Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1829: Nothing changed

   Chapter 1829 Nothing has changed

  After eating, put things down at home, Jiang Xiaobai drove to see Jiang Tieshan.

  In the small yard, although it is winter, there is no trace of run-down. The little nanny tidy up the yard very neatly.

   "Dad, I'm back." Jiang Xiaobai shouted, and he heard a cough in the room.

   "Lao San, I'm back." Jiang Tieshan came out with a cane.

  Not seen for a while, Jiang Tieshan is much older.

   "Dad, go back to the house, it's cold outside." Jiang Xiaobai helped Jiang Tieshan walk towards the house.

  Jiang Tieshan has worked in Longgang for a lifetime, and steel workers have a lot of occupational diseases. When he was young, he didn't think it. Now that he is old, all kinds of illnesses come to his door. Jiang Tieshan's early retirement is better.

  The situation of some old workers is much worse than that of Jiang Tieshan.

   "Dad, after the Chinese New Year, I will take you to the capital for an inspection, and then I will find you a sanatorium to recuperate." Jiang Xiaobai drank the tea and said while looking at Jiang Tieshan.

   Jiang Tieshan shook his head: "Forget it, I know my own body.

  I am a veteran worker, what do I go to that sanatorium, that’s where the big leader stays. "

  Jiang Xiaobai smiled: "Who said that except for the big leaders, old workers can't go. The sanatorium has a good environment, and they are all elderly people about your age. They talk and play chess every day. I don't know how happy they are.

  You are at home, the workers are busy every day and have no time to accompany you. "

  Jiang Xiaobai’s words were poked into Jiang Tieshan's heart, although his old workers said they were retired.

  But every family has a lot of things, helping with grandchildren, and some even go out to work, and earn some money to subsidize the family.

  When ordinary people retire, they live a day and work a day, and the family's money is not enough.

  After retiring, although I am receiving a retirement salary, but I can make some money outside, I still have to make money outside. No one can like Jiang Tieshan, completely without work.

  I’m resting at home, with a nanny taking care of my daily life, so I don’t have to worry about it at all.

   "Go, dad, live for a while, if you are not used to living, come back again." Jiang Xiaobai said.

  Jiang Tieshan obviously made Jiang Xiaobai persuade him to be a little moved, but he did not directly agree to it, just saying that he was considering it.

  Jiang Xiaobai understands, the old man is a bit unable to pull his face off, the previous statement is too firm, and now it is not suitable to want to go back and forth.

  Jiang Xiaobai understood the thoughts in the old man's heart, and no longer said much, and talked about other things with Jiang Tieshan.

  In the afternoon, Jiang Xiaobai did not go back, but chatted with his father. In the evening, Jiang Xiaobai accompanied his father Jiang Tieshan to dinner before going home.

   When they returned home, the two children were already asleep, and Zhao Xinyi was still cleaning the house with Li Lan.

  "Xiaobai is back, have you eaten yet?" Zhao Xinyi asked, Jiang Xiaobai came back very early today.

   "I have eaten it, I ate it at Dad's. Haven't I finished it yet?" Jiang Xiaobai sat down and said.

   "Almost cleaned up? How is Dad's health? I will go to see Dad tomorrow." Zhao Xinyi said.

  Jiang Xiaobai shook his head: "I'm not in good health. There is no way for me to fall into the factory."

   "By the way, I am going to find a nursing home for the old man, and let him live in it for a period of time. You can also persuade me in the past tomorrow."

   Jiang Xiaobai said, Zhao Xinyi nodded, stopped her hand movements, sat down on the sofa, and waved at Li Lan at the same time.

  "Xiao Li, come and rest. Don’t do it. There is nothing to do at home now. Tomorrow you will go home to celebrate the New Year. I will call you before the end of the New Year, and you will come back. Let’s go back together."

  Zhao Xinyi said, Jiang Xiaobai also nodded: "Yes, Xiao Li is on holiday, so let's go back. Wait a minute."

   Jiang Xiaobai said that he got up and went into the house and gave Li Lan five thousand yuan. Li Lan’s salary was basically paid at the beginning of every month.

  "When I go back, buy some clothes and nutrition for my parents, and the rest is a red envelope." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

  Li Lan looked at it and hesitated: "Brother Jiang, this money is too much."

"It's okay, it's been a year, just take it for you." Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand. He and Zhao Xinyi were very busy. The family's affairs depended on Li Lan. So although five thousand yuan is a lot, Li Lan The price is also worth the price.

   "Okay, then thank you." Li Lan didn't refuse any more, but took it over.

On the twenty-fourth of the twelfth lunar month, Jiang Xiaobai was taking the child at home. Li Lan had already gone back on vacation, and Zhao Xinyi went to see Father Jiang.

   "Ting bell." Jiang Xiaobai's phone rang, and Jiang Xiaobai held her daughter to answer the phone. It was Liu Aiguo.

   "Patriotic, you are back, okay, no problem, you can sit down at a certain time." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

   "Okay, then I will contact Wang Xiaojun." After Liu Aiguo finished speaking, he hung up the phone. He was the head of a branch of the overseas Huahai Automobile Factory.

When    came back, I just sat down with Jiang Xiaobai and Wang Xiaojun.

  It was almost noon when Zhao Xinyi came back. This was the liberation of Jiang Xiaobai.

On the twenty-eighth of the twelfth lunar month, Jiang Xiaobai’s family drove out to buy New Year’s goods. Dragon City looked like it hadn’t changed a bit during the year. It was still like that. All day long, such as coal mining and steel making, the entire sky looked gray. It seems that there is no trace of color.

   "There seems to be no change?" Zhao Xinyi said with some emotion.

   Jiang Xiaobai said: "It's not like, but it's, there is no change at all."

  Zhao Xinyi and Jiang Xiaobai stay in the magic city all day, and they have been used to the rapid development of the magic city.

  Suddenly returning to Dragon City, I suddenly felt the gap.

  Zhao Xinyi sighed and felt sorry for the speed of her hometown's development, but she understood why Jiang Xiaobai insisted on relocating the company to the magic city. The development speed of the magic city is indeed not comparable to that of Longcheng, an inland city.

  If Huaqing Holding Group continues to stay in Longcheng, it is estimated that after a few years, the same development will be a lot worse than other companies.

This is not to say that hard work is not a problem, but the local economic level is not good, which will cause obstacles to the development of local enterprises. Of course, small companies cannot see it because the upper limit of development is still very high, but like Huaqing Holdings Group It's different for a large company.

  Economic policies, talents, location advantages, etc. will all become factors restricting the development of enterprises.

  (End of this chapter)

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