Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1813: Three glasses of wine

  Chapter 1813 Three glasses of wine

After waiting for Zhang Weiyi, Sun Jianyun and others to go out, Jiang Xiaobai sat behind the desk and thought for a while, grabbed the phone and made a call.

  The "beep beep" phone rang for a long time. When Jiang Xiaobai thought there was no one to answer, the phone was picked up on the other side.

   "Hey." A cold female voice came on the phone.

   "It's me." Jiang Xiaobai uttered two words, and after a long silence on the phone, he heard the female voice say: "I guessed it, you will call me."

   Jiang Xiaobai rubbed his eyebrows, or asked directly: "You released the news in the newspaper?"

   Although Jiang Xiaobai is an interrogative sentence, his tone is particularly affirmative.

That’s right, the woman on the phone is Li Siyan. Li Siyan is now the general manager of Coco Coke's domestic area. In the domestic coco coke, it is considered to be less than 10,000 people. So if this is really done by coco coke, then Li Siyan It must be known.

  So Jiang Xiaobai called Li Siyan directly, and now listening to Li Siyan’s tone, it is clear that there is no wrongdoer.

   "Yes, it was made by us. I am in the magic city now. Do you have time? See you and have a meal together." Li Siyan said.

   Jiang Xiaobai’s face is a little weird, what is this, is it a threat? How could Li Siyan not be held accountable if she sacrificed her hue? How does this feel so weird.

  The key is that I am a man. If I swap positions with Li Siyan, it might be normal.

  Jiang Xiaobai glanced at the time, basically it was almost noon, so he agreed and made an appointment.

  In fact, there is not much contradiction between him and Li Siyan, even if there is a contradiction, it is also commercial.

  Li Longquan drove, Jiang Xiaobai came to the Old Magic City Hotel. When Jiang Xiaobai arrived, Li Siyan was already standing at the entrance of the hotel and waiting. The weather was too hot and there was already a layer of fine sweat on the tip of his nose.

   Seeing Jiang Xiaobai getting off the car, Li Siyan waved: "Xiaobai is here."

  Jiang Xiaobai looked at the smile on Li Siyan's face, and looked a little dazed. He was in Jianhua Village that year.

  Every time Jiang Xiaobai came back from outside, Li Siyan always greeted her like this. Jiang Xiaobai shook her head and threw this idea out of her mind.

   "Why don't you go in and wait, the weather is so hot?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

   "Let's go, I'm hungry." Li Siyan did not answer Jiang Xiaobai's question.

  Two people walked into the old magic city restaurant and made it in the private room. Jiang Xiaobai introduced: "The taste of this restaurant is very authentic, and the dishes made by this restaurant are very authentic. If you try it, the taste is not bad."

  Li Siyan nodded and asked: "How are you doing?"

   "Very well, my son is already in elementary school, and my girl is already a toddler and can be called a father. She is very cute..." Jiang Xiaobai said, and Li Siyan fell silent.

  Many years have passed, and the two of them will never be able to return to the original, even a little bit.

  "This time we did the business of the family and the company, I can..."

  Li Siyan was interrupted by Jiang Xiaobai before finishing saying: "Waiter, bring a bottle of wine here."

  The waiter brought a bottle of wine, Jiang Xiaobai poured himself a glass of wine, and looked at Li Siyan.

   "The first cup, respect the past, the past is like a smoke, there is no time to look back, and you can move forward without looking back."

   Jiang Xiaobai finished talking and drank it, then poured the second glass of wine.

  "Second cup of respect, peace of mind, although we used to be together, but decently talked about the breakup, and when we meet again, we can drink, drink and chat like we do now."

  "The third cup, after respecting it, after all, it will be the love of my youth after all. I will be happy, and I wish you happiness too."

   After drinking three glasses of wine, Jiang Xiaobai stood up and said, “As for the affairs of home and company, we are in opposing positions. You can’t do too much. You can fight to death in the market, but it doesn’t affect our relationship.

  I have already settled the money for the meal. You can try the food here, and you will contact us frequently in the future. "

  Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking and turned around and left without a trace.

  Li Siyan didn't say a word in the process, and didn't recover until Jiang Xiaobai left.

  Li Siyan stared at the three empty wine glasses in front of her, unable to return to her senses for a long time.

  Ten minutes later, Li Siyan took the glass used by Jiang Xiaobai and poured you three glasses of wine.

  Eating Jumodu’s authentic local dishes, slowly savoring these three glasses of wine, a bit bitter, some astringent, difficult to drink, but Li Siyan drank it one by one.

After Jiang Xiaobai returned to the company, Zhao Xiaojin came to report in the afternoon that Junan Securities had indeed participated.

   "Dong Jiang, what should I do now?" Sun Jianyun asked anxiously, and now the news media have begun to report.

  Today are two newspapers, and tomorrow, there will be three, five, ten, and twenty newspapers.

Huaqing Holding Company has a high position in domestic private enterprises, but it is unrealistic to say that it can block the media. Needless to say, the national media, even the newspapers and media of Modu, are not all newspapers and the like. All of them sell the face of Huaqing Holding Company.

   "What to do? You are anxious now, don't you think this is a trivial matter?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

  Sun Jianyun nodded bitterly. If there really is something wrong with his home and company, he might be replaced as the general manager.

   "Okay, don't worry, let the media reporters know that you can come as many as you can."

Sun Jianyun nodded: "Okay, Dong Jiang, I understand. As long as we deny this matter, we won't be able to make waves. Anyway, we have dealt with this matter. If there is no victim, there is no evidence for what they said. ."

   "Go away." Jiang Xiaobai looked at Sun Jianyun and cursed with a bit of hatred for iron and steel: "How long is your head? Is this true? Can you deny it?"

  Sun Jianyun said bitterly: "Then Dong Jiang, what do you think should be done?"

  Sun Jianyun also felt that in the past two days, his brain seemed a little insufficient, and he always said unreliable things to make Jiang Xiaobai curse.

  "Just tell the truth directly, admit mistakes, our domestic consumers are still very large, don't be afraid, as long as they admit mistakes, draw a clear line with the health care product industry.

  Maybe it will have a certain impact on our company’s stock price for a while, but it will not affect too much, but it will help our company’s image.

  Since we are a listed company, it is impossible that the stock price will not fluctuate, and it will not continue to rise without falling back. This is a normal market choice..."

  Jiang Xiaobai said slowly, admitting mistakes if you have done something wrong, it is simple to say, it is the truth that a primary school student knows, but often many people can't do it.

  (End of this chapter)

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