Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1815: The art of leadership

  Chapter 1815 The Art of Leadership

   Coming and not being indecent, Liang Coke and Junan Securities caused Jiang Xiaobai trouble, Jiang Xiaobai solved the trouble, Jiang Xiaobai was also a backhand sword against Liang Coke and Junan Securities.

  Although it can't hurt the root, but it must also be disgusting, two Cola and Junan Securities, and can't suffer a boring loss.

  Sun Jianyun came to the company headquarters and reported this incident to Jiang Xiaobai happily, feeling very comfortable.

   "By the way, how did these two companies get the news? Have you checked it out?" Jiang Xiaobai asked suddenly.

  Sun Jianyun's expression turned ugly when he heard this question, and he hesitated.

   "Say, what's the situation?" Jiang Xiaobai's face became cold.

   "Yes, it's this...I have a problem." Sun Jianyun lowered his head and said.

   "Bang." Jiang Xiaobai patted the table, and almost threw the file in his hand on Sun Jianyun's face. This dog said something like squeezing toothpaste.

  Sun Jianyun was taken aback, and could only speak: “Yes, it was the work of the dismissed branch factory director and deputy factory director. They have grievances in their hearts..."

  Sun Jianyun was talking while observing Jiang Xiaobai’s expression. He originally thought Jiang Xiaobai might be angry.

  He even smashed things, furious, he was ready to avoid it anytime he watched.

  But I didn't expect Jiang Xiaobai's face to calm down. There was no sadness or joy, as if there was no trace of emotion, so he listened to Sun Jianyun calmly.

  Sun Jianyun imagined anger, anger, and other things.

  "After I left, did they ask you to plead or complain?"

   "Hmm." Sun Jianyun nodded.

   Jiang Xiaobai continued to ask: "Then how did you comfort them after I left?"

  Sun Jianyun shook his head and said honestly: “I didn’t appease much, just said a few words casually.”

  "Jianyun, the leader is not so good. Since the two of them have already expressed strong grievances, you must deal with them decisively, or persuade them with good words to quell their grievances.

  In other words, deal with it decisively, expel them directly, or threaten them, make them afraid, or even expel them, and be cruel when they should be cruel.

  Being a good person all the time will not only cause damage to one's own majesty, but also lose leadership ability..."

  Jiang Xiaobai seemed to put his heart in his pockets, but Sun Jianyun was surprised. The more pleasant his face, the more scared Sun Jianyun was.

  Jiang Dong, this is questioning his own leadership ability. If he feels that he has no leadership ability, what is the next step?

  Before, he thought Jiang Xiaobai’s anger was the most terrifying thing, but now he discovered that Jiang Xiaobai’s anger is not the most terrifying, but the most terrifying thing is this kind of calm speech.

   "Go, expel these two people, and block the entire industry, so that the two of them can't mix in this industry." Jiang Xiaobai said.

  Sun Jianyun hurry up.

   Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand: "Okay, let's do things. Be more serious in the future, learn how to be a leader, and stop this kind of thing again."

   "Okay, Jiang Dong, I understand, don't worry, I will work hard."

  Sun Jianyun stood up and repeatedly promised, but Jiang Xiaobai had no interest.

After Sun Jianyun left, Jiang Xiaobai sighed helplessly. This Sun Jianyun was really speechless.

  I didn’t feel it back then, I thought Sun Jianyun was okay, but now that something happened, I discovered that Sun Jianyun still has some flaws in his personality, and generally speaking, he is soft.

  This is the person who came out of the university, directly as the leader, without the problem of training, usually can't see it.

  If this is a self-made entrepreneur, this kind of problem will certainly not arise.

  Character is too weak and doesn't mean to kill decisively. If this situation were replaced by Wang Chao or Wang Meng, they would definitely not have this situation.

Hey, Jiang Xiaobai is considering whether Sun Jianyun is qualified as the person in charge of a listed company. Sun Jianyun thought it was right. If it weren't for the fact that his home and company are listed companies, this time people inside the company retaliated and spread the news. This happened. It's strange that Jiang Xiaobai didn't deal with Sun Jianyun.

   But it is precisely because Jiahe company is a listed company, Jiang Xiaobai does not want to make his home and company unstable, and there is no suitable candidate on hand, Jiang Xiaobai is ready to give Sun Jianyun another chance.

   But if Sun Jianyun had another time, no matter how many reasons there were, Jiang Xiaobai would not let Sun Jianyun stay in place again.

   Just when Liang Cola and Junan Securities were overwhelmed by Jiang Xiaobai, the family and company also started a major rectification.

First of all, the vice president of publicity was interviewed by Sun Jianyun, and then his own company’s internal conference was checked, and then the deputy plant managers of the company’s various branches responsible for publicity, and the various persons in charge of sales channels, all went to the magic At the same time, the publicity meeting lasted for three days. After three days, the deputy directors and channel leaders of each branch returned to their respective places.

  Then all the posters and advertisements of the entire home and company were removed, and after the general factory’s propaganda plan was issued, the propaganda began again.

  And from now on, the publicity issues of the home and the company will be unified by the head office for the production of promotional videos and advertisements.

  In addition to publicity issues, Sun Jianyun also launched a series of rectifications in other personnel matters.

  Sun Jianyun was uncharacteristic this time. Sun Jianyun was a well-known good person in the company and had a very good temper. Everyone’s first impression of Sun Jianyun was kindness, quality, and elegant speech.

  But this time is different. Everyone feels that Sun Jianyun is like a different person. He cursed people on the spot several times at the conference.

  Moreover, several were fired. As long as the mistake was caught, it can be said to be strict. Those who can be fired will never be retained, those who can be deducted will not be verbal education, and those who can be removed will never be penalized and retained.

  The temperature of the whole home and company was very low this summer, and the atmosphere was tense. However, the stock price of home and company has slowly risen during this reorganization.

  Although the increase is not very large, the stock price has risen after all. This is a good phenomenon, indicating that the rectification strategy of the family and the company is correct.

  However, although Sun Jianyun said he was busy, he would report every action to Jiang Xiaobai.

  Jiang Xiaobai was a little impatient every time he listened to the report, but every time Sun Jianyun came to report, Jiang Xiaobai pointed to Sun Jianyun, told Sun Jianyun what is called Zhang Chi Youdao, and told Sun Jianyun what is the art of leadership.

  (End of this chapter)

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