Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1851: National Enterprise Defense War

  Chapter 1851 National Enterprise Defense War

  On April 1, 1995, Modu Daily published an article.

The author of the signature is Jiang Xiaobai, chairman of Huaqing Holding Group.

  The title of the article is "Huaqing Declaration". The article pointed out that the national enterprise has reached a critical time. In order to protect the national enterprise, the Huaqing Holding Group is ready to formally declare war on foreign capital.

  Jiang Xiaobai is still very appealing in China, and the situation is really urgent at this time, so Jiang Xiaobai’s declaration can be regarded as arousing thousands of waves.

  Following, Lian Xiang of Beijing issued a notice and published an article "Lian Xiang and the Allied Forces Fighting the Market" in the "Business News".

President Zhang of Haier said in an interview with reporters: "Competing with multinational capital, even if you die, Haier will die to the last."

  TTL President Li said that the group will be a "death squad" that serves the country by industry. He himself is the "death squad", as well as Changhong, and started to be a price butcher.

  On April 2, when Jiang Xiaobai was interviewed by the Modu and Beijing media, he said: “We, Huaqing Group, must stand at the forefront of this national enterprise defense battle.

  If we die once in this defense battle, let us die first. "

  The entire public opinion atmosphere of defending national enterprises has all been heated up.

  Even the health care product industry has adopted the theme of "revitalizing national industry".

  In the whole country in April, the slogan of national industry was basically used by various enterprises.

  Wait until the end of April, as if all companies are ready.

It was also the first shot that Jiang Xiaobai fired. Home and Beverage organized activities across the country, giving away the 100th box of beverages, 1000th box of beverages, 10th million box of beverages, and 100,000th box of beverages from this event. Revitalizing national enterprises.

  Huaqing Electric also cooperates with various power plants in various cities to reduce prices for promotion. Some home appliances are even directly reduced by a quarter, a third, or even a half.

  Changxingju Real Estate Company took out ten houses and gave them to outstanding domestic workers in various industries.

  There is also a clothing factory, which also launched activities, specifically targeting foreign brands, and engaging in promotional activities.

   Jiang Xiaobai and Huaqing Holding Group were the first companies to eat crabs, or the first companies to declare war against foreign countries.

  The sales of the entire company have increased greatly, and at this time, the car design drawings of the SAIC Huahai Automobile Plant also came out.

  The design scheme of SAIC Huahai Automobile Plant continues the shape of Huachi Automobile, a Huahai Automobile Plant in the north of the country.

  Only in the interior, there are many changes, and there are changes in the lights, wheels and so on.

   is basically still a square shape, Jiang Xiaobai looked very satisfied.

  Many of the original cars were round shapes, but in the past few years, all the angular shapes are the most popular.

  "How much is the price of this car?" Jiang Xiaobai asked, taking a picture of the design.

   "Our cost here is more than 50,000 yuan, and the tentative price is 100,000 yuan." Mao Zhenghua said while looking at the design drawings.

  "One hundred thousand yuan." Jiang Xiaobai nodded: "The price is just right, but in addition to this car, we also need to make a high-end car.

  Don’t let people think of our Huahai car as a low-end model. "

   "Okay." Mao Zhenghua nodded. They also have this plan.

  However, there is no plan for the time being. If SAIC Huahai Automobile Factory wants to gain a foothold in China, the most important thing is to have a best-selling model.

   To put it bluntly, it is for the masses, mainly for sales.

   "Okay, so let's do it, you make sure, if there is no problem, you can produce it." Jiang Xiaobai nodded and said.

  Song Xin knocked on the door and came in. Jiang Xiaobai looked up at Song Xin and asked, "What's the matter? Something?"

  "It is a message from Taikang that it will open in Beijing two days later. I would like to invite you to participate in it. Besides, the home delivery service is also waiting for you to open." Song Xin said while looking at Jiang Xiaobai.

   "Go to the capital, forget it, there is no time recently." Jiang Xiaobai thought for a while and shook his head. He didn't want to go out recently.

  And he didn't think it was a big deal.

  But Song Xin did not leave, instead she sat aside and waited for Jiang Xiaobai to talk about things.

   "Haha." Jiang Xiaobai smiled, did not care, but continued to discuss the car factory with Zhang Weiyi.

   "When we were abroad, Liu Jian and I talked about the automobile factory. The model produced by the overseas Huahai Automobile Factory is called Huachi Automobile.

  In order to make a distinction, the cars produced by our domestic joint venture automobile factory are called Huahai Automobile.

  As for the logo, I think it is possible to continue to use the Huachi car's trademark, three bars, what do you think? "

   "I have no opinion, it is good." Mao Zhenghua said, although he said he was the head of Huahai Automobile Plant.

   and holds a small share of SAIC Huahai Automobile Plant, but Jiang Xiaobai has the final say.

  Especially now, they have just established SAIC Huahai Automobile Plant, which is the first model.

  The reputation of the SAIC Huahai Automobile Plant, whether it can make a name for itself across the country, depends on how this first model is going.

  It’s a big deal. Needless to say, Jiang Xiaobai didn’t delegate power to him. Even if power was delegated, he would take the initiative to come over and ask Jiang Xiaobai’s opinion.

  If it messed up, he couldn't afford this kind of thing.

  Especially at this juncture, Huaqing Holding Group is still at the forefront of the defense war of protecting national enterprises, and it cannot tolerate any difference.

  Otherwise, it is not only the matter of their Huahai Automobile Plant, but also a huge influence on Jiang Xiaobai’s own reputation.

  The two people started talking about the way of propaganda and production issues.

  I forgot the time when I started talking, and it was the lunch time that the conversation between the two people was over.

  Jiang Xiaobai looked up and realized that Song Xin hadn't left and was still waiting.

  "You are still here. I’m sorry, I forgot. So it’s just noon. Let’s have a meal together.

  How about eating and talking when you have something? "Jiang Xiaobai stretched her waist and asked.

  Mao Zhenghua is of course no problem. Being able to have a meal with Jiang Xiaobai is not to say that it is very desirable, but it is also a way to pull in the relationship.

  When there was a meeting before, there were so many company leaders, but there were only two elderly people who were able to go to Jiang Xiaobai’s house for dinner that day.

  These newcomers, although Jiang Xiaobai also pays attention to them, they don’t have that kind of cordial feeling, and their private relationships and friendships are much worse than those of the old people.

  (End of this chapter)

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