Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1852: Business godfather

   Chapter 1852 The Godfather of Business

  Sometimes it seems to be a matter of friendship.

  China is a society of human relations. Sometimes there may be a little personal friendship, and many mistakes can be tolerated.

  Don’t talk about other things, last year’s Sun Jianyun was very embarrassed because one thing was not handled properly.

  But if you are like Wang Chao or Wang Meng, you will be scolded privately by Jiang Xiaobai, and you will wipe your **** in the end.

  So it's the same for him. If you can pull in a little relationship, of course, it's better to pull in a little relationship.

  One of his advantages over others is that his wife is Zhao Xiaojin, and he has a good relationship with Jiang Xiaobai.

  At the critical moment, there is really something wrong, and the wife can help herself when she comes forward.

   Although Zhao Xiaojin entered the company for less time than other people like Wang Chao, Wang Meng, and brothers who started a business together.

   But in terms of feelings, because it is Jiang Xiaobai’s secretary, it is not bad, even Jiang Xiaobai has often said that Zhao Xiaojin is the younger sister.

  Song Xin is of course even more indifferent, and she doesn’t know about Mao Zhenghua’s mental activities.

  The relationship between her and Jiang Xiaobai did not pay attention to these problems at all, and she would not understand Mao Zhenghua’s concerns and thoughts.

   "Dong Jiang, I came back to the company because you visited the cottage and invited me back." As soon as I sat down in the restaurant, Song Xin looked at Jiang Xiaobai and said.

   "Stop, stop." Jiang Xiaobai said with a black line: "When have I visited the thatched cottage? As soon as I invited you, you agreed.

  I see you have a bad life in the capital, so that's why..."

   "Why not? You forgot how you begged me, saying that this investment company can only rest assured if I am responsible..." Song Xin said with staring eyes.

  Jiang Xiaobai looked up, and said helplessly: "Okay, okay, I'll take it, you can tell, what do you want to do?"

  Song Xin nodded, gave him a look that was similar, and said, “I’m the one you got to be in charge of the investment company, the Taikang project and the home delivery project..."

  Song Xin didn't finish, Jiang Xiaobai understood it, and said, "Okay, okay, I see.

  Go whenever you say, OK. "

   "It's about the same." Song Xin nodded in satisfaction.

   Mao Zhenghua looked a little envious, when will he be able to joke with Jiang Xiaobai so unscrupulously.

  However, it is estimated that this goal is impossible, and some things are set at the beginning.

  Except for the friendship formed at the end of the day, it is impossible to surpass it later.

  After dinner, Song Xin went to Zhao Xiaojin to arrange Jiang Xiaobai’s itinerary.

  Jiang Xiaobai’s itinerary is now basically in charge of Zhao Xiaojin.

   Normally, if you want to arrange your itinerary, not to mention half a month, at least one week in advance.

  Song Xin now wants to arrange Jiang Xiaobai’s itinerary, and she needs to disrupt Jiang Xiaobai’s itinerary and push off part of it.

  This is also the reason why Jiang Xiaobai was reluctant to participate in the first place. It was not a special situation. Jiang Xiaobai was not willing to disrupt the schedule suddenly.

  On Labor Day, May 1, 1995, Jiang Xiaobai appeared at the opening of Beijing Taikang Insurance Company.

  And speaking, not many people came to the opening ceremony. Although Chen Dongsheng has been in Beijing for a long time, he is still a newcomer in the market.

  If it weren’t for knowing that Jiang Xiaobai was coming, it’s estimated that fewer people came to the opening ceremony than there are now.

   "Dong Jiang, you have time whenever you see, I want to treat you to a meal."

   "Jiang Dong, do you have time at night? I booked a box at Jian Guo Hotel..."

  Many guests came for Jiang Xiaobai. After the opening ceremony, one by one invited Jiang Xiaobai.

   Although Jiang Xiaobai is not the richest man in China, he invested in Hope Group and brought out the richest man, so many people call Jiang Xiaobai the "Godfather" in private.

  The godfather of business!

  So I don’t know how many business people want to meet Jiang Xiaobai and want to have a meal with Jiang Xiaobai.

  Although Jiang Xiaobai did not auction his own dinner like Buffett.

   But for everyone, Jiang Xiaobai is!

  Some time ago, there was a little man who worked as a yellow page in Beijing. He said that he had received investment from Jiang Xiaobai, and Jiang Xiaobai advertised on their website.

  In a few days, millions of investment companies were attracted, and advertising expenses were also collected by millions.

  This is the effect. The emergence of the Forbes ranking has made the Liu brothers of Hope Group the first richest man in China.

  But it also made Jiang Xiaobai, the godfather who made the richest man.

  In addition to the defense war of national enterprises some time ago, Jiang Xiaobai brushed his face fiercely.

  Now Jiang Xiaobai is said to be the hottest character in the market.

   "Sorry, let's go, another day, another day, I have time, I invite everyone to dinner," Jiang Xiaobai refused with a smile.

  He came to the capital for a business trip because of Song Xin’s repeated invitations. Otherwise, he would not come to the capital at all.

  I’m here, it’s just to attend an opening ceremony. Where would I go to have dinner with a group of people?

  Let’s not talk about eating too much, and then lowering one’s worth for no reason, not to mention what demands people make when eating.

  You promise, basically it’s impossible. If you don’t agree, you will offend others.

  So Jiang Xiaobai didn't go to participate at all.

   "Jiang Dong, how annoying you look like this, there is no chance for others to want this." Song Xin cou said in Jiang Xiaobai's ear.

  As famous as Jiang Xiaobai, wherever he goes, there are people rushing to invite dinner, and some people want to listen to the teachings.

  I don’t know that the goal of many people is to become someone like Jiang Xiaobai, but Jiang Xiaobai didn’t have any enjoyment, but was rather disgusted.

   "You want it, this opportunity is for you." Jiang Xiaobai said silently.

  "I don’t have this interest. Besides, it’s not mine to let me, I just want it, and I have to rely on my own strength.

  One day when people mention our investment company, they can think of me,

  Any project can be turned into gold after passing through my hands, making a lot of money.

  Invest a project to succeed in a project, invest in a company to go public and a company.

  How many people want to see me with investment projects,

  Squatting at the door of the house for three days and three nights, just for three minutes, let me listen to their thoughts.

  How many colleagues, arrange people to follow my trend 24 hours a day, and want to know which industry and company I am interested in..."

  Song Xin said, with an inexplicable yearning on her face.

  This is her own achievement, this is the life she wants.

   "Nu Pen." Jiang Xiaobai gave Song Xin a thumbs up, as if he saw a big man in the investment industry rising.

  (End of this chapter)

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