Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1826: Just kill you a donkey

   Chapter 1826 Just Kill You Ass

   "Okay, stop arguing for the two of you, can't you have something to talk about?" Song Xin held her forehead with her hand, her headache was very painful.

  Wu Ma on the side looked at this scene and thought, it seems that this child is very likely to be related to this Jiang Xiaobai. The relationship between the two families is so close, but doesn't this Jiang Xiaobai have a family?

  Wu’s mother didn’t understand what was going on, and she didn’t think too much about it. Anyway, she was a nanny, and with such a high salary, she did it in Beijing, and she also did it in Demon Capital. They were the same, anyway, better than abroad.

   "No, Brother Song, let's talk calmly, returning to the company is really a good choice." Jiang Xiaobai said.

   "No, no matter what you say, I will just two words, I disagree."

   "That's three characters." Jiang Xiaobai reminded.

"Don't worry about the two words, three words, I just don't agree." Song Hanbin said, his girl has been with Jiang Xiaobai since she came back from studying abroad. She has been working for so many years, and then she went abroad. Now she finally came back to her. .

  The bad thing Jiang Xiaobai wanted to take away his daughter, and now he wanted to take away his granddaughter, Jiang Xiaobai.

   Saying nothing this time will allow Jiang Xiaobai to succeed.

   "It's not Lao Song, you have turned your face and refused to recognize people. You asked me to go to Citigroup to pick up Xin'er back in the same manner." Jiang Xiaobai said with staring eyes.

   "Yes, but isn't it now?" Song Hanbin said naturally.

   Jiang Xiaobai's face turned dark: "This is not about crossing the river to demolish the bridge, unloading the mill to kill the donkey."

   "Yes, just kill the donkey,"

   "Sorry someone?" Jiang Xiaobai almost slapped the table. The old Song had a papaya growing in his head. It was unreasonable.

   "What's wrong with scolding people? You are all light scolding. What do you mean by doing it now? Have you considered me?"

   "No, you should also consider Xin'er's future."

   "Okay, let's quarrel between you two, mom, let's clean up." Song Xin didn't want to listen any more, and directly took her mother away.

   Soon Jiang Xiaobai and Song Hanbin were left on the table.

   "What? Are you still noisy?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

  Song Hanbin sighed, poured wine on the two people, noisy, what else was it, the Lord had left.

  In fact, Song Hanbin knew in his heart that on the surface, he had won the quarrel, but in fact, Song Xin was able to bring Jiang Xiaobai back, but she had made up her mind in her heart.

  The thing that the girl has decided is that it doesn't matter what he says, he just can't bear the girl and the granddaughter, so here I take the opportunity to vent his emotions, even though he knows it in his heart.

   "Come on, if you drink and get down tonight, then I will agree." Song Hanbin said.

  Jiang Xiaobai started drinking without saying a word. The two of them drank glass by glass. Soon Jiang Xiaobai drank too much.

  When Song Xin came out of the room, Jiang Xiaobai and Song Hanbin were already lying on the table. There was no winner in this game.

   "Okay, now both of you are drunk too much, Wu Ma, you and I can help to get into the room." Song Xin said.

  After helping Jiang Xiaobai, Song Hanbin was brought into the house.

In the morning of the next day, Jiang Xiaobai sat at the dinner table and drank porridge. He said while drinking the porridge, "I will go back soon. When I go back, I will find you a house. It will be in our community. Everyone gathers together. It’s also more convenient."

   "I haven't said to go yet." Song Xin pouted, and Song Hanbin's head ached.

  Does this tone disagree? The crooked energy made Song Hanbin turn around and leave.

  Can it be this expression if you disagree? This tone, this is called rejection, this is how you want to fly to the magic city right away, right?

   "Okay, Lao Song, I'm leaving, I will invite you to drink when you come to the Demon Capital." Jiang Xiaobai said while looking at Song Hanbin with a smile.

  Song Hanbin darkened his face, and finally nodded. He really had nothing to do with Jiang Xiaobai. Inaccurately speaking, it was because he had nothing to do with his daughter Song Xin.

  After eating, Jiang Xiaobai left directly, first went to the hotel to find Li Longquan, and then the two of them boarded the plane directly back to the magic capital.

  It was noon when I arrived at the magic city. When I was in the car, Jiang Xiaobai confessed that Li Longquan could help with the house.

  Jiang Xiaobai went home for a meal at noon, reported it, and then went to the company in the afternoon to find Zhang Weiyi and Zhang Jun.

   "I found the person in charge of the investment company." Jiang Xiaobai said in the first sentence.

   "Really, who?" Zhang Weiyi asked in surprise.

   Zhang Jun was taken aback when he heard the words, his face was slightly ugly, although he himself knew that the person in charge of the investment company was definitely not enough, no matter in terms of seniority or ability, he was a little bit short of it.

  But since Jiang Xiaobai talked about the investment company, he still had some expectations in his heart. In case, if Jiang Xiaobai let himself be the person in charge.

  As a result, Jiang Xiaobai now clearly told himself that it was impossible, and there was no last extravagant hope in his heart.

  "Guess?" Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

   "I can't guess." Zhang Weiyi shook his head.

   Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said, "It's Song Xin."

   "Song Xin, that's really great. She came back to preside over the investment company, it was really appropriate." Zhang Weiyi said with a smile.

  The Zhang Jun on the side heard that it was Song Xin, and the last dissatisfaction in her heart was gone. Song Xin was an old man, a veteran who started his business with Jiang Dong, and still has shares in the company, and is a serious shareholder.

  I want to say that the seniority is very old. The home and company are brought out by Song Xin, so there is no problem at all when they become the head of the company.

   "Yes, Jiang Dong, it would be great if Song always came back to lead us." Zhang Jun also said.

  Jiang Xiaobai nodded: "Okay, then prepare the information for your investment department. From now on, Zhang Jun, you will learn from President Song. Of course, you must also support her work well and do the job of the vice president of the company."

As soon as Zhang Jun heard this, he immediately understood that this is to let himself be the vice president, okay, he can't make it upright, it's not bad to be a vice president, at least he is much better than the person in charge of his current department. what.

   "Okay, Jiang Dong, don't worry, I will definitely cooperate with Mr. Song's work to do a good job in the investment company." Zhang Jun promised.

  Jiang Xiaobai looked at Zhang Jun’s attitude and felt like a mirror. This is the benefit of inviting an old man back. At least this qualification can save a lot of unnecessary trouble.

  (End of this chapter)

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