Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1830: Three men can have a play

  Chapter 1830 Three men can also play a show

   On the twenty-eighth afternoon, Yin Xiaoyin returned from the magic city, and she was also on vacation.

   On the twenty-ninth morning, Yin Xiaojun also came back. His school had already closed for a long time. Taking advantage of the early time of the holiday, he went to work-study program in Beijing.

  He called Jiang Xiaobai about this matter, and Jiang Xiaobai asked Yin Xiaojun why it was a work-study program?

  If it’s because of money, it’s not necessary at all. Let’s not talk about monthly living expenses, Jiang Xiaobai will give it a lot.

  What's more, there is Yin Xiaoyin. Yin Xiaoyin is now working and making a lot of money.

  I will give my younger brother Yin Xiaojun a little every month. Yin Xiaojun is not short of money at school.

  In other words, since the siblings followed Jiang Xiaobai, Jiang Xiaobai has never let the two of them lack money to spend.

  Yin Xiaojun and Jiang Xiaobai said it was to exercise themselves, and Jiang Xiaobai agreed.

  Work-study training during college, Jiang Xiaobai felt that there was nothing wrong with it, and sooner or later he would go to society.

  Being able to exercise during college, knowing how hard it is to make money, there is nothing wrong with it.

On the twenty-ninth night of the twelfth lunar month, at Jiang Xiaobai's house, Liu Aiguo and Wang Xiaojun's family came as guests.

  I have been abroad for a long time, and Liu Aiguo has gained a lot of weight.

  Wang Xiaojun still looks like that, wearing a tunic suit, quite satisfactory, but he doesn’t know what he puts on his eyes.

  Both of them brought their wives and children, and came here early to help with cooking.

  The children are playing in the room, and Yin Xiaojun and Yin Xiaoyin are taking the children to play. Jiang Xiaobai and others are relieved.

   Jiang Xiaobai, Wang Xiaojun, and Liu Aiguo were drinking tea and chatting in the living room.

  "The weather in the north is too cold in winter. It is not an exaggeration to say that if you go out in winter, it is useless to wear a thicker body.

  Ears, nose and mouth must be covered, otherwise they can really freeze your ears.

  There is a young man in our factory. He drank too much at night and slept on the side of the road. The whole person was frozen the next morning. "Liu Aiguo complained about the weather in the north.

  It may be that the extremely cold temperature in winter gave birth to the wildness of the fighting nation.

   "If you are peeing outside, do you need to keep shaking, otherwise, won't it be frozen?" Wang Xiaojun laughed and joked.

  Although he was in the unit, it was a bit boring because of the system's internal reasons, but he had a small chat with Jiang Xiaobai and Liu Aiguo.

   "Haha, Xiaojun, please check his spare parts for Paiguo to see if there is anything frozen." Jiang Xiaobai also said jokingly.

  The three men have already married and established a business, but they are still playing around together.

   "By the way, I heard that Xiaojun, you have been promoted?" Liu Aiguo asked.

   "What promotion? It's just a small director, it's not worth mentioning.

  I have a classmate who will stay in Beijing after graduation. Guess what level you are now? "When Wang Xiaojun said it, he was full of envy.

  "What level?" Liu Aiguo said.

  "A serious departmental bureau, there is still a long way to go from the deputy office.

  Where do you say it makes sense..." Wang Xiaojun's words were full of complaints.

   "Okay, you are the upper deputy who can at least be enough, you think about those who have been at the department level all their lives." Liu Aiguo soothed.

  Jiang Xiaobai also nodded. Actually, Wang Xiaojun's age, just in his early thirties, is able to go to the deputy, and the progress is not slow.

  If it is placed in later generations, there are many people who are envious, but college students at this time are generally valued.

  This speed is normal, as compared with other students in Beijing, it is completely unnecessary.

  It is the political center of the whole country. Someone joked that a brick in the capital could knock down a bunch of department-level cadres. This statement is a bit exaggerated.

  But it also illustrates a problem from the side, that is, there are really many leaders in Beijing.

  In fact, this is mainly because the level of other people’s units is good.

  If the level of the unit is high, it will naturally rise quickly. This is a normal phenomenon.

  There is nothing comparable, and there is nothing to be jealous of. If you are to blame, you are not capable of that.

  Wang Xiaojun nodded: "Actually, I mean to complain.

  Usually there are no people talking to each other in the work unit, so you have to think twice if you don’t say anything.

  But it can’t be boring day after day, year after year.

  Unlike your experience, Lao Liu is now the director of the branch factory.

   In charge of so many people, not to mention Xiaobai, just me..."

  Wang Xiaojun obviously hadn’t drunk, but only drank tea, but he was already half drunk.

  Speaking, she became more and more excited.

  "Why don't you come out and do something." Liu Aiguo gave an idea, of course, he didn't mention the matter of the Huaqing Holding Group.

  The current Huaqing Holding Group is not a small workshop for educated youth cans.

  He is now just the deputy director of a branch of an automobile factory, and he does not have that right to send this invitation.

  "Come out, what can I do?" Wang Xiaojun shook his head.

  "Come to me, I will definitely not treat you badly." Jiang Xiaobai sent out an invitation.

  Wang Xiaojun was a little moved, but he shook his head and refused.

  Although he complained about the bad company, but this is where he has struggled for more than ten years, and he has come to today.

   really let him leave this comfort zone, he must be reluctant to bear it.

  Jiang Xiaobai saw Wang Xiaojun's refusal, and no longer persuaded him.

  Wang Xiaojun’s situation is not the same as Liu Aiguo's. Liu Aiguo's kind of thing is unhappy in the unit.

  In addition, the child was sick and had no money, so he came out.

  But Wang Xiaojun's situation is not bad in the unit, but it looks a bit worse than those who are better.

  As a small leader, he is also respected in the unit.

  So Wang Xiaojun just complained.

  Of course, it is true to say that they envy Jiang Xiaobai and Liu Aiguo, because the two of them are really good now.

  Even Liu Aiguo is now many times better than when he was in the unit.

After the meal was finished, everyone went to the table for dinner. The topic of the conversation just now was not mentioned again. Instead, it talked about the parents’ shortcomings, and some things in the past, about the children’s study and life, about the days and childhood in Jianhua Village. thing.

  Men are unwilling to bring work matters to the house. Liu Aiguo is like this and Jiang Xiaobai is like this.

  Wang Xiaojun, a person who is not as good as his childhood hair, of course, will not take the initiative to talk about work at the dinner table.

  (End of this chapter)

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