Chapter 1877

  In the next two days, Jiang Xiaobai took a business trip team to play outside all day, and there was no point in talking about it.

  Now, Lu Guoxiong and Manager Zhou can be stunned, including President Chen of the Red Road Group.

  I thought that Jiang Xiaobai would speed up the negotiation process when he came. After all, is the big boss? The right to decide is better.

   Doing things will not be too tedious, but I did not expect that after Jiang Xiaobai came, not only did not speed up the progress of the negotiation, but directly stopped the negotiation.

  This makes people wonder, what is Jiang Xiaobai doing?

  Lu Guoxiong and Manager Zhou talked in the office for an afternoon.

   "Could it be said that Huaqing Holding Group has changed its strategy? Are you worried about us?" Lu Guoxiong guessed.

  This possibility does not mean that there is no, or that only this possibility can explain the recent events and Jiang Xiaobai's series of abnormal behaviors.

  Lu Guoxiong and Manager Zhou sat in the office and analyzed for a long time. I think this is very likely.

  After reaching this conclusion, the two of them couldn't sit still. Only if there is competition, they can make a profit.

  If Jiang Xiaobai gave up the Wanglao level, there is only one red road group left to choose.

  Moreover, Jiang Xiaobai was offended because of this. There is no need at all.

   "It's almost off work now. Otherwise, let's call Jiang Xiaobai and invite them to dinner to test Jiang Xiaobai's ideas." Manager Zhou suggested.

  Lu Guoxiong had such an idea in his heart, but he was a little embarrassed.

  Before, he vowed to analyze that Jiang Xiaobai would invite them to dinner, but now it’s the other way around, and he wants to invite Jiang Xiaobai to dinner.

  Lu Guoxiong's more or less face can't hold back.

  As soon as Manager Zhou suggested, he quickly agreed.

   "Then, don't call anymore. Let's go to the guest house. It can be considered as a landlord, warm and hospitable!" Lu Guoxiong looked serious and serious.

  Manager Zhou wanted to laugh, warm and hospitable, why didn't Jiang Xiaobai pick up Jiang Xiaobai on the first day he came.

   Saying this now is nothing more than finding a reason for yourself.

  But Manager Zhou will definitely not dismantle, and it is two people who are embarrassed after dismantling.

  "Who was invited to dinner that night? Where is the Red Road Group?" Manager Zhou asked tentatively.

  Lu Guoxiong shook his head: "Forget about the Red Road Group, they are competitors after all.

  Jiang Xiaobai is young and energetic. When the time comes to eat, the tips of both sides will not be suitable for Maimang's. "

  At this time, Lu Guoxiong was very thoughtful, and he completely forgot the first time he put the Red Road Group directly on the dinner table.

   "President Lu is thoughtful and meticulous." Manager Zhou praised, and the two got up and walked outside the office.

  In the guest house, Jiang Xiaobai is calling the company headquarters to listen to the latest work report.

  "Dong Jiang, the computer company is ready, and you can open it when you come back, but although it has not yet opened, it is already preparing to start business.

   President Ni went to the capital and was discussing cooperation with some factories. "

  Jiang Xiaobai nodded: "Okay, whether it opens or not, it's just a situation, and it doesn't matter if you do it later.

  As long as it is ready, some preliminary business can be carried out. "

  "Well, President Ni reported that when he went to Beijing before, the opening ceremony and trial production could start together.

  At that time, we will directly promote our computers by the wind of opening. "Zhang Weiyi said.

  Jiang Xiaobai is happy, anyone who says technically has no management ability.

  It is a good idea to think of promoting products through the open media.

  The opening of the new company is also a product launch event.

   "Okay, then it seems that I have to stay in Yangcheng for a little longer time. You call Mr. Ni. Let him do a little better.

  After I go back, I will look at his plan for opening and new product release. "Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

  At this time, computers in China basically start from the assembly machine, and then OEM themselves.

  Slowly start to produce its own parts and components, and finally all of them are produced in their own factories.

   "Okay, I must tell Mr. Ni."

   Jiang Xiaobai and Zhang Weiyi were chatting, and the door of the room was knocked.

   Jiang Xiaobai chatted with Zhang Weiyi again, then hung up the phone and opened the door.

  Sun Jianyun walked in and said, "Dong Jiang, President Lu and President Zhou are here, and they said they want to invite us to dinner in the evening, do you think?"

  Lu Guoxiong took the initiative to treat guests to dinner, except for the treatment he had when he first came, since the Red Dao Group came, there has been no more.

  As a result, after playing for two days now, Lu Guoxiong and Zhou Zong actually came to invite them in person.

  It seems that Jiang Dong’s strategy is still very useful.

   "Hehe, eat, why don't someone treat you to dinner?" Jiang Xiaobai said.

  Cleaned up briefly, Jiang Xiaobai took Sun Jianyun and others downstairs.

   "Dong Jiang, I'm sorry. I have been busy with work these past two days. I haven't taken care of asking Jiang Xiaobai for a meal. Please Jiang Dong for your understanding."

  Lu Guoxiong said with a smile.

  Jiang Xiaobai shook his head: "Where, I understand, Mr. Lu is busy at work, and we also strolled around in Yangcheng. The scenery is very good..."

   Jiang Xiaobai enthusiastically talked about the experience of traveling in the past two days, and Lu Guoxiong was a little embarrassed.

  If it weren’t for him to know that the person in front of him is indeed Jiang Xiaobai, the chairman of the Huaqing Holding Group, he would be able to think that he is really a tourist expert, and he is a staff member of the scenic spot.

   "Haha, Jiang Dong is so leisurely."

  "The work is never finished. In this way, if President Lu has time, go to the magic city, I will arrange..."

  Lu Guoxiong smiled and promised to go next when he has time.

   said in his heart: "Go to a ghost, even if you go, you can't play like Jiang Xiaobai."

  Of course, the staff of state-owned enterprises can travel on business, and there is no problem with the opportunity to go out on business trips.

  But the ones who want to play are particularly hey, that is, the leading cadres have to worry about a little influence. It is impossible to say that the work has not been completed after going to the place, so they will take the team on business trips to play at various attractions and eat in the five-star hotel.

  That is to say, Jiang Xiaobai is a private enterprise, otherwise he would have been reported.

  A group of people came to the cafeteria’s private room to sit down while chatting.

  Jiang Xiaobai took a look around and asked, “Hey, what about President Chen of the Red Road Group, why didn’t he come over?”

  Lu Guoxiong and Mr. Zhou both were a little embarrassed, knowing that Jiang Xiaobai was targeting them on purpose.

   can only say with a little embarrassment: "Today is to entertain Jiang Dong specially."

   "Haha, that's too much for me, thank you, thank you!" Jiang Xiaobai said with a laugh.

  (End of this chapter)

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