, he heard Jiang Xiaobai say: "You are back, well, sit down."

   "Zhao Xiaojin." Jiang Xiaobai called Zhao Xiaojin in and asked Zhao Xiaojin to notify the company's senior management for a meeting.

   Then Jiang Xiaobai continued to work, and did not let Sun Jianyun sit down. Sun Jianyun could only stand by the side and wait awkwardly.

  After a while, Zhao Xiaojin came in and said that everyone was in the conference room, and Jiang Xiaobai stood up.

   looked at Sun Jianyun and said, "Let’s go, go to a meeting, and make a review of the 812 incident."

  Sun Jianyun nodded bitterly, he was mentally prepared.

After    came to the meeting room, everyone looked at Sun Jianyun.

  Sun Jianyun blushed, wishing that there was a crack on the ground for him to get in.

   "Okay, now the formal meeting is mainly to summarize the 812 events of the family and the company..." Jiang Xiaobai just said, and suddenly the door of the meeting room was knocked.

  Someone came in and said something to Zhao Xiaojin. Zhao Xiaojin nodded and let the people go out. Then he watched Jiang Xiaobaihui's report.

   "Dong Jiang, the news came just now. Some newspapers reported news about our 812 incident. They were two newspapers on people's livelihood, one in Beijing and the other in Jinmen."

   Jiang Xiaobai frowned, "What's the matter?"

  The 812 incident happened suddenly, but Jiang Xiaobai dealt with it quickly, and the aftermath was also done quickly and in a timely manner.

  Everything has been dealt with, how could it explode in the newspaper.

Sun Jianyun's expression on the side was even more embarrassing. It was shameful to come over today, but it turned out that he gave himself another mouthful in public.

  This is a bit too inch!

   "I don't know yet." Zhao Xiaojin shook his head: "But it should be someone who is behind the scenes and is investigating.

  The public relations department has contacted the two newspapers, but there is no news yet. "

   "Okay, I'll talk later." Jiang Xiaobai shook his head, and then continued the topic.

   "Everyone has seen that the 812 incident looks small, but it really has a very bad impact on the family and the company.

   even has an impact on the reputation of our Huaqing Holding Group. I remember that the last time this happened was the Jiang Xiaobai Garment Factory. "

   Jiang Xiaobai said, Sun Jianyun was a little confused. He hadn't come to Huaqing Holding Group at that time, and he was not quite clear about that.

  "This time there is a problem, except for the factory manager of the Rongcheng branch and the deputy factory manager of the propaganda department to take the main responsibility.

  Family and company headquarters also had problems. Supervision was not in place and leadership responsibilities were not properly implemented. General Manager Sun Jianyun deducted this year’s bonus and deducted a penalty. No promotion within three years, review in public. "

After Jiang Xiaobai announced, he looked at Sun Jianyun.

  Sun Jianyun stood up: "I have no opinion on the company's punishment, but I am actually responsible for this matter, betraying the company's trust in me..."

  Sun Jianyun said, in fact, he knew in his heart that Jiang Xiaobai not only didn't aggravate his punishment because of the exposure now, but also meant to lift it up high and put it down gently.

  After all, this punishment, except for some shame, almost no punishment for Sun Jianyun.

  A total of four items, bonuses will be deducted. Sun Jianyun is holding the company’s shares and will receive dividends at the end of the year. He doesn’t care about the bonus.

  As for the penalties for demerits, they are a private company, and the promotion is just a sentence from Jiang Xiaobai.

  I remembered that it will not affect at all. I cannot get a promotion for three years. Sun Jianyun is now the person in charge of a listed company.

   is going up, and Sun Jianyun is holding on, he is not qualified at all.

  So the only punishment is the public review.

  Of course, they also knew in their hearts that the reason Jiang Xiaobai dealt with it was because the matter this time had really little to do with Sun Jianyun.

  Sun Jianyun finished the review, Jiang Xiaobai said: “I hope everyone can take a warning from the 812 hours of home and company.

  The company has been working hard for so many years, and it has today's reputation and brand. I hope that everyone will not make the act of self-destructing the Great Wall and the meeting will be adjourned. "

  Jiang Xiaobai got up and left, and called Zhao Xiaojin, Zhang Weiyi, Sun Jianyun and the person in charge of the public relations department into his office.

   "How is it? Any news? Do you know who is behind?" Jiang Xiaobai asked directly as soon as he returned to the office.

   "There is news coming back. It should be Coco-Cola and Best-Cola from Jinmen who got the news, and Junan Securities from Beijing, but the news has not been verified yet." Zhao Xiaojin whispered.

  "No verification, there is no need to check on the Jinmen side. This is based on the principle that whoever benefits, whoever has suspicion. Rounding up, then you can be sure that Jinmen is coco Coke and Best Coke."

   Jiang Xiaobai waved his big hand, and this matter directly found the two behind-the-scenes.

  Others in the office were a little speechless listening to Jiang Xiaobai's simple and rude analysis.

  Guilty inference, plus rounding, my goodness, fortunately Jiang Xiaobai is just the boss of a company, if it's a judge or something, it would be fine.

  I don’t know how many suspects will die unjustly.

   But they think about it carefully, and they have to admit that Jiang Xiaobai's current deduction still makes sense.

  Family and company have always had friction between the two, and the friction is fierce, if there is such an opportunity, they will definitely not let go of the family and company.

  Similarly, if the family and company have the opportunity to target them, they will not give up this opportunity.

  So if you count them one, there must be no problem.

   "In addition, please check carefully, what's the situation with this Junan Securities, now you dare to make small actions behind your back. If it is really them, it depends on how I clean them." Jiang Xiaobai ordered.

   Jun An is not honest, Jiang Xiaobai also expected that Zhang Guo was not an honest person. Before, he rushed over rashly and wanted to threaten himself. Now it is possible to fall into the trap.

  (End of this chapter)

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