Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1814: Admit mistakes

  Chapter 1814 Admitting mistakes

  Many people make mistakes, their first choice is to cover up. When they can’t cover up, they will subconsciously find excuses to justify themselves.

  Wait until it was really hard to cover up, and then I thought about admitting the mistake. Unfortunately, at this time everyone's patience has been consumed by repeated defenses. At this time, if you choose to apologize, everyone's acceptance is not too high.

  Many people can understand this truth. There are many smart people, but because admitting mistakes requires a lot of courage, it is easy to say but difficult to do.

   "Okay, Jianyun, go back, and think about how this press conference should be held." Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand and said.

  Sun Jianyun pointed to himself in surprise and asked: "Jiang Dong, I have a press conference?"

  Jiang Xiaobai gave him a white look: "Nonsense, you made mistakes yourself, don't you carry them on your own, do you let Lao Tzu embarrass you to admit your mistakes in a humble manner?"

  Zhang Weiyi was speechless, covering his forehead. Who did Sun Jianyun think about, and his brain was broken, how could he think that Jiang Xiaobai had a black pot, how could it be possible? Even if Zhang Weiyi was carrying a black pot, it would not be the turn of Jiang Xiaobai to carry a black pot.

  Furthermore, even if he is holding a slapstick, Jiang Xiaobai cannot be slapped with such a small thing, and he has to find a bigger thing.

The fluctuation of the stock price of Jiahe Company is a tricky thing for Sun Jianyun, but to Jiang Xiaobai, it is nothing at all. Most of the shares of Jiahe Company are in the hands of Huaqing Holding Group.

  There are not many public stocks in the society. Even if the stock price drops again, Jiang Xiaobai is not worried about anything.

   "Yes, I know Jiang Dong." Sun Jianyun got up and walked outside, but was stopped by Jiang Xiaobai as soon as he walked to the door.

   "By the way, the 812 incident is not much known in our company. How did Coco Cola and Junan Securities know about it? This is a bit strange."

  Jiang Xiaobai was a little puzzled. The main reason was that the timing of the incident was really puzzling. Normally, if this incident were to be revealed, it should be revealed at the time of the incident.

  But this matter was five days after the conclusion of the 812 incident, which made people wonder.

   "Okay, Jiang Dong, I understand." Sun Jianyun nodded and walked out.

  Pengcheng, in the office of the general manager of Jun'an Securities Company, Zhang Guozheng was smoking a cigar leisurely.

The assistant smiled and said: "Mr. Zhang, it is estimated that Jiang Xiaobai is already burnt at this time. I have also notified some other newspapers. More news will be released tomorrow. I believe that Jiang Xiaobai's expression will be very different by then. wonderful."

   "Hehe." Zhang Guo's face was full of smiles. Jiang Xiaobai broke his good deeds in the previous incident. When he went to find Jiang Xiaobai by himself, Jiang Xiaobai looked condescending to himself.

  I still remember clearly until now, that scene from time to time will appear in my heart, making myself like a throat.

  When Jiang Xiaobai chose to support Wang, he finally worked for a long time and ate like a plate of stinky shit.

  Now that Jiang Xiaobai can cause some trouble, Zhang Guo can be regarded as letting out a sigh of relief.

   "I can't talk about it. If Jiang Xiaobai can be so devastated by this matter, then Jiang Xiaobai will not be able to do such a big career." Zhang Guo said with a smile.

   "But I guess it's enough for Jiang Xiaobai to drink a pot. This is not retaliation, but it is a warning. After all, it is not indecent to come and go."

  On August 18, Jiahe Company held a press conference and directly admitted that the Chengdu branch had made a mistake.

  What happened this time was beyond the expectation of the media, and Coco-Cola, Best-Cola, and Junan Securities’ preparations were completely useless.

  Because they have already acknowledged it, and the person who broke out in the media in Rongcheng showed up, the family and the company took the initiative to bear the medical expenses and dealt with the relevant persons responsible.

  The director and the deputy director of a branch factory were hit to the end. These two things demonstrated the responsibility of the family and the company to take on this matter and the determination to deal with it.

  After the press conference, Jiahe Company’s stock price fluctuated a bit, but it started to rise the next day.

  At the same time, the family and the company are responsible, and the image used to admit mistakes has gradually become fuller.

  In fact, this is a publicity issue when it is blunt. It's not that there is a problem with home and beverage products. Drinking it can make people sick and harmful to health. It means that publicity issues make people delay treatment.

Jingcheng Li Siyan sighed. Jiang Xiaobai was still so decisive in her work. Originally, she was planning to promote a few days later, so she let several newspapers start to take the rhythm and directly said that the drinks at home and company were problematic.

  But the home and company are too fast, she has not had time to muddy the water.

  Don’t muddy the water, just say that there is a problem with the home and company’s beverages, that is to blame, no one believes it.

  Pengcheng Junan Securities, Zhang Guo felt it was a pity, but there was no good way. Jiang Xiaobai handled things very quickly, and the finishing touches were very beautiful.

  However, on August 19, after Li Siyan went to work, she discovered that the newspaper had news about their coco coke.

  It is reported that the Magic City Huaqing Technology Laboratory has recently obtained through experiments with mice that the caffeine contained in coco cola stimulates the contraction of the heart muscle, accelerates the heartbeat and breathing, stimulates the secretion of gastric acid, harms the intestines and stomach, long-term drinking...

   "Bang." Li Siyan slapped the newspaper on the table and came here again. This caffeine-containing incident has been used to attack coco cola since coco cola entered the country.

  In the end, COFCO has come forward to guarantee, but there are still people who have been talking about this matter. Jiang Xiaobai alone has talked about this matter several times.

  Li Siyan feels a headache. It doesn’t matter who did it. It must be Jiang Xiaobai. This rotten method is too rascal, too unspecialized, and talks about it endlessly.

  The science and technology laboratory above, directly used the name Huaqing Laboratory. This is not even willing to cover it, and it is disgusting to show it.

  But it really disgusts me, but the point is that it won’t work if I don’t deal with it. If I don’t deal with it, maybe the water will get mixed up.

  Pengcheng Junan Securities, Zhang Guo received a notice from the Securities Regulatory Commission after he went to work. Someone reported Zhang Guo’s corruption and abuse of power.

  Zhang Guo almost died out of anger. Who is this? The key to reporting this kind of illusory thing is that the CSRC is still serious. This shows that the person who reported is not ordinary.

  Recently, Jiang Xiaobai and Wang Shi have been grieving with him. Wang Shigang had a conflict with himself, and backhanded that he reported that if there was no substantive evidence, the Securities Regulatory Commission would not respond to him, so this person could only be Jiang Xiaobai.

  (End of this chapter)

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