Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1827: Stunned people do not pay for their lives

   Chapter 1827

   years ago, Jiang Xiaobai had already found Song Xin’s house for Song Xin.

   is in the same community, and the decoration has already begun. The design drawings are designed by Song Xin and Liu Hui. The decoration workers are also from Yuejin Construction Company like Jiang Xiaobai.

On the 23rd of the twelfth lunar month, Jiahe Company held its annual meeting. The colorful flags of Jiahe Company were flying early in the morning, and the employees were preparing.

  They also experienced a lot of setbacks this year, and even the general manager did not have a good face with Jiang Xiaobai.

  This tossing for a year, finally saw the light at the end of the year. Their annual meeting at the end of the year invited Jiang Xiaobai and the leaders of the head office to attend their annual meeting.

  Jiang Dong has already agreed. This is a very happy thing for them, and it is also very exciting for them.

  So they started preparing two days ago, and they just waited for the leader to come over today.

  As soon as 8 o'clock, Sun Jianyun led people to the door of the factory. Sun Jianyun was wearing a black suit and a red tie. The general manager and CEO of the listed company are still very generous.

  The leaders of other homes and companies behind him are dressed almost in the same way. They are dressed in black suits. The difference between a group of people is except for the tall, short, fat and thin body.

  Wearing all black suits, the only difference is the color of the tie, there is no difference in the others.

   "Everyone will cheer up for a while and leave a good impression on Jiang Dong and the leaders of the head office." Sun Jianyun exhorted.

  The people behind them nodded. Because of the Rongcheng branch, the leadership of their family and the company was questioned by Jiang Xiaobai, which caused them to be unable to raise their heads at the head office.

  Now that Jiang Xiaobai comes to participate in their annual meeting, it is also an opportunity, a chance to be shameless.

  At a quarter past eight, Zhang Weiyi has arrived, and other leaders of other head offices have also begun to arrive one after another.

  But the people who came to attend the annual meeting today were all dragging their families, wives and children, and soon the door of homes and companies and factories became lively.

  A group of children gathered together, and they suddenly became noisy, laughing and joking.

  However, everyone did not go in. Instead, they stood at the gate of the factory and waited. No one raised any objections. As for who they were waiting for, everyone knew very well.

   Soon, a black car drove over from a distance, and everyone stopped chatting and looked over.

  After Sun Jianyun waited for the car to stop, he went straight up to help pull the door. Jiang Xiaobai hugged his daughter and got out of the car with his wife and son.

  After getting off the bus, everyone was chatting.

   "Jiang Dong."

  "Dong Jiang." Everyone gathered around.

   "Madam." A group of high-level officials greeted Jiang Xiaobai and greeted Zhao Xinyi.

  After the greeting, Jiang Xiaobai was about to greet everyone in, but suddenly realized that he seemed to be out of place with his surroundings.

  A closer look and found out where the problem is. Everyone else is dressed in a suit and well-dressed, but in the end, he is dressed in a casual Nizi trench coat.

   It seems to have temperament and temperament, and there is no sense of disobedience when wearing it, like a rich man, like a returnee, like a boss, but not like a boss of a group.

  But Jiang Xiaobai didn’t matter. Instead, he smiled and looked at the other people and said, “You are all dressed in shiny and water-slip clothes. Why are you so formal? We are here to have fun at the annual meeting.

  Isn’t it a formal meeting? As for? Don’t you feel strangled in your neck? "

   "Haha, yes, my neck is a little uncomfortable." Zhang Weiyi said with a smile.

  Others also said: “Don’t say Jiang Dong, I haven’t realized it yet, so what does it mean to wear it like this?”

  It was originally Jiang Xiaobai's dress that didn't match everyone. After adding Jiang Xiaobai's words, everyone felt that the dress was a bit awkward.

  What is authority? This is authority. Some people thought in their hearts that Jiang Xiaobai meant something like a deer as a horse.

  A group of people surrounded Jiang Xiaobai and walked inside. Zhao Xinyi and his son Jiang Langlang were already with a group of wives. Jiang Langlang left Zhao Xinyi and took the children to play.

   Jiang Langlang is still very prestigious among this group of children. Of course, Jiang Xiaobai’s position in this regard also accounts for part of the reason, but the world of children is still not as complicated as that of adults, and relatively speaking, it is much better.

   Jiang Xiaobai hugged her daughter and talked to a group of people, and walked to the factory.

  "Boom, boom, boom." After entering the factory, there were still gongs and drums on both sides, which was very lively.

   "Oh." When he walked to the door of the office building, Jiang Xiaobai was really surprised that there was still a lion dance.

   "Who made this?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

   "How is Dong Jiang? Is it fun?" Sun Jianyun stood up and asked with a smile, not to mention that it was his idea.

  Jiang Xiaobai shook his head without speaking, illiterate things: "Jianyun, do you know when to dance a lion and when to dance a dragon?"

  Sun Jianyun shook his head.

  "Lion dance is a foreign product. It turns out that there is no animal like lion in my country. It was passed down from Buddhism. It was called Buddha dog before. Later it was changed to Buddha lion. This is also the tradition of lion dance.

  The main purpose is to get rid of evil spirits. You are dancing lion in front of the company's office building. What's wrong?

  What's wrong with the company? Let me tell you, if it was two years earlier, you would have to be criticized for doing this. "

   Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile, and Sun Jianyun blushed immediately with a thick neck.

  Zhang Weiyi and others burst into laughter immediately.

  Jiang Xiaobai looked at Sun Jianyun and a group of senior staff at home and company with embarrassment on their faces. He reached out and patted Sun Jianyun’s arm with a smile and said, “Just kidding, you see that you are so serious and don’t have any sense of humor.”

   "Hehe, yes, Jiang Dong's knowledge is really too broad." Sun Jianyun wiped the sweat from his forehead.

   "That's knowledgeable. Ashamed you are still a college student." Jiang Xiaobai said silently.

  It is the first time that a group of people have seen Jiang Xiaobai’s other side, and those who can be ashamed to meet people with just these two sentences.

  A group of people walked into the office building chatting and laughing. The big conference room has been arranged.

   "Dong Jiang, can you say a few words?" Sun Jianyun asked.

   "What? No, you can just start directly. This is not a meeting. We are watching the show. After so long preparations, how high is it?" Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand and said.

  (End of this chapter)

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