Chapter 1825 Flickering

  Song Xin looked at Jiang Xiaobai and couldn't help complaining. There was a bunch of **** in the unit, coupled with Jiang Xiaobai's persuasive temptation, Song Xin spit out even more quickly.

  Song Xin has no defense at all against Jiang Xiaobai.

   And the spit was fun, and finally, with Jiang Xiaobai’s agitation, Song Xin directly said that she would resign.

   "It's okay to resign. If you resign like this, you can go back to the company directly. It's good to be a shareholder in your company. There is no such thing as that." Jiang Xiaobai said smoothly.

   "Huh...huh?" Song Xin raised her brows and looked at Jiang Xiaobai.

  Jiang Xiaobai nodded affirmatively: "Yes, go back to the company, I told you, it would be a mess if you just find another unit to work, maybe it's not as good as this unit, so it's most comfortable to return to the company.

  It’s also challenging, and it’s easy to commute to and from get off work..."

  Jiang Xiaobai said that she was right, but Song Xin just didn't want to go back, because the location of the company was also a pit of a carrot, so she went back to work for Jiang Xiaobai as the little secretary.

  It’s okay to be a secretary, but the key is that she can’t take that face off when she goes back to the company, and it’s so long after she’s been out for so long.

  If you have developed well, then come back to return home, or if the company does not develop well, then come back to save the company, which is equally okay.

  But now, I’m not doing very well, or I have not achieved any results in the past few years, and Huaqing Holdings, should not be said to be a group now, it is getting better and better, and it is getting more and more prosperous.

  I'm so desperate to go back to the company to be Jiang Xiaobai's secretary, so I don't have that cheeky yet.

   "What do you do when you return to the company, continue to be the secretary for you, and be the secretary for you since I returned from studying abroad, and now you are the mother of your children, and you are also the secretary. Why do you want me to be the secretary for your life?

  Song Xin asked with a smile.

   Jiang Xiaobai also laughed: “I want you to be my secretary for a lifetime, but isn’t this overkill? That’s the case, the company is going to separate the investment department to establish a company.

  But the person in charge of this company is too demanding, so I think this person in charge is just right for you. "

   Jiang Xiaobai said, Song Xin is interested in investing in the company, she must be interested in this project.

If you go back to be the person in charge of the investment company, it seems not bad. Although I am a bit embarrassed about the face, I am not going to be a secretary, but a person in charge of the company. It is not a newly established company. Grabbing someone else's position seems to be particularly suitable for you.

   "To be honest, the company needs you very much now. I don't worry about everyone except you in this investment company." Jiang Xiaobai could probably guess what Song Xin thought, and couldn't save the face.

  And now Jiang Xiaobai is to make up the last link for Song Xin. It is not that you came back dingy, but the company needs you and needs you to come back.

   Song Xin became happy when Jiang Xiaobai said this, "Really? Are you kidding me?"

  Jiang Xiaobai shook his head: "Why do you coax you? I will tell you one thing and you will know it. Before, at home and company, Sun Jianyun..."

   Jiang Xiaobai also worked hard so that Song Xin could come back, exaggerating Sun Jianyun's affairs.

Song Xin was completely relieved now, and was about to agree, but Song Xin was about to agree, but suddenly hesitated: "But, if you need to go to the magic city, what should the kid do? It's impossible for my parents. Follow to the magic capital..."

  This is the difficulty after getting married. It's not like I was alone at the beginning, and I went wherever I said I went. I could just go to Jianhua Village without saying a word.

  But it is different now. Now that there are children, there are more things to consider.

"Doesn't the child have a nanny? Besides, after one or two years your parents retired, you can come to the magic capital. If you have any problems during this time, you can send it to my house and play with Xin'er." As Jiang Xiaobai said, Song Xin nodded in relief.

   But still did not agree: "I'll go back and discuss it with my parents."

  Jiang Xiaobai put his chopsticks aside: "What are you waiting for, go, go home now."


   "I will tell my Song brother myself." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

  Song Xin was a little speechless, she was a younger generation for nothing.

  Jiang Xiaobai drove, Song Hanbin and his wife were eating when they arrived at Song's house, and Wu Ma was waiting for Xiaotangtang to eat.

  "Didn't you mean eating out? How come..." Song Hanbin was stunned as soon as he raised his head.

   "No, Jiang Xiaobai, why are you back?"

   "Hehe, I'll come to Beijing to do something, and come and have a look." Jiang Xiaobai said, Song Hanbin understood.

  No wonder Song Xin came back after eating half of her meal. It turned out that it was Jiang Xiaobai who came, and Song Hanbin thought about it.

  The mother Song had already taken the bowls and chopsticks. Jiang Xiaobai didn't care, and sat down directly and poured herself some wine: "Old Song, let us have a drink, I have something to tell you."

  After the two had a drink, Jiang Xiaobai was not polite and directly talked about what had just been discussed with Song Xin.

  At first, Jiang Xiaobai felt that this was nothing. Song Hanbin would definitely agree to it, but he didn't expect that after listening to Song Hanbin, he refused without thinking about it.

"No, Jiang Xiaobai, let me tell you, don't even think about it. I didn't agree with Xiner when she followed you to Jianhua Village. As a result, she followed you for ten years. It's all like this now. You can't go back. "

   "No, Lao Song, you are wrong to say that. Now it's not going to the village, it's the magic capital, the metropolis, it won't suffer." Jiang Xiaobai raised his eyebrows and said.

   "It won't be hard or hard, we Xiner did a good job in Beijing."

   "Why don't you do it well, there are a lot of bad things in the unit, the temple demon is very windy, and the water is shallow." Jiang Xiaobai and Song Hanbin directly confronted each other.

   "Even if the unit is not as you wish, you can still change your unit, and there are children, it is convenient to take care of the children in Beijing." Song Hanbin said.

"If you change units, can Xin'er become the leader directly? If you don’t act as a leader and change places, wouldn’t it be the same? Come to us, she is still a shareholder, directly the person in charge of the company, that’s under one person, 10,000 people Above."

   "It just doesn't work under you."

  (End of this chapter)

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